
domains Outbound = Spamming (Really???)

Spaceship Spaceship


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TheDomains Staff
It seems like some domain investors continue to see outbound marketing as spam. It's a complicated topic: Outbound marketing needs to be done properly, making sure it does not violate the […]

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its not complicated
different folk different strokes
some invite jehovah witness for cookie and milk when they knock ..some show them a gun.

same with dn
same with everything else
The number one thing a domain investor should avoid is marketing to other domain investors.
wether Domain investor or endusers i think a lot would appreciate being contacted for opportunities, i just contacted one who have TheXXXX .com when XXXX . com was dropped i just contacted him to tell him that XXXX . com was dropped since 2009 because I am a customer of the brand he registered it at 10$ and send me 500$ without asking him nothing...
wether Domain investor or endusers i think a lot would appreciate being contacted for opportunities, i just contacted one who have TheXXXX .com when XXXX . com was dropped i just contacted him to tell him that XXXX . com was dropped since 2009 because I am a customer of the brand he registered it at 10$ and send me 500$ without asking him nothing...

This anecdote is worthy of its own thread

Thank you for sharing! :)
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Any unsolicited marketing can be considered spam no matter who is doing it. Emailing people double digit amount of times , shoot anything over twice is spammy whether it works or not. Maybe they are buying to get the guy to stop contact who knows 🤣

There are valid reasons so many seek to erradicate all the email, text and phone spam that effects everyone.There are valid reasons why people loathe marketers of any kind, especially the classic overkill type.

Smart marketing is more like a gentle tap on the shoulder than a ton of trash dumped on you with bugles playing in the background . People don’t like to be bothered or sold to. Times change, marketing needs to as well.
A very informative post @equity78 - thank you.
Anyone even considering outbound should read carefully all the requirements you clearly cover.
Interesting view re domainer to domainer. I am not sure I would go as far as never, but I am surprised, and disappointed, how often people suggest to me names in sectors I never have had any interest whatsoever in, in fact sometimes even in areas that I personally have publicly stated I do not invest in.
Thanks again.
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It is only spam if it is from a third world country in broken English.

Email with a signature like:

Jim M Donahue

And it is outreach.
Any unsolicited marketing can be considered spam no matter who is doing it. Emailing people double digit amount of times , shoot anything over twice is spammy whether it works or not. Maybe they are buying to get the guy to stop contact who knows 🤣

There are valid reasons so many seek to erradicate all the email, text and phone spam that effects everyone.There are valid reasons why people loathe marketers of any kind, especially the classic overkill type.

Smart marketing is more like a gentle tap on the shoulder than a ton of trash dumped on you with bugles playing in the background . People don’t like to be bothered or sold to. Times change, marketing needs to as well.

People are sold to every day in many ways. I agree with you about the multiple contacts, that would be annoying. Now if the person is operating correctly there is link to note how to stop being contacted and if they don't the penalties under Can-Spam are great.

Most people loathe domain investors too, I was on a forum once where a pack of wolves were talking about how domain investors should be killed. Not stop the practice stop the living.

The bottom line is there is a right way to do outbound marketing and a wrong way.
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wether Domain investor or endusers i think a lot would appreciate being contacted for opportunities, i just contacted one who have TheXXXX .com when XXXX . com was dropped i just contacted him to tell him that XXXX . com was dropped since 2009 because I am a customer of the brand he registered it at 10$ and send me 500$ without asking him nothing...

No most domain investors don't appreciate it, there are private groups dedicated to ridiculing and or exposing people who email them. I would love to see the facts and details behind your story but if true it's an outlier.
The Definition of Spam
Associated Documents

Consumer Protection
Email Marketing FAQs
Mailers -v- Spammers
The word "Spam" as applied to Email means "Unsolicited Bulk Email".

Unsolicited means that the Recipient has not granted verifiable permission for the message to be sent. Bulk means that the message is sent as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantively identical content.
A message is Spam only if it is both Unsolicited and Bulk.

  • Unsolicited Email is normal email
    (examples: first contact enquiries, job enquiries, sales enquiries)

  • Bulk Email is normal email
    (examples: subscriber newsletters, customer communications, discussion lists)
Technical Definition of Spam

An electronic message is "spam" if (A) the recipient's personal identity and context are irrelevant because the message is equally applicable to many other potential recipients; AND (B) the recipient has not verifiably granted deliberate, explicit, and still-revocable permission for it to be sent.

Understanding the Spam Issue

Spam is an issue about consent, not content. Whether the Unsolicited Bulk Email ("UBE") message is an advert, a scam, porn, a begging letter or an offer of a free lunch, the content is irrelevant - if the message was sent unsolicited and in bulk then the message is spam.

Spam is not a sub-set of UBE, it is not "UBE that is also a scam or that doesn't contain an unsubscribe link". All email sent unsolicited and in bulk is Spam.

This distinction is important because legislators spend inordinate amounts of time attempting to regulate the content of spam messages, and in doing so come up against free speech issues, without realizing that the spam issue is solely about consent.

Various jurisdictions have implemented legislation to control what they call "spam". One particular example is US S.877 (CAN-SPAM Act 2004). Each law addresses "spam" in different ways, and as a consequence, often has different definitions of what they cover, whether they call it "spam" or not. Spamhaus uses the industry standard definition "Unsolicited Bulk Email" which underlines that "it's not about content, it's about consent". As such, arguments as to whether Unsolicited Bulk Email messages are covered under CAN-SPAM or are compliant with CAN-SPAM, are entirely irrelevant.

Important facts about Unsolicited Bulk Email:

(1) The sending of Unsolicited Bulk Email ("UBE") is banned by all Internet service providers worldwide.

(2) Spamhaus's anti-spam blocklist, the SBL, used by more than 3 Billion Internet users, is based on the internationally-accepted definition of Spam as "Unsolicited Bulk Email". Therefore anyone sending UBE on the Internet, regardless of whether the content is commercial or not, illegal or not, is a sender of spam - and thus a spammer. All senders of UBE need to be fully aware that (A) they are breaking their ISP's Terms of Business contracts and they will lose their Internet accounts and access if they send UBE and (B) they will be placed on the Spamhaus Block List (SBL) if they send UBE.

No most domain investors don't appreciate it, there are private groups dedicated to ridiculing and or exposing people who email them. I would love to see the facts and details behind your story but if true it's an outlier.
I sent you the details plz keep privacy thanks
it's still good it is only spam
outreach = spam
or you prefer
outbound = phishing?
= ransomware attack
= social hack
People are sold to every day in many ways. I agree with you about the multiple contacts, that would be annoying. Now if the person is operating correctly there is link to note how to stop being contacted and if they don't the penalties under Can-Spam are great.

Most people loathe domain investors too, I was on a forum once where a pack of wolves were talking about how domain investors should be killed. Not stop the practice stop the living.

The bottom line is there is a right way to do outbound marketing and a wrong way.

Yes people are sold to every day and 90 percent of it is ignored when its unsolicited. Commercials muted, ads blocked, emails marked as spam and never read, callers blocked.

Since we are “loathed” we need to be even more cautious in what we present. Look if it works for some good for them but I don’t see only outbounding domains as sustainable. It puts you in the weaker position automatically IF you get your foot in the door -and thats a big IF. You also risk being blacklisted for being a spammer.

The other domainers,I get and am sure most get daily emails from desperados trying to sell a similar name. But in reality, we all market to other domainers with larger wallets than us (whether we know it or not) so I don’t really agree with the statement entirely.
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Any unsolicited marketing can be considered spam no matter who is doing it. Emailing people double digit amount of times , shoot anything over twice is spammy whether it works or not. Maybe they are buying to get the guy to stop contact who knows 🤣

If I received a polite mail offering me a domain, I would probably just archive it or delete it. But If I received a follow-up to that e-mail, I would definitely mark it as spam. There's only so much that one can get away with... :xf.rolleyes:
If I received a polite mail offering me a domain, I would probably just archive it or delete it. But If I received a follow-up to that e-mail, I would definitely mark it as spam. There's only so much that one can get away with... :xf.rolleyes:
But the money is in the follow up :)
CASL is a new anti-spam law that will apply to all electronic messages (i.e. email, texts) organizations send in connection with a “commercial activity.” Its key feature requires Canadian and global organizations that send commercial electronic messages (CEMs) within, from or to Canada to receive consent from recipients before sending messages.
not that I condone spamming. I always wondered exactly how people trying to sell me domains that are expiring or are at auction can contact me once and I send them to spam box and then a different email sends me the same email word for word.

How do they do it? easy.

you can buy packs of 100-1000 of email addresses. you can even pay a little more for aged email address.

All are phone verified.

want to send out bulk emails trying to sell a domain? use a purchased email address that only cost you 10 cents per email address.

10 cents to send out spam with complete anonymity to say 100,000+ people?

wouldn't you spend that? to spam safely?

The problem is no matter how anonymous your methods. ultimately you will expose yourself via the domain you promote. even if you have privacy on it.

If the domain is hosted somewhere? or is at an auction platform? Think platforms won't snitch on you?

And then of course the people you are spamming can report you to Google. Ever wonder why a domain gets blacklisted? There you go.

word the email like below.

"hey buddy. I'm a domainer like you. I know you have domains with similar keywords as the auction below. I've been keeping my eye on it for a couple days. I put a bid on it. You might want to throw a bid on it. It's so cheap right now."


Always avoid trying to sell your own domain or promoting your own domain. That's 100% spam.

But word things like you were interested in purchasing a domain and just wanted to share it to a friend or complete stranger????? blah blah blah.

lol probably still is spam. well at least the email address is a throwaway right?

or word the email like you are interested in their own domain name just be creative.

Me? I wouldn't risk it even though I'd know how to do it. I just use Linkedin and have my connections make the introductions. I can honestly say with my 19,000+ followers on there that whenever I come across someone on there I have not connected with and want to contact about a domain 9 times outta 10 I have a connection who is connected to them somehow. at least 2 or 3. This is the best way to get around not knowing someone and contacting them out of the blue to sell a domain.

Reputation is EVERYTHING in this wacky business called Domaining.

also............if banks like Capital One or super private or supposedly private sites like Ashley Madison gets data breaches.

what makes you believe sites like Namejet or Godaddy or Sedo won't or hasn't already had data breaches?

Think there isn't a database for all the emails of their user's accounts?

Think again! It's probably all on the darkweb.

This is how they get our email addresses even if our domains have whois privacy since day one.
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wether Domain investor or endusers i think a lot would appreciate being contacted for opportunities, i just contacted one who have TheXXXX .com when XXXX . com was dropped i just contacted him to tell him that XXXX . com was dropped since 2009 because I am a customer of the brand he registered it at 10$ and send me 500$ without asking him nothing...

I have offered this advice with a varying degree of results.

From a big thank you to a pile of free gifts mailed to me to an angry psycho accusing me of stealing his domain.
i believe that you can contact domainers to sell a domain but you can't ask enduser price and you should check if they have interest in what you are offering.

example if i own an LLLL.com that i want to liquidate at wholesale price I can email other domainers that I know are buying LLLL.com
for sure I would not send 3 follows up and trying to be salesy because i know that if there is interest i'll get a quick reply.
u guys know that a good 50% of names domainers spam us with are not even regged yet...next time check...happened to me ton of times..

check for fun..do not reg of course. they are not even worth the regfee.. let alone the 100s they ask for lol
The number one thing a domain investor should avoid is marketing to other domain investors.

Even on NamePros, i got warning from Mods :xf.rolleyes:
i just sent pm to another member about my domain is for sale, and he report me.
even though I only do outbound, the knowledge I got from here
CASL is a new anti-spam law that will apply to all electronic messages (i.e. email, texts) organizations send in connection with a “commercial activity.” Its key feature requires Canadian and global organizations that send commercial electronic messages (CEMs) within, from or to Canada to receive consent from recipients before sending messages.

I have read about CASL I think I did an article awhile back on don't send anything to Canadians unsolicited. You need to know the rules. Look I never had the time to outbound. But I hear complaints from 100's of people a year about no sales and what can I do? Don't spam, but find 1 or 2 names and try to contact a few prospects that make sense. Do it the right way and you need a thick skin like @karmaco said most don't like to be contacted.
Yes people are sold to every day and 90 percent of it is ignored when its unsolicited. Commercials muted, ads blocked, emails marked as spam and never read, callers blocked.

Since we are “loathed” we need to be even more cautious in what we present. Look if it works for some good for them but I don’t see only outbounding domains as sustainable. It puts you in the weaker position automatically IF you get your foot in the door -and thats a big IF. You also risk being blacklisted for being a spammer.

The other domainers,I get and am sure most get daily emails from desperados trying to sell a similar name. But in reality, we all market to other domainers with larger wallets than us (whether we know it or not) so I don’t really agree with the statement entirely.

I agree only outbounding is not sustainable, I think to be honest for many domaining is not sustainable, a lot of people don't own good, sellable domain names.

As far as other domainers I am talking about emailing them, I don't think most do that. If you offer them here sure there are people looking or there are domainers that look at Sedo or Afternic. But I would not send emails to Andrew Rosener hey you own the .com would you like the .co?
I sent you the details plz keep privacy thanks

Thank you of course I never publish or discuss anything someone sends me in private, I am sitting on two $1million sales.

I re read what you wrote and I see that you just helped out, you did not try to sell them anything so yes I think that's cool. I have done that with people I know, and they have always been nice, no one sending $500 hahahaha.
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