
discuss Why are most of the Domain Wanted threads being started by newly registered members?

Spaceship Spaceship
I don't know if you have noticed this trend, but I see that the majority of the Domain Wanted threads are being started by new members. Is there something happening in the domain industry that is attracting a lot of new domain investors? What do you think could be the reason behind this?
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They just copy cat other people and hoping they can buy a name for $10 - One word dictionary - LLLL.com, etc...
That section is a waste of time. Buyers never bought anything and Sellers sent crap names.
People are searching in google
How to make fast easy money.
Not new, ya know better
Maybe they're end users trying to get names for d2d prices?
That section is a waste of time. Buyers never bought anything and Sellers sent crap names.
Not all seller sent crap names.

I have bought few good 4L .com domains and also two words in reasonable prices.

But majority of the buyer requests is a waste of time.

Sometime you get good domain in very resonable price from buyer request section.
Other possibility, registrars are sending bots to promote hand regs, so domainers go and hand reg such domains which they aka look, but in reality is a waste of time. I got replies only from trusted members when I DM ed them and still was rare to get a reply from them.
edit: I say this because I was doing such thing as a beginner.
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I have noticed it and the copycatting word for word of others request thread too. I also noticed two in a row who got account banned same day probably for breaking the one account rule.

Some are among us but don’t want us to know who’s asking for names. Glad the mods are watching.
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Yes. Have created a post about this in the feedback section few days back.
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Here are some examples:

Unlimited budget. Paying $0.50 for each
- I am too looking for NNN or LLL domains.
Only .com
No hyphen
Either LLL or NNN no mixed.
Deal via escrow.com
Budget 10k-100k as per domain quality. (How do I know you have $10K?)
What is the best name you can sell me in the $100 to $500 range? (You will receive about 1 million names in your PM)
Names that appraises over $5,000 from GD - I have x,xxx names and none of them is appraised over $3K
- Taking in over 200 extensions - WHY?
- Budget from $1 - $10,000 (It means $1)

- One Dictionary word - 8 Letters or less (Why?)
- Dictionary Word - Budget $6,000 - Good Luck!

Some received even hundred replies with nothing in trader rating
Some is trying to be COOL by listing big Budget to show off - In fact they don't even have $10

The problem is there is no solution for this problem:
- Buyers either want to show off or don't have money

- Sellers keep sending junk/crap names
Budget 10k-100k as per domain quality. (How do I know you have $10K?)

If it's Bitcoin you know, $10K can be shown on the blockchain. A signed message can prove ownership of the bitcoin address which has $10K.

Otherwise you can't know, you are right.
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Maybe I'm the oddball but I have made quite a few purchases and have also sold quite a few domains in the request section. I guess it all depends on how things go....but I for one love the section.
Maybe I'm the oddball but I have made quite a few purchases and have also sold quite a few domains in the request section. I guess it all depends on how things go....but I for one love the section.

I have also sold many names through the section, sometimes at relatively nice profit, but not as many as in previous years.

Although there are certainly many serious members who post serious requests, many seem to be just showing off, in my opinion.
Because a lot of them are really brokers or buying agents for one big domainer.
Maybe I'm the oddball but I have made quite a few purchases and have also sold quite a few domains in the request section. I guess it all depends on how things go....but I for one love the section.
You are not an oddball Blake but you are an outlier. Now I know you are for real so when I see you post I know it's a real buyer. But someone buying and selling a lot is an outlier.
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