
Suspicious Sedo auctions

Spaceship Spaceship


Domainosaurus RexTop Member

I check the auctions at Sedo and from time to time I see suspicious auctions, that do not finalize into a sale.


  Registrar: GODADDY.COM, LLC
  Creation Date: 02-feb-2016
  Expiration Date: 02-feb-2017

10K for a domain registered six months ago and that is nothing special ? Maybe I am missing something, but I suspect there maybe a shill bid.
I will post more examples as I see them
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This auction has been cancelled and the domain name is no longer listed for sale with Sedo.

They probably caught it @Kate
well if that "cancelled auction" message implies the bidder/seller or both got suspended, then I think its safe to say good job sedo for picking it up and alls well that ends well..
keybank probably got wind of it and notified sedo, about infringements possibly
key bank is big in the NY I think there are 5 within a 10 mile radius of my house, they also just bought out or merged with first niagra
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Another one:
Why not but:
Domain Registration Date:                    Thu Aug 18 13:48:51 GMT 2016


And another one from the same seller:
spaniards.co $700

Yet another one from the same seller:
weedpot.net $1500
Domain created on 18 August too.

Very prolific seller, has at least 3 auctions running right now.
Today's domain: NITPICK.IT (registered earlier this month: 05 Dec.)
Link to auction
Current bid: $7000
Bidding History (1 Bid)
Seller is new member (reg. 2016-12)

Wouldn't be surprised if the auction is terminated early.
As expected, the party is already over: auction canceled by Sedo :)
Note that it's not always a case of shill bidding. Sometimes non-genuine bids are submitted by jokers.
On one occasion, Sedo canceled an offer made on one of our domains, and banned the bidder that they deemed to be a security risk.
No other explanations were given.
If they are smart they would bid just little bit under hg average limits (or is hg only drop catching not bidding?)

Oh and thanks @Kate for investigation and making this public! :)

Nice to see sedo being up to date (guess they wouldn't mind % commission on that sales)
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Domain                      Start              End               Remaining time  Price  Currency  Bids
e.vg                        2017-02-03 16:26   2017-02-10 15:45  150.764h        9000   $US       1  
f.vg                        2017-02-03 17:07   2017-02-10 16:59  151.994h        15000  $US       1  
g.ai                        2017-02-04 07:37   2017-02-11 05:59  164.982h        200000 $US       1  
i.cg                        2017-02-04 06:25   2017-02-11 06:22  165.373h        150000 $US       1  
n.ai                        2017-02-03 21:31   2017-02-10 17:30  152.512h        120000 $US       1  
o.vg                        2017-02-03 17:07   2017-02-10 17:05  152.095h        16000  $US       1  
q.vg                        2017-02-03 17:49   2017-02-10 17:16  152.281h        12000  $US       1  
r.vg                        2017-02-03 17:06   2017-02-10 16:55  151.916h        11000  $US       1  
w.tl                        2017-02-04 07:57   2017-02-11 07:54  166.909h        900000 $US       1  
w.vg                        2017-02-03 17:49   2017-02-10 17:12  152.199h        17000  $US       1
Just wondering if Sedo is verifying those $xxx,xxx binding bids.
Just wondering if Sedo is verifying those $xxx,xxx binding bids.

Yes and No.

I researched this a bit (reason: see ma "hello" 1. post at nP)

They of course want buyers and sellers to honour agreement. But it's not like eg 4.cn? having you deposit some $ as a security if you back out.

If buyer fails to make payment, they eventually still insist on getting their % fees.

Seller is left with trouble to bind buyer to agreement. They may give seller adress, etc.. but not much more coming from this end. (heard that from various user experiences)

I swallowed my pills. (after all it was my own fault!)

Cause if really had to pay fees without having the domains is pretty much worse than everything else.
(I live in a country where it be rather easy to be enforced by them)
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If buyer fails to make payment, they eventually still insist on getting their % fees.

The insist the would-be buyer to pay the fee, correct? Not the seller.
That would be crazy if the bidder/buyer disappeared and they asked the seller to pay the % fee.
The insist the would-be buyer to pay the fee, correct? Not the seller.
That would be crazy if the bidder/buyer disappeared and they asked the seller to pay the % fee.

Yes the buyer!

(But don't know how strict and persistent this would be enforced)
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Domain                Start              End               Remaining time  Price  Currency  Bids
b.ai                  2017-02-04 11:37   2017-02-11 06:10  141.168h        160000 $US       1   
j.ai                  2017-02-04 09:33   2017-02-11 07:17  142.282h        100000 $US       1
anyone that bids needs to accept this:

Some of these are just insane!!.... thanks for posting @Kate

Keen to see what Sedo's response to this is!
One thing i don't understand how Sedo is able to sell IDN and emoji domains in high XXXX and when i put my emoji domain i only got low xxx with few bids ( Reserve not met )
@Isac - I think something to consider is that the domains in question here are IDN's of: Super duber uber ultra premiums.. Sex.com and Pay.com and they are fetching low $xxxx to mid $xxxx - I think taking that into consideration, $xxx for an emoji domain is not bad at all.
@Isac - I think something to consider is that the domains in question here are IDN's of: Super duber uber ultra premiums.. Sex.com and Pay.com and they are fetching low $xxxx to mid $xxxx - I think taking that into consideration, $xxx for an emoji domain is not bad at all.

Thanks bro, i respect your opinion but .com emojis are fetching low xxxx- mid xxxx
Thanks bro, i respect your opinion but .com emojis are fetching low xxxx- mid xxxx

Jeepers, I actually had no idea they were fetching that much... :xf.confused: - Was only comparing them to the IDN's mentioned above. Hmmm.... in that case, me thinks maybe I should also be grabbing some .com emoji domains :xf.grin:
Jeepers, I actually had no idea they were fetching that much... :xf.confused: - Was only comparing them to the IDN's mentioned above. Hmmm.... in that case, me thinks maybe I should also be grabbing some .com emoji domains :xf.grin:

But only on sedo and no where else :xf.wink:
Pay.com (IDN) is getting $ XXXX and my poor domain DNbucket.com has got only 2 bids
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