Established Member
- Impact
- 209 was sold for $7,500 to an end user.
com, net, info, org, for citytips are taken.
Google Adwords gives a search volume of 50/month for city tips, extremely low.
For cities, the search volume is 50,000, which is high.
Did the buyer considered the second search volume when he paid that sum? It is correct?
Or there are other reasons for and citytips to be valuable?
com, net, info, org, for citytips are taken.
Google Adwords gives a search volume of 50/month for city tips, extremely low.
For cities, the search volume is 50,000, which is high.
Did the buyer considered the second search volume when he paid that sum? It is correct?
Or there are other reasons for and citytips to be valuable?