
opinion Who is the person you admire the most in the domain industry?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Over the years both here and on blogs there have been polls with regards to the greatest domain investor of all time. This is not one of those threads. There are so many new to domaining and so many had different head starts.

Many people have validly asked what does greatest encompass? It obviously is very subjective and people have stats or metrics that mean more to them than others. Look at NBA Michael Jordan vs LeBron James or Pele vs Messi in Futbol debates as examples.

Instead in this thread list the ONE person you admire the most in the domain industry? They can be any role, maybe it's not an investor but a publisher or it's someone who handles the technical aspects of making domain names work. The list could be infinite, so when the post starts to wind down, lose steam as all posts do, I will do a manual count.
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Andrew Rosener – I know he’s not for everyone, but I don’t think people realise what he does for domains, not only in terms of sales but its innovation, also gives up a lot of his time (ie Domain Sherpa and other interviews) and gives great advice, he’s one of few people I always try to listen to as I always feel I learn something from him.
I don't really admire people except for my significant other.

However, I do think people like @jmcc and @jberryhill are admirable people, sharing pro knowledge which you will not find elsewhere.
Hard question to answer imo because what people project can be a facade. This business has no transparency and is cloaked in secrecy. We have to take people at their word. So I am a bit skeptical about admiring people.

I will say the people I respect are those who really help others when they can and not those who just brag.
I admire myself, for daring to say what others don't. :xf.cool:
Over the years both here and on blogs there have been polls with regards to the greatest domain investor of all time. This is not one of those threads. There are so many new to domaining and so many had different head starts.

Many people have validly asked what does greatest encompass? It obviously is very subjective and people have stats or metrics that mean more to them than others. Look at NBA Michael Jordan vs LeBron James or Pele vs Messi in Futbol debates as examples.

Instead in this thread list the ONE person you admire the most in the domain industry? They can be any role, maybe it's not an investor but a publisher or it's someone who handles the technical aspects of making domain names work. The list could be infinite, so when the post starts to wind down, lose steam as all posts do, I will do a manual count.

Over the years both here and on blogs there have been polls with regards to the greatest domain investor of all time. This is not one of those threads. There are so many new to domaining and so many had different head starts.

Many people have validly asked what does greatest encompass? It obviously is very subjective and people have stats or metrics that mean more to them than others. Look at NBA Michael Jordan vs LeBron James or Pele vs Messi in Futbol debates as examples.

Instead in this thread list the ONE person you admire the most in the domain industry? They can be any role, maybe it's not an investor but a publisher or it's someone who handles the technical aspects of making domain names work. The list could be infinite, so when the post starts to wind down, lose steam as all posts do, I will do a manual count.
Since you asked for just ONE, my vote is for Sir Bob Hawkes who I consider Domain Royalty:xf.wink:
Over the years both here and on blogs there have been polls with regards to the greatest domain investor of all time. This is not one of those threads. There are so many new to domaining and so many had different head starts.

Many people have validly asked what does greatest encompass? It obviously is very subjective and people have stats or metrics that mean more to them than others. Look at NBA Michael Jordan vs LeBron James or Pele vs Messi in Futbol debates as examples.

Instead in this thread list the ONE person you admire the most in the domain industry? They can be any role, maybe it's not an investor but a publisher or it's someone who handles the technical aspects of making domain names work. The list could be infinite, so when the post starts to wind down, lose steam as all posts do, I will do a manual count.
I really like @robmonster because he is accessible and I appreciate his values.
Andrew Rosener – I know he’s not for everyone, but I don’t think people realise what he does for domains, not only in terms of sales but its innovation, also gives up a lot of his time (ie Domain Sherpa and other interviews) and gives great advice, he’s one of few people I always try to listen to as I always feel I learn something from him.

If you totally ignore his involvement/hype in certain "NFL projects" then maybe, but it's not for me.

I'll go with @Bob Hawkes for his tireless work and dedication. I want to be him when I grow up.
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The inventor of the Domain Name System (DNS), Paul Mockapetris, deserves some credit even though I hadn't heard about him two minutes ago (I just looked him up).
The inventor of the Domain Name System (DNS), Paul Mockapetris, deserves some credit even though I hadn't heard about him two minutes ago (I just looked him up).
Indeed one of the greats. His visionary DNS is still the base that we all use every day these decades later. Truly stood the test of time.

I felt very honoured and appreciative to be able to meet him in person at NamesCon in 2019, and he is not just an incredibly accomplished person, but also interesting and nice. There is an interview on the NamePros Blog at the link below:

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