
question SpicyPickle.net guys I want to buy this domain in $1k .

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Restricted (15-30%)
Guys I want to buy SpicyPickle.net domain in $1k . I tried everything to reach to domain owner but I failed to connect. Looking for help to know domain name owner name and contact details.
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so why the .com is listed on sedo? something is fishy with this spicy pickle business.
This is something I picked up on as well because I use Instant Domain Search to look up if a domain is for sale. If this guy owns the .com and wants to secure the .net because he intends to start a business, then why would he have the .com listed for sale?

So this definitely seems like some convoluted scam to get someone to buy the domain off him. It doesn't help his case that the domain was updated one day before he made this thread.

And if a broker couldn't help him get in contact with the owner, then there isn't much that can be done.
so why the .com is listed on sedo? something is fishy with this spicy pickle business.
This question is on mostly everyone's mind.
With the help of ChatGPT4:

Wolf of Wall street :Pickle Edition

Jordan Belfort: Hello Jon, how are you doing today? You mailed in to my company a postcard a few weeks back, requesting information on high-potential gourmet foods with minimal risks. Does that ring a bell?

Jon: [Acknowledges]

Jordan Belfort: Excellent. The reason for my call today, Jon, is that something incredible just came across my desk. It's perhaps the most exciting opportunity I've seen in the last six months. If you have 60 seconds, I'd like to share this idea with you. Got a minute?

Jon: [Agrees]

Jordan Belfort: The name of the company, Jon, is SpicyPickle.com. It's a cutting-edge, flavor-forward firm out of the Midwest, currently awaiting imminent taste-test approval on their next-generation pickles. These aren't just any pickles, Jon. They have both huge gourmet appeal and potential for mainstream success.

Right now, Jon, SpicyPickle.com's stock, if you will, is trading at just $10 a jar. And our flavor experts believe it could go through the roof. Your investment in just a few cases could yield enormous returns in taste and market demand.

Jon: [Responds]

Jordan Belfort: Exactly. You could be getting in on the ground floor of the next big thing in gourmet foods. Now, Jon, one thing I promise all my clients: don't judge me on my winners. Judge me on my losers, because I have so few. And in the case of SpicyPickle.com, we're looking at a grand slam in gourmet flavor.

What do you say to an investment of $400? That'd get you 40 jars, Jon. Let me lock in that order for you right now, and I'll get back to you shortly with the exact details. Does that sound good to you?

Jon: [Agrees]

Jordan Belfort: Fantastic, Jon. Hey, thank you for your vote of confidence, and welcome to the spicy side of life with SpicyPickle.com. You're not just buying pickles, Jon; you're investing in a flavor revolution. Talk to you soon!
When your company is successful, please send pickles to everyone who was helpful to you in this thread.

I do not know if I was helpful exactly, but send me pickles anyway, okay?
Me too, I'm here for the Spicy Pickles, consider me in.
Not interested in any .net, got 100's of them. 😂
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