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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Catholicism is a cult IMO, yes they believe in the Bible, but the Bible says don’t worship figures, statues, beads and sh*t like that, so it’s a Cult IMO

Even tho I disagree with how it was handled. They were there for illegal guns, explosives. There were allegations of statuary rape/abuse, that's not ATF territory. However:

"Branch Davidians who survived the fire acknowledged that other Branch Davidians started the fire. FBI agents witnessed Branch Davidians pouring fuel and igniting a fire, and noted these observations contemporaneously. Lab analysis found accelerants on the clothing of Branch Davidians, and investigators found deliberately punctured fuel cans and a homemade torch at the site. Based on this evidence and testimony, the Special Counsel concluded that the fire was started by the Branch Davidians."

You know what other anniversary it is? White Supremacists again, April 19, 1995:

"The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist truck bombing on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States on April 19, 1995. Perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing happened at 9:02 am and killed at least 168 people, injured more than 680 others, and destroyed one-third of the building."


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Okay, some believe the alternative history of WACO.
Because hey, if a democrat says so, it must be true!

Now Timothy....now there was a pure nut case.
And his idea of white supremacy was like, so far to the right, it was past the anarchy stage.
And only the nutjobs believe him and what he did, blah blah blah.

PS....I lived in Moore and Midwest City, Oklahoma for years, Worked in Oklahoma City for years.
And knew a few of the people who were killed or survived that day.
Okay, some believe the alternative history of WACO.
Because hey, if a democrat says so, it must be true!

Now Timothy....now there was a pure nut case.
And his idea of white supremacy was like, so far to the right, it was past the anarchy stage.
And only the nutjobs believe him and what he did, blah blah blah.

PS....I lived in Moore and Midwest City, Oklahoma for years, Worked in Oklahoma City for years.
And knew a few of the people who were killed or survived that day.

Why do you always lack details in your response? And what Democrat? They had many cases on this, has nothing to do with Democrat. Alternative history, are you talking about who started the fire or something else? They actually have them on tape talking about it, if that's what you're talking about.

As far as the Oklahoma bombing, one of their inspirations was the Turner Diaries:

The Turner Diaries is a 1978 novel by William Luther Pierce, published under the pseudonym "Andrew Macdonald". The Turner Diaries depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to the overthrow of the federal government, nuclear war, and, ultimately, a race war leading to the systematic extermination of non-whites.

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We're all immigrants or descendents of immigrants here. Whose origins and traditions are you referring to?
A lot of families with strong ties to their country of origin have retained family traditions for generations that neighbors from different backgrounds don't share. Nothing stopping any of us from doing that.
As we grow as a multi-cultural society, new traditions will appear - embrace them or ignore them, your choice.

I agree with most all of the above. but--- "Nothing stopping us" What about North American Traditions modified for a few? "Happy Holidays" has replaced "Merry Christmas". "In God we Trust" on the money, soon to be removed. Pledge of Allegiance not in some schools.. Religious plaques mentioning God on statues removed. Civil War history statues removed. Politically correct nonsense rules the USA. Non Gender Gingerbread "people". I don't call these "new traditions", I call this erasing traditions to fit the liberal agenda.

And, funny thing is I defend this yet, I belong to no religion at all, don't believe in God, but respect the traditions and right for anyone to believe in it as long as it isn't forced on me like some religions historically have done- "Convert or die" like our short conversation above we had with a non-christian a few weeks ago. That's a problem.

Live and let live. Happy Fin de semana, Good Friday.
Now Timothy....now there was a pure nut case.

But of course the Barking Snake has to commemorate and bring up that sick event instead of "Good Friday" today.
I agree with most all of the above. but--- "Nothing stopping us" What about North American Traditions modified for a few? "Happy Holidays" has replaced "Merry Christmas". "In God we Trust" on the money, soon to be removed. Pledge of Allegiance not in some schools.. Religious plaques mentioning God on statues removed. Civil War history statues removed. Politically correct nonsense rules the USA. Non Gender Gingerbread "people". I don't call these "new traditions", I call this erasing traditions to fit the liberal agenda.

And, funny thing is I defend this yet, I belong to no religion at all, don't believe in God, but respect the traditions and right for anyone to believe in it as long as it isn't forced on me like some religions historically have done- "Convert or die" like our short conversation above we had with a non-christian a few weeks ago. That's a problem.

Live and let live. Happy Fin de semana, Good Friday.

Well, In God We Trust wasn't on paper money until 1957, so we did fine before that. It shouldn't be there in the first place. Religious stuff shouldn't be at any place like court houses and such.

But of course the Barking Snake has to commemorate and bring up that sick event instead of "Good Friday" today.

Of course Mr. Lack of Reading didn't notice it was in response to Dawg's post about Branch Dividians and what happened at Waco. I guess that sick event is ok with you and you'll give that post a pass. Or it didn't stop you from all your low end posting. And you just said you weren't religious, so stop the fake outrage stuff.
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Okay, some believe the alternative history of WACO.
Because hey, if a democrat says so, it must be true!

Now Timothy....now there was a pure nut case.
And his idea of white supremacy was like, so far to the right, it was past the anarchy stage.
And only the nutjobs believe him and what he did, blah blah blah.

PS....I lived in Moore and Midwest City, Oklahoma for years, Worked in Oklahoma City for years.
And knew a few of the people who were killed or survived that day.

Bottom line, ATF got tired of waiting around and started shooting.
AXIOS – U.S. employment numbers continue to get better. Data released yesterday showed the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell to its lowest in almost 50 years last week.

More important than the single print was the direction of the trend. The 4-week moving average of initial claims fell to 201,250 last week, the lowest reading since November 1969.

That sustained trend, considered a more reliable indicator because it irons out week-to-week volatility, shows the labor market is consistently moving to historically low levels of unemployment, even if the metrics are a bit distorted

No it's not their culture and their problem. There are still many countries that are not free, if people really had a choice things would be different. People are not masochistic, they'd rather enjoy life with minimal restrictions than being lashed by mullahs because of the way they dress or style their hair. Uygur people are victims, they didn't choose to live in open air prison.

Europe invented fascism, Nazism, communism, experienced a genocide not long ago. So I guess that is part of their 'culture' as well ?

Your thinking is cynical. But I think you have a colonial mindset like Gilsan. You condone the most brutal practices by illegitimate regimes, think it's okay because it's taking place under other latitudes. But you wouldn't accept such a life for yourself would you. You despise people who are not like you, you don't think they deserve the same rights and freedoms as Westerners, and that they should accept living under a brutal regime and resign to their fate.
People are not animals, and even animals deserve to be treated better.

How would you feel if you were born in China and we tell you that you deserve to live under tyranny because you were born there.

That makes zero sense.

You remind me of the Epik CEO, brainwashed by conspiracy theories to the point of being unable to have a rational conversation.

I assimilated into a different country, hardly what you think. Speak Spanish, not English in the street. I don't impose my "culture" but adapted to the ones I live among in my constant travels.

Well, you can live in your "Police the world" mentality and Nanny state ideology, and I can have mine ok?

Go spend your money being an activist in "saving" the world. Go ask the Prince and the Queen to donate some of your UK funds to straighten out those injustices. Why not sell off the Crown Jewels and support the Uygur people? Why not invade China? Or has China already invaded there? After all, the English were the ones who taught how to brutalize the world.

Cynical? Yep. Pessimistic. Sometimes. Optimistic. Sometimes. Colonialist? Lol. Hardly, I assimilated years ago outside the US. Your countries in the EU created Nazi's not the USA, just were funded by the Bushes banking. Ordinary Americans nope. Despise? You used that word with RM, ridiculous. Lose that word.

Some People are Animals- like the Gangs and Extremists that are terrorizing people.

I wasn't born in China, and have zero interest in spending my hard earned money to educate or propagandize people like the West seems to want to do. People do escape these places as you know, they go somewhere to fit in, not shout "poor me" where they go.

I wasn't born in China, I can't relate, do sympathize but have no interest in seeing my tax dollars used to change things. You know how well History has done with the stupid ME wars, attempting to democratize Iraq was a failure. If I were Chinese, I would simply deal with it if I were reincarnated. Probably, I will not come back as a Chinese person but rather a Cockroach- that you could step on, instead of caring for.

I have read over and over your posts nice and in-your-face posts outside of here, they usually make sense and are funny and logical. I respect you for those. But like when you attacked RM, and you make politics a religion and this deep belief system- it's irrational, and cynical and you don't see it.

As far as comparing me to RM, don't do that. He is much more schooled, I barely graduated and couldn't write English, I flunked college. I don't study the bible or that sort of history yet I respect the fact that some people believe it. I don't criticize it, I believe you called it a Fairy tale in that other thread if not someone else did and my apology if I am mistaken. I don't challenge something unless it's forced on me. My family was raised on income derived from the Moon Landing, so I know it happened, actually touched and sat in the original Command Module, shook hands with the Astronauts and saw the moon rocks in a glass case in private before general public even knew about it, and it's obvious that the earth is round.

Barry/Obama erased most all his records and was born in Kenya. lol.
Of course Mr. Lack of Reading didn't notice it was in response to Dawg's post about Branch Dividians and what happened at Waco. I guess that sick event is ok with you and you'll give that post a pass. Or it didn't stop you from all your low end posting. And you just said you weren't religious, so stop the fake outrage stuff.

So you answer to the Barking Snake call. You mixed up McPOS Veigh with Waco. Nothing to do with one another. The US Govt, under Janet Reno that POS and Clinton were responsible for murdering those people. Karish was evidently like Jim Jones, and had a following of idiots. They had weapons so says the Govt. I don't trust the Govt as you well know. Now after the Comey debacle and Obama FISA lies, it's even worse.
Go back to calling Mr X stupid and another day ending in Y and all your other nonsense. Have a Good Friday even though you don't believe in it. Snakes are cold blooded.
How does a snake bark at the moon?

A rare species of Snake. He spits out venom too, you know. You can't tame or be around Snakes, you just side step or go slowing in reverse and stay out of the jungle. Happy Good Friday.
Well, In God We Trust wasn't on paper money until 1957, so we did fine before that. It shouldn't be there in the first place. Religious stuff shouldn't be at any place like court houses and such.

Of course Mr. Lack of Reading didn't notice it was in response to Dawg's post about Branch Dividians and what happened at Waco. I guess that sick event is ok with you and you'll give that post a pass. Or it didn't stop you from all your low end posting. And you just said you weren't religious, so stop the fake outrage stuff.


Some artwork from an "Artist". unbelievable thread.
But of course the Barking Snake has to commemorate and bring up that sick event instead of "Good Friday" today.
A Snake Barking Like A Dog - Must Watch
Even tho I disagree with how it was handled. They were there for illegal guns, explosives. There were allegations of statuary rape/abuse, that's not ATF territory. However:

"Branch Davidians who survived the fire acknowledged that other Branch Davidians started the fire. FBI agents witnessed Branch Davidians pouring fuel and igniting a fire, and noted these observations contemporaneously. Lab analysis found accelerants on the clothing of Branch Davidians, and investigators found deliberately punctured fuel cans and a homemade torch at the site. Based on this evidence and testimony, the Special Counsel concluded that the fire was started by the Branch Davidians."

You know what other anniversary it is? White Supremacists again, April 19, 1995:

"The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist truck bombing on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States on April 19, 1995. Perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing happened at 9:02 am and killed at least 168 people, injured more than 680 others, and destroyed one-third of the building."


Branch Davidian leader David Koresh attended Garland high school in Garland Texas, during his high school years he was heavy in to playing guitar, I met him in 1984 in a band mates garage, we played a few tunes together, although I thought he was a bit strange, he was nice enough.

The thing with the whole branch davidian standoff and ect, koresh ate at the same little restaurant every weds rain or shine, the warrant could have been served directly to him on any weds at that diner in Waco Tx, there may be circumstances as to why they didn’t go that route with him, I dunno
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As they should.

Reminder on “no collusion”...

Of course there was “no collusion” - there was never a question of “collusion” because from a legal standpoint the term has no meaning.

Donny and friends framed it that way and began using that label exclusively from the beginner of the investigation for that very reason. No matter what happened, that statement would be true.

Word games.

Army involved in Waco....when one brings in tanks to wipe out a few civilians, that means the government was making damn sure no survivors to tell a different tale.
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