
What's the point of setting a BIN+minimum offer at Afternic ?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Case 1 : listing XYZ.com at Afternic and setting a BIN of $2000 and a minimum offer of $500
Case 2 : listing XYZ.com at Afternic and setting a BIN of $2000 and leaving the minimum offer $20

these two cases result in the same outcome, both they will make the domain show in Godaddy search path as a BIN priced domain with the price of $2000 and no mention of the $500 min.offer , both they will make the domain show at Afternic partner registrars with the price of $2000 and no mention of the $500 min.offer , and even at Godaddy auctions the domain will show as a Buy now domain with a minimum offer of $2000 (even if you've set a $500 min.offer at Afternic) , so what's the point of setting a BIN+minimum offer at Afternic ? and does this mean that it is impossible to list a domain as BIN+MakeOffer at Afternic ?
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I always assumed that the min.offer took effect when someone used a BIN with a 'Request Price' lander. So, any brokers that took your case would know to ignore the <$min offers, ask you if there is an offer <$Bin but >$min and accept the $Bin straight away.
aah I see, is this how things go for you when you use BIN + Request Price lander ? if the offer is bellow the min.offer you set it gets ignored , and for offers between your BIN and min.offer they ask you ?
I wouldn't know about the missed ones since they have never contacted me with offers below the min (which makes sense) that's why I assume it's how it works.
Regarding the other offers,
yes, I have gotten sales that satisfied either the Bin or the Floor and was contacted with offers that were in-between the floor and min.
Buy it now should be the highest price you want for your name, if someone comes along and wants to buy no questions asked. Floor Price is the lowest price an Afternic Broker can sell your name for and minimum offer is meant to be a conversation starter price and not a price the name will be sold for. That's right from Afternic's site paraphrased.
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I wouldn't know about the missed ones since they have never contacted me with offers below the min (which makes sense) that's why I assume it's how it works.
Regarding the other offers,
yes, I have gotten sales that satisfied either the Bin or the Floor and was contacted with offers that were in-between the floor and min.
Thank you, this is certainly helpful to me, appreciate your precious time and effort and I wish you the best of luck.
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