
"Strange" ideas you had in the past...

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I was browsing some old files in my PC and run out to and old idea I had around 2007-2008. It was about creating a social website that included only profiles with photos and some data info regarding the person who uploaded them. It was not going to be any wall page, just picture and probably comments under the picture. The name of the project was going to be facebox. I don't know why I'd choose a name like this, but I am certain it wasn't based on facebook. I had no idea about facebook back then.
Did you had any strange idea in the past that were actually similar to current websites?
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I'm embarrassed to admit I was thinking of starting a site long long ago.. called Blapster. :) Basically, where people can submit their own Bl@ps pics/videos and then the community can vote for the best bl@p of the week. Yeah yeah yeah, don't judge! I was inexperienced and was just trying to think of ways to get my slice of the pie in the adult market....Was going to just drive traffic and monetize with adult CPA
I had an idea about then that free parcel delivery was possible and bought the perfect dot com of the domain

I knew it was possible and knew advertising could subsidise such a service but just didn't quite know how -

Amazon are close to such a concept being a reality now and fb and the big G could make it work now quite easily at the moment

I reckon it won't be long before someone like amazon fb or the big G thinks along the same lines and either creates their own network or makes a bid for ups or dhl etc

But I still have a coffee mug with the idea and it's. Com domain on the mug which I still look at for ideas when buying domains now

So my idea that I had back then they are just getting close to now nearly 10years down the road from when I had the idea but I bought the self explanatory two word dot com for reg fee back then but let it expire lol

But tech is like the hare and the tortoise but the tortoise being another hare that took a while to catch up but is now pulling away at such a pace that tech is making traditional business methods look stupid such is the pace that tech is advancing
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