
domain TOOTRADE.COM - Premium Domain Name for Marketplace, Forex, Trading etcetera

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Established Member
Hi All,
I've been here for a some time, I wanted to refresh and get some background on this domain.


TOO TRADE it's 2words and a pronouncable .com which could be a great for Marketplace, Forex, Trading etcetera
All the valuation tools show it mid to high xxxx but that's another story.
Now before we get into the values are subjective debate about value tools.
Let's suppose we agree on this but for the sake of argument I would like to put this up for appraisal to NPers for an end-user value (and) what someone here would pay for it - DM any offers please?

Best regards.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I wanted to get some background on this domain.
Value less than $200 to end-user in my opinion. I would not renew it next year in April (if you still own it at that time) and it's not a domain I'd buy from you. It is just an ok domain. If you are curious reseller value I'd say is about twenty dollars. These are my opinions and we both know automatic free appraisals should be taken 'with a grain of salt'.
Thank you for opinions. What is value of 007COIN.COM, in your opinion?
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$0 to $15 each = Reseller Value Speculation (NOT an end user speculation)
I'm sorry to say that I think your way off track with your domain thinking, your getting high auto-valuations purely because recognition for the words coin and trade with three letter prefixes that are also recognised. However your pairings are just nonsensical. you'd be better off going for longer prefixes that convey a sensible market aspect. It's hard to find anything available and short that sits with coin or trade these days but I wouldn't be scrapping the bottom of the pairing barrel just to keep it a short .com
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007COIN is not random, it's on CoinMarketCap online and on RoyalMint offline.

I'm not sure what to make of your reply, whether its sarcasm or just negativity from a low-baller. Either way I don't find it particularly helpful or constructive. While I might reach out to professional members on NP for development services or partnership help on some domains, I've had encouraging feedback which I'm grateful for. - And just to put you straight, I wont sell it for low $$ anywhere

Listening to more DM appraisals or offers on any of the domains. Thanks everyone...
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