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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here:;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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I just undisliked sofiapartner's post.

I don't like that silly button anyway.

What's the first thing you think about here?


There are other bonds and other things important in a relationship.

First thing is where did you get (and why you have) such picture, John :)

---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 AM ----------

Oh brother. You don't need to be married to kiss in the street. And I feel sorry for your kids, hopefully they grow up and develop a mind of their own and not pass along the prejudices you're trying to instill in them. You do understand your kids will eventually have to go out in the real world and omg, they might see 2 women kissing. The horror.

I'm wondering what you tell them if they see that? Some hateful stuff?

It's funny people worrying about gay couples raising kids, when they'll probably be the most tolerant compared to some people in this thread, raising intolerant and hateful children.

Well, who knows what real world will be when ma kids would grown up. If Christians would be as weak as today, the Muslims would conquer (in a peaceful way) everything, and there would be no gays for sure :)
If Christians would be as weak as today, the Muslims would conquer (in a peaceful way) everything, and there would be no gays for sure :)
That's for sure and its happening in Europe already especially in large cities, with enormous quantities of illegal aliens arriving from mostly Muslim countries. And unlike westerners who average 1.3 or 1.4 children per couple, their average is 6 or 7. So at the present rate the Islamic peaceful invasion of Europe's big cities will take place very soon. Mohammed is already the most popular boy's name of the past five years for England and Wales.

In Islam, if a homosexual is found doing an act of homosexuality for the first time, he is set free on the condition that he repents to Allah and does not do it again. On the second and third time also the same, but on the fourth time if he is found, he is sentenced to death.

Islamic Women as most know by now don't have the kinds of freedoms and rights that western women have. Even having a forum with a thread like this one would be a NO NO. There will be very little tolerance from them towards Christians especially those weak ones who bend over to accommodate their demands.
Take a break from you right wring propaganda -

No, Muslims are not taking over the world

"By 2030, Muslims are expected to make up 8.2% of the UK's population, up from 4.6% in 2010."

So 17 years from now, 8.2% of the UK will be Muslim. And? They're all out to get you, better arm up?

"And unlike westerners who average 1.3 or 1.4 children per couple, their average is 6 or 7."

And that's not true. And you're proving what I've always said, just how susceptible you are to somebody on the internet making some bs article or video and you just eat it up without doing any research. How you're controlled by fear. They're going to come in, take over, enact Sharia law, all your lives will change, the gays better run for their lives, blah, blah, blah.

How about you link me to something official backing those numbers up? Can't can you. I know it's hard linking to imaginary stuff.

Debunking a YouTube hit
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Take a break from you right wring propaganda -

No, Muslims are not taking over the world

"By 2030, Muslims are expected to make up 8.2% of the UK's population, up from 4.6% in 2010."

So 17 years from now, 8.2% of the UK will be Muslim. And? They're all out to get you, better arm up?

"And unlike westerners who average 1.3 or 1.4 children per couple, their average is 6 or 7."

And that's not true. And you're proving what I've always said, just how susceptible you are to somebody on the internet making some bs article or video and you just eat it up without doing any research. How you're controlled by fear. They're going to come in, take over, enact Sharia law, all your lives will change, the gays better run for their lives, blah, blah, blah.

How about you link me to something official backing those numbers up? Can't can you. I know it's hard linking to imaginary stuff.

Debunking a YouTube hit

First of all, if you had read my post correctly you would have noticed that I said "at the present rate the Islamic peaceful invasion of Europe's big cities will take place very soon"

BIG CITIES... Capiche? Which in itself is still worrying as they openly say they will apply Sharia Law once they take full control of the cities.

Do you want to live under Sharia law in your own country? I sure as hell don't

Both the BBC and The Guardian are Liberal so its expected that their articles are gonna be politically correct and will never show the whole truth. Since I like to know the true stories I get my articles elsewhere.

What the BBC article fails to mention is the accelerated rate of illegal immigrants in the past few years, plus the high birth rates which will explode the Muslim population in Europe, when both are added. BTW I saw that Youtube hit for the first time a few minutes ago

There are so many illegals in Europe, that most governments don't even know for sure how many there are, which the Guardian and the Times don't mention either, so only the official figures are shown which obviously are much lower than the true figures.

Muslim Europe: the demographic time bomb transforming our continent
The EU is facing an era of vast social change and very few politicians are taking notice.
Both the BBC and The Guardian are Liberal so its expected that their articles are gonna be politically correct and will never show the whole truth. Since I like to know the true stories I get my articles elsewhere.

The EU is facing an era of vast social change and very few politicians are taking notice.

Everyone knows the Telegraph is conservative so its expected that their articles are gonna be politically leaning and will never show the whole truth. Since I like to know the true stories I get my articles elsewhere?

The Guardian is at least run with long standing editors in full control of content without owner interference.
"Do you want to live under Sharia law in your own country? I sure as hell don't"

Get a grip. Give crazy a day off every now and then, it's earned it.

You're not going to be living under any Sharia law. A lot of Muslims don't even like that, probably moreso the ones that immigrated over to Europe.
Texas students dress in burqas, taught to call Muslim terrorists ‘freedom fighters’

"The teacher reportedly told the students that she did not necessarily agree with the lessons –but she was required to teach the material."

That's disturbing.

This is the problem with bringing religion into public schools. The boundaries will always be pushed away from subtle group worship and turn into hanging pics or wearing burqas. These type of public displays are a distraction from the real lessons that should be taught in the classroom!
I remember once when I was 13 & I sucked down a full 2 liter bottle of Dew in one night (not day--it was night). I spent practically the entire night afterward in bed, tossing & turning, not knowing why I couldn't sleep. I didn't really sit down to think of it until later. When I did, something occurred to me: I had so much caffeine that night, I wasn't even able to close my eyes, let alone sleep.

Now, looking at politics, these assholes really are pretty simple-minded: at first, they'll do something totally stupid and then bad things happen. They get so foolish that they find random things to blame, being too stupid to realize that they themselves introduced their troubles. In this case, they're screwing things up but when push comes to shove, they'll play dumb & pretend they did something smart but it didn't work. (Did you ppl watch Terminator 3? Skynet wasn't the solution to find/destroy the virus. Skynet WAS the virus.)

Around the time of the caffeine incident, there was an episode of Beavis & But-head that showed the 2 wanting to reenact Ben Franklin's kite-flying experiment. It ended with the 2 getting injured. A reporter asked, "Why did you two pull this stunt?" They answered that they saw a guy on TV with a kite during a storm. A cross-reference was done on the shows on TV at that night. "The Frankklin experiment? No, wait... they couldn't have been that dumb. Okay, what else did you boy see?" "Uh.... we watched some music videos." "FASCINATING!" And with that, the reporter stated on the news that the 2 kids got injured while doing something they saw in a music video.

Do ppl ignore the real issues in real life? Sure they do. And do they try to find other scapegoats (sometimes to save face from the fact that they made the problem)? Yep. All politicians suck.

That's disturbing.

This is the problem with bringing religion into public schools. The boundaries will always be pushed away from subtle group worship and turn into hanging pics or wearing burqas. These type of public displays are a distraction from the real lessons that should be taught in the classroom!
We Ohioans are fickle.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — State Supreme Court justices sparred with lawyers on Wednesday in a heated hour of arguments over the extent to which a now-fired public school science teacher had the right to push his religious beliefs in class.

A lawyer for the school board that dismissed John Freshwater in 2011 said he waved a Bible at his students, handed out religious pamphlets and espoused creationism in his evolution lessons.;_ylv=3
"Freshwater also had been accused of using a science tool to burn students' arms with the image of a cross, but that allegation was resolved and was not a factor in his firing."

"The board, in its review, concluded Freshwater had used a high-frequency generator, which other teachers have used to demonstrate electrical current, to burn a cross onto a student's arm. The cross lasted a few weeks."

haha, damn
You may not have meant to, but you just insulted his parents. . . sort of like what the photo does to people of other religions, including those paying the taxes that help fund the school.

//random rambling

Bit late to the party but, I wasn't insulted. Don't worry about it! I got where he was coming from :)

My parents are Christians but told me from a young age that it was up to me to decide what I believed was the truth of life. I'm very grateful for them doing so as my other halfs family didn't do this and she often struggles deeply with her own beliefs - when her own beliefs don't match her Christian upbringing, it can be really challenging for her to accept her own thoughts.

I tend to dislike 'religion' as a concept but I agree with many its teachings, particularly through Buddhism but also Christianity and other religions. Most religions teach morality, forgiveness & such like, which is of course a good thing! The main reasons I don't like religion are that;

1) I don't believe in God, so I can't believe in a religion on that basis
2) I think many religious people don't actually follow their own religions properly. The Bible, for example, teaches you that you should not have prejudice against others - but the amount of Christians I have met that are unbelievably judgmental is crazy :guilty: I hate the 'holier than thou' attitude that many have
3) I don't like being told what I should or shouldn't believe, or preached to.
4) (and most importantly) I would be happy to believe in God or follow a religion if anyone could prove to me that God exists, Jesus existed, Muhammad, or whatever religion you want to choose. To this date, noone has proven anything to me and until then, I'll continue to believe what makes the most logical sense to me.

Having said that, I openly debate with others about religion. Being religious doesn't and shouldn't be who you are, it's just something you believe in and I'm not going to judge you for that. It's just not for me :guilty:

random rambling\\
Hmmm. . . chicken and egg, chicken and egg: Did religion come naturally from a Supreme source, passed on by burning bushes and validated by parting seas and storms of locusts, or was it made up by people trying to bring hope, guidance and sense into their fragile lives . . . or maybe with the ability to reason came the belief that it only made sense that our desire to live, our soul, had to go somewhere when our body died. To simply end seems like such a waste, but since eternal bliss can’t be proven, we became creatures of the carrot of heaven and the stick of hell, hope and despair. And while we were at it, we might as well make the carrot tasty enough to make it worth going to for eternity, which is a long, long, long time (don’t get me started…God may be time, after all).

Anyway, based on what I've seen, or perhaps not seen, I've got to go with people creating the creator. I have complete faith that a truly omnipotent, omniscient entity (stop and think about that for a minute) would never mess things up like they are now. And it's not the myth of "mysterious ways" that we made up to explain why we never see the Big Guy, I mean why would we? We're like the Ronco Set-it-and-forget-it rotisserie. He (for lack of a better term the encompasses something that can easily wad up the universe like a sheet of paper) is omniscient; he knows exactly what's going to happen to everything everywhere at any second or billions of years in the future (which must be incredibly boring). Why would something so mighty make our little flyspeck of a planet the figurative center of the sentient universe? Why would he need worshippers who only live a zillionth of blink of time's eye? God wouldn’t have an ego that is so fragile it needs little piss-ants like us to worship him. If he wanted worshippers (which I can't imagine he does), what does he get from what we have to offer? The adulation of a few billion truly stupid life forms who have nothing to offer except the expectation of eternal bliss? I mean, what do you give God for Christmas? He's omnipotent. If he wants to play cosmic battle chess with solar systems as pawns and the fate of billions of planets, stars and whatever else we have no idea about, that's what he'll do. But he’s omniscient and already knows the outcome, so what's the point? Just as he already knows everything about every human, past, present and future. Maybe the real reason we explain God’s absence by saying He moves in mysterious ways is that we’re insignificant, and an indifferent God is scarier than no God at all.
Jesus dies on Friday but don't worry....
we all get to eat lamb and hot cross buns!

I think he comes back on Monday.
Jesus dies on Friday but don't worry....
we all get to eat lamb and hot cross buns!

I think he comes back on Monday.
Jesus only takes 4 days off every year. Obama and his family take vacations every second month.

Lamb is also traditional over here over easter
"Obama and his family take vacations every second month."

Less than Reagan or Bush.
What does Obama have to do with Jesus?
"Obama and his family take vacations every second month."

Less than Reagan or Bush.
:laugh: I knew that would get you running to this thread at the speed of light. :laugh:

I really don't see how Reagan and Bush could possibly beat Obama in "time off". Prove it

Actually it appears that this year he's getting even better with an average of once a month ... so far. :wave:

Trend: Obamas Averaging A Vacation a Month
:laugh: I knew that would get you running to this thread at the speed of light. :laugh:

I really don't see how Reagan and Bush could possibly beat Obama in "time off". Prove it

Actually it appears that this year he's getting even better with an average of once a month ... so far. :wave:

Trend: Obamas Averaging A Vacation a Month

"President Obama took 131 vacation days in his first 4 years in office. That puts him on pace for 262 days during 8 years in the White House. By contrast Bush took 1,020 days (including a 5-week vacation–the longest by any President in nearly 4 decades), and Reagan took 484 days. Once again for the mathematically challenged, Obama is on pace to take fewer vacations than both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush."

Last time I looked, his daughters weren't elected/serving. But I guess it helps to fudge the numbers.

What does Obama have to do with Jesus?

God sent him along with Jesus to save the world.
"President Obama took 131 vacation days in his first 4 years in office. That puts him on pace for 262 days during 8 years in the White House. By contrast Bush took 1,020 days (including a 5-week vacation–the longest by any President in nearly 4 decades), and Reagan took 484 days. Once again for the mathematically challenged, Obama is on pace to take fewer vacations than both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush..

Jesus has been on holiday for 2000 years but it doesn't matter coz Obama is a Muslim ....
What does Obama have to do with Jesus?
Don't some lefties treat him like a God?

Anyway, back to Religion:

"An Alabama elementary school has banned the word “Easter” this year in order to respect religious diversity."

Read more:

D-: :| :-/. Someday they will have to re-write the dictionaries and ban the Bible. Just remove all those "offensive" words like Easter, Christmas, Christians, Jesus, etc. That should make Liberals really happy,... right?
Don't some lefties treat him like a God?

Anyway, back to Religion:

"An Alabama elementary school has banned the word “Easter” this year in order to respect religious diversity."

Read more:

D-: :| :-/. Someday they will have to re-write the dictionaries and ban the Bible. Just remove all those "offensive" words like Easter, Christmas, Christians, Jesus, etc. That should make Liberals really happy,... right?

Not a good time for Christians. Slow progress is happening. Gay marriage commeth, legalization of marijuana. Internet sites exposing the problems with bible/creation, new generations coming up less religious etc. And as this happens, you can see the anger/hatred coming out, being exposed, which helps the progress go even more quickly. The non-religious folk basically just getting tired of them trying to take away rights, keep people from having rights, endless wars/conflicts where religion is a major component etc.
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