
What Domain Extensions Are You Invested In?

Spaceship Spaceship


Domains88.comTop Member
I just updated my portfolio spreadsheets, etc. Below is a list of the extensions I am currently invested in along with the corresponding percentage of my portfolio. Just thought I would share. Feel free to share as well.

Summary As Of Today
648 Domains Total
61.42% are .com domains
6.02% are .us domains
5.55% are .net domains
2.77% are .org domains
23.06% are other misc. tlds

.COM - 61.42% (398)
.US - 6.02% (39)
.NET - 5.55% (36)
.ORG - 2.77% (18)
.XYZ - 2.31% (15)
.AL - 1.85% (12)
.LIFE - 1.85% (12)
.CH - 1.08% (10)
.GLOBAL - 1.08% (10)
.IM - 1.08% (10)
.INFO - 1.08% (10)
.ONE - 1.08% (10)
.CAM - .93% (6)
.TV - .93% (6)
.CO - .93% (6)
.CLUB - .77% (5)
.BIZ - .46% (3)
.NINJA - .46% (3)
.ONLINE - .46% (3)
.STORE - .46% (3)
.FUN - .46% (3)
.WORLD - .46% (3)
.IO - .46% (3)
.WS - .46% (3)
.CC - .31% (2)
.CITY - .31% (2)
.LIVE - .31% (2)
.SHOP - .31% (2)
.FUND - .31% (2)
.FYI - .31% (2)
.AT - .15% (1)
.CN - .15% (1)
.COMPANY - .15% (1)
.DOMAINS - .15% (1)
.EARTH - .15% (1)
.GROUP - .15% (1)
.HOST - .15% (1)
.LGBT - .15% (1)
.ME - .15% (1)
.MS - .15% (1)
.NETWORK - .15% (1)
.PM - .15% (1)
.PW - .15% (1)
.ROCKS - .15% (1)
.VC - .15% (1)
.VIP - .15% (1)
.WORK - .15% (1)
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Currently gathering all of mine into one spreadsheet - I'll have to post back tonight or tomorrow.
I just updated my portfolio spreadsheets, etc. Below is a list of the extensions I am currently invested in along with the corresponding percentage of my portfolio. Just thought I would share. Feel free to share as well.

Summary As Of Today
648 Domains Total
61.42% are .com domains
6.02% are .us domains
5.55% are .net domains
2.77% are .org domains
23.06% are other misc. tlds

.COM - 61.42% (398)
.US - 6.02% (39)
.NET - 5.55% (36)
.ORG - 2.77% (18)
.XYZ - 2.31% (15)
.AL - 1.85% (12)
.LIFE - 1.85% (12)
.CH - 1.08% (10)
.GLOBAL - 1.08% (10)
.IM - 1.08% (10)
.INFO - 1.08% (10)
.ONE - 1.08% (10)
.CAM - .93% (6)
.TV - .93% (6)
.CO - .93% (6)
.CLUB - .77% (5)
.BIZ - .46% (3)
.NINJA - .46% (3)
.ONLINE - .46% (3)
.STORE - .46% (3)
.FUN - .46% (3)
.WORLD - .46% (3)
.IO - .46% (3)
.WS - .46% (3)
.CC - .31% (2)
.CITY - .31% (2)
.LIVE - .31% (2)
.SHOP - .31% (2)
.FUND - .31% (2)
.FYI - .31% (2)
.AT - .15% (1)
.CN - .15% (1)
.COMPANY - .15% (1)
.DOMAINS - .15% (1)
.EARTH - .15% (1)
.GROUP - .15% (1)
.HOST - .15% (1)
.LGBT - .15% (1)
.ME - .15% (1)
.MS - .15% (1)
.NETWORK - .15% (1)
.PM - .15% (1)
.PW - .15% (1)
.ROCKS - .15% (1)
.VC - .15% (1)
.VIP - .15% (1)
.WORK - .15% (1)
Great topic!

Would you please tell us how exactly you reviewed them by %? Is it some tool or marketplace you are using or just spreadsheets?

Great topic!

Would you please tell us how exactly you reviewed them by %? Is it some tool or marketplace you are using or just spreadsheets?

I use a spreadsheet (excel) calculates it. I don't round them though. So it's probably at like 99%. :)
I currently have 294 domains as follows:

215 .coms (73%)
39 .nets (13.5%)
1 .org (less than .001%)
39 .in (13.5%)
I currently have 294 domains as follows:

215 .coms (73%)
39 .nets (13.5%)
1 .org (less than .001%)
39 .in (13.5%)

Nice balance. Is .in your native ccTLD? I live in the US and I believe in .us...somewhat. I sold all the .in domains I had back in 2015. I had a bunch of that made me a little money.
With just two people, we have about 1000 domains!
Is .in your native ccTLD? I live in the US and I believe in .us...somewhat
No, I was born and raised in the U.S. Currently living on the beautiful Gulf Coast in Pensacola. With the way India is growing in commerce and with the internet, I see great potential there in the next few years and I want to be in on it at the ground floor level.
I believe in .us...somewhat
I was into .US domains several years ago but it just didn't pan out like I thought it would. They are all gone now and the last time I checked, not very many were regged again.
I was into .US domains several years ago but it just didn't pan out like I thought it would. They are all gone now and the last time I checked, not very many were regged again.
Yes, it's quite fascinating that more americans don't use .us. And by the way, I'm in Los Angeles. :)
89% .IN
9 % .COM
1% .ORG
1% Others
Almost 50% com and 50% .in/ right now.

Negligible .org and .net
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Currently I have .COM (84%), .IO (11%) and .ORG (5%).
I'm almost exclusively .com. I've got one gold and one in, about a dozen xyz, and half a dozen .net.
The only names I'm registering or buying now are .coms, and I may dispose of the others soon. I gave away on the freeby board here on namepros. There must still be a market, as it went in about 4 minutes. :)
Domain name investing is similar in many ways to financial investment, and picking a domain name within a specific top-level domain (TLD) for your domain name is much like picking a stock or commodity.
99.8% .COMs. 1 .ORG, 1 .NET (my first name), 1 .SOFTWARE, a few .WORLDs, a couple of .ONLINEs, maybe one or two .TECHs. I think I have one .XYZ somewhere but not sure.

Edit: And 1 .GLOBAL.
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I've gone off all the TLDs except for .coms. I don't like the way they jack up renewals, and they jerk registrants around. I might consider registering some throw away names for under 50 cents, but I doubt if I will bother to renew them, I'll just use them to promote some .coms.
Been dropping all but dot coms lately.

I didn't calc the percentages, but my humble little 156-name portfolio breaks down like so:

.art (1)
.bar (3)
.biz (1)
.club (14)
.co (4)
.com (61)
.design (12)
.download (2)
.forsale (2)
.guru (1)
.info (6)
.io (2)
.life (2)
.mobi (1)
.net (1)
.org (1)
.party (1)
.pro (9)
.pw (1)
.review (1)
.sale (2)
.shop (10)
.store (2)
.us (2)
.website (8)
.wiki (1)
.world (2)
.xyz (3)
72 domains Total
63.88% .com
11.11% .info
9.72% .net
9.72% ngtld
4.16% cctld
1.38% .org
I have more domains than this, quite a few developed, but these are the ones currently for sale...

.COM (423)
.US (4)
.NAME (1)
.INFO (1)
Never calculated for exact % but definitely over 90% .com domains. Rest are .net/org/cc/info/im. Always trying to focus on .com which is the safe investment.
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