I was browsing some old files in my PC and run out to and old idea I had around 2007-2008. It was about creating a social website that included only profiles with photos and some data info regarding the person who uploaded them. It was not going to be any wall page, just picture and probably comments under the picture. The name of the project was going to be facebox. I don't know why I'd choose a name like this, but I am certain it wasn't based on facebook. I had no idea about facebook back then.
Did you had any strange idea in the past that were actually similar to current websites?
I was browsing some old files in my PC and run out to and old idea I had around 2007-2008. It was about creating a social website that included only profiles with photos and some data info regarding the person who uploaded them. It was not going to be any wall page, just picture and probably comments under the picture. The name of the project was going to be facebox. I don't know why I'd choose a name like this, but I am certain it wasn't based on facebook. I had no idea about facebook back then.
Did you had any strange idea in the past that were actually similar to current websites?