
Web3 domains? - nfts.Floki

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Hi all, just restarted a bit of domaining again after a good 10 years off. I came across a new Web3 domain name just released yesterday .Floki. Was quite surprised got in there and managed to reg a few beauts, if they were .coms id be made for a few lifetimes. But being a new domain and with it being web3 which is obviously relatively new, I don’t see mega money coming back to me yet at least, but I got pay.Floki sex.Floki porn.Floki shop.Floki and nfts.Floki anyone see any value in these? I think developing them would be the best way to realise some value, but I don’t see too many Web3 sales about. Although noticed Sex.eth managed $55k a couple of years ago. So thought it might be worth a quick punt. What do you guys reckon?
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They require special plug-ins, there are different blockchain domain providers with the same extensions (Unstoppable Domains, Handshake, etc.), they're difficult to set up, there are no security features (and consequently they're a security risk), etc.

Let me ask you this. How many blockchain domains have you been on? None I'd wager.

As for the high .eth sales, they were promoted by the Ethereum blockchain and had the same speculative prospects as NFT:s. People bought they because they thought they would become valuable in the future.

See if you can return them would be my advice.
Hi bud, I see you mention security features, they’re basically nft’s so surely the security is the blockchain or do you mean when they’re developed into websites dapps etc?

Doubt I’ll be able to give them back but some glimpse of hope I’ve seen apple.Floki (massive hot potato) has sold for $60k which was in the last 24hrs? So may be worth a point for the big crypto relevant words for a quick flip?
Hi bud, I see you mention security features, they’re basically nft’s so surely the security is the blockchain
What are you even talking about? Blockchain domains are smart contracts that direct you to a server through plug-ins and a registry database. There are no security features there. If you download a modified plug-in someone may get access to your wallets and keys.

or do you mean when they’re developed into websites dapps etc?
Everything. They do not use the HTTP protocol, so they're not compatible with SSL, and there are no scripts or services to save you from DDoS attacks or anything like that.

And this is just scratching the surface. You have no CDN or anything like that. Blockchain domains have no real purpose.

Doubt I’ll be able to give them back but some glimpse of hope I’ve seen apple.Floki (massive hot potato) has sold for $60k which was in the last 24hrs? So may be worth a point for the big crypto relevant words for a quick flip?
These are not verified sales. For all you know it can be money laundering, or someone "selling" it to himself through different wallets to promote a project. Rug-pulls rely on these tactics all the time.
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I can tell you’re not a Web3 fan! 😂😂😂😂 well got to speculate to accumulate I suppose. Web3 is still very young and undeveloped much like the internet was back in the day. I’m sure they had the same problems back then. So let’s hope they get developing the framework asap eh!
Hi all, just restarted a bit of domaining again after a good 10 years off. I came across a new Web3 domain name just released yesterday .Floki. Was quite surprised got in there and managed to reg a few beauts, if they were .coms id be made for a few lifetimes. But being a new domain and with it being web3 which is obviously relatively new, I don’t see mega money coming back to me yet at least, but I got pay.Floki sex.Floki porn.Floki shop.Floki and nfts.Floki anyone see any value in these? I think developing them would be the best way to realise some value, but I don’t see too many Web3 sales about. Although noticed Sex.eth managed $55k a couple of years ago. So thought it might be worth a quick punt. What do you guys reckon?
The .eth sales, at that time, was an outlier as the market was going bananas.... Things have pulled back for blockchain domains as its use cases is still unestablished.
I can tell you’re not a Web3 fan! 😂😂😂😂 well got to speculate to accumulate I suppose. Web3 is still very young and undeveloped much like the internet was back in the day. I’m sure they had the same problems back then. So let’s hope they get developing the framework asap eh!
Well it looks like you believe in it and have exposure... Nothing wrong with that, but I would recommend staying open minded on this subject, as several people are making great points.... Heavily into crypto, I can tell you that the momentum with blockchain domains is very down at the moment... probably better to trade Floki straight up right now.. Meanwhile, you have a great stack of blockchain domains if they ever come roaring back... Cheers 🍻
I can tell you’re not a Web3 fan!
"Web 2" was marketing bullshit used to promote sites that implemented Flash and dynamic JS. The only reason you know of the term is because it was a convenient excuse to promote "Web 3" as the next step in the evolution of the Internet, rather than something new and unprecedented.

well got to speculate to accumulate I suppose.
There's a difference between investing and gambling. Investments rely on insights and research, whereas gambling relies on faith that things will work out for you because you're special. One is grounded in reality and reason, and the other one isn't.

Web3 is still very young and undeveloped much like the internet was back in the day.
It's not young. The term was first used 10 years ago, and every notable project since then has failed.

Take Axie Infinity, released 6 years ago. It was supposed to be the future of gaming. It was shilled everywhere in the crypto-space, investors were enlisting "scholars" to play the game for them and make money, etc., and now it's dead.

I’m sure they had the same problems back then.
There wasn't.

So let’s hope they get developing the framework asap eh!
There's no demand for blockchain technology outside of financial incentives by early investors who didn't know better.

Who'd even be interested in these .floki domains of yours? The fact that Floki uses a .com should be a dead giveaway that this isn't going to work out.
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What this one means? Looks like low sense. I don't really understand web3, but.
$0 to $15 each = Reseller Value Speculation (NOT an end user speculation)
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