
news now an NFT Platform?

Spaceship Spaceship
2,448 which sold for a record-breaking $30 million in 2019 is now planning to upgrade to an NFT platform for emerging artists.

Salah Zalatimo has announced a major pivot. will become, he says, a social platform in which users can create digital arts across all formats, enabling them to be ‘bought and sold as unique digital artefacts (NFTs)’. To do this, they will take advantage of one of’s biggest selling points: blockchain tokenisation. Under its model people could benefit by consuming, creating and sharing content. Now Voice are taking this a step further by transforming these digital assets into non fungible tokens or NFTs.

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It wasn't supposed to be a decentralized social network ?!

EDIT: It seems they are switching from fungible token to non fungible token.
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I wonder if they still think they made a great investment? They've obviously changed their business approach now to what they originally bought the domain for, so i do wonder if they could go back would they still pay $30 million for the domain or go a different route?
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What seems weird to me is that they paid an unusual amount for a domain afterwhich the seller made an unusual investment. Two unusual events in a row raises doubts.
What seems weird to me is that they paid an unusual amount for a domain afterwhich the seller made an unusual investment. Two unusual events in a row raises doubts.

Entrepreneurship consists of seeing opportunities that others often fail to see, and managing many uncertainties. What exactly do you have your doubts about?
I think this name is perfect for clubhouse or twitter alternative
Brilliant name that could easily lend itself to being the next big media, social-media or communications platform.

I think they are underselling themselves concentrating on the niche NFT market.
Genius. Soon you will all see that NFT's have the biggest ROI when it comes to domain selling in 2021 :)
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