
poll Rick Schwartz Poll: What do you believe the value of is to an end-user?

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RobbiesBlog.comTop Member
The Domain King aka Rick Schwartz whom owns thousands of premium domain name has asked in an unusual request from him, for a valuation range of "What do you believe the value of is to an end-user?"

Rick wants to know your opinion in his Twitter Poll which runs for another 5 days: Can you help Rick and vote in the Value of to an End-User?

Pricing starts from $1M USD through to over $5M USD.

Read this post to learn more and visit to vote:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I can't because he is very shy
I didn't think he was interested in other people's opinion. :giggle:
Luminous Unidentifiable Vehicle

We may see lots of these in the future, but at the moment I would say 80K.

As a "typo" of Love, it would be worth at most 5 percent of it.

You need to consider all possibilities, and take max of them, but I don't see many
uses, because v is a poor letter, and it is at the end.
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Unable to view his tweet as well.
At least you got a visitor to your blog ring a bell?
@Rick Schwartz,

Priceless domain, i see it sold it to Tinder, Match you have options; misspelling also shorter, than “Love” and commonly used (Yes, i see “Luv” a lot!)

This reminds me of “Lyft” instead of “Lift” But better…
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At some point Rick went private and that sucks because I enjoyed his wisdom.

So the lowest people are allowed to value the domain is $1m USD?

Sorry, but i don't even value it at that, I can’t see how anyone would pay 7 figures to build a brand around 'luv' - It's not a real word and what would be the usage?

Best hope for something like this (as with all 3 letters that isn't a word) is you hope a person comes in who initals are LUV or company is called that or it becomes an abbreviation for something big in the future ie:- NFT/IoT/AGI.

Trying to tie this around 'love' and justifying 7 figures+ for that reason alone, no chance.
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I see both as seven figure brands to an end-user, but do prefer from a valuation perspective. IMHO.
Instead of thinking/guessing ... -please - ..due diligence. He can sell luv for a $1M in 5 minutes but that's not the point ... he's looking for a very profitable business model to take it over and make 100s of millions, employ many - feed families etc.

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3-letter dictionary words don't grow on trees, it's a great name. I would think it is worth at least $5 million.
3-letter dictionary words don't grow on trees, it's a great name. I would think it is worth at least $5 million.
Out of curiosity if you value Luv dot com at $5 million, what do you value Love dot com?

FTR Jason Calacanis values Love dot com at $5 million.

In my opinion, comparing Luv dot com to Love dot com is like comparing Coventry City to Manchester City, for those don't know about football (soccer), both play in sky blue, both are called 'city' but Manchester City is Premier League and European champions and Coventry City don't even play in the same league as Manchester City, they are a tier below.

That is exactly how i'd compare valuations of 'love' and 'luv' - Love dot com is tier 1 (in the same category as Casino/Poker/Hotels dot com) and these types of domains have valuation in the multi-millions.

Luv dot com is tier 2 - Premium and valuable but not tier 1 ($100k to $1 million absolute max end user)
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I think any pronounceable LLL com is worth 6 figures minimum. This one I would say $250k tops. It’s not a real word and it’s easily confused with ‘love’.

You need a domain like Sal or Yom to start thinking of 7 figures ;)
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Out of curiosity if you value Luv dot com at $5 million, what do you value Love dot com?
I'd value Love .com more than I would Luv .com, maybe $10 million.

Luv is a real word that people know and use, it's also in several dictionaries. 3L positive words are in short supply.
••• = (P&G) = (P&G) =

Valuation. Let's try again.

Business: World Wide
Number of potential customers: 100M
Product: Toilet paper (fancy 6 pack for $2 /pm x 100M)
Or Service: Messaging App (cost $1/pm x 100M) $250K? or $1M? or $2M or ... $10M? ...

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It’s a great brandable for a cosmetic, lingerie or dating brand. In the literary sense, Luv has been recognized since 1825 in standard and nonstandard English, in Hindi Luv means Love.

The following dictionaries all recognize Luv as a real word. Oxford, Longmans, Collins, Cambridge, Merriam and Grammarly also recognizes Luv as a standard and nonstandard word.
I'd value Love .com more than I would Luv .com, maybe $10 million.

Luv is a real word that people know and use, it's also in several dictionaries. 3L positive words are in short supply.
8 figure sales are extremely rare, Sports dot com (in my opinion one of the best domains on the web) sold for $6 million about 2 years ago, while Love dot com is in the same tier as Sports dot com, I would rather own Sports dot com.

'Luv' is not a word/domain i would personally build a brand around, it looks 2nd rate and it will always confuse people when you say 'Luv dot com' out loud (people will take it as Love dot com) any potenital buyer paying a huge a amount of money (5/6 figures and millions) for a domain name, you don't want that to be happening.

For that reason I’m fairly sure Luv dot com gets little to no legit interest (6 figure offers) and quite confidently will say ‘zero’ interest at 7 figures, hence the attempt to give the domain publicity (something Rick does often), linking inflated prices to the domain on search engines to make it seem more valuable.
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8 figure sales are extremely rare, Sports dot com (in my opinion one of the best domains on the web) sold for $6 million about 2 years ago, while Love dot com is in the same tier as Sports dot com, I would rather own Sports dot com.

'Luv' is not a word/domain i would personally build a brand around, it looks 2nd rate and it will always confuse people when you say 'Luv dot com' out loud (people will take it as Love dot com) any potenital buyer paying a huge a amount of money (5/6 figures and millions) for a domain name, you don't want that to be happening.

For that reason I’m fairly sure Luv dot com gets little to no legit interest (6 figure offers) and quite confidently will say ‘zero’ interest at 7 figures, hence the attempt to give the domain publicity (something Rick does often), linking inflated prices to the domain on search engines to make it seem more valuable.
I Believe Rick has a 1M offer on the domain currently that’s why he is asking others for there opinions on its value.
I Believe Rick has a 1M offer on the domain currently
What leads you to believe that? His tactic of asking for appraisals during an ongoing negotiation would be a terrible mistake imo.
I Believe Rick has a 1M offer on the domain currently that’s why he is asking others for there opinions on its value.
Yeah sure he does, respect what you do, but you fall into Ricks trap a lot in that he'll post something (in attempt to inflate his assets) and then bloggers write about it ie:- doing more free promoting for him and it's not good for domains or the reputation of domain investors.

When he said Properties dot com is $125m, a lot of people knew what he was really doing, inflating prices on his asset so when a potential buyer comes along and Googles the domain, they will see articles/tweets linking Properties to $125m and if they then buy it at (say) $5m, they will think they have got a bargain, 2 years before he said $125m, he had a valuation on that domain for $2.85m:-

With that I'm also skeptical about his $36m Property sale, again 2 years before that sale was announced he valued the domain at $3.85m.
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••• will always confuse people when you say 'Luv dot com' out loud (people will take it as Love dot com).....
Definitely, 95+% of the value of the name is visual not aural.

One thing I like about the word is the "U" in the middle which can be used in place of the word "you" in marketing. You can't do that with "love".

Luminous Unidentifiable Vehicle

We may see lots of these in the future, but at the moment I would say 80K.

As a "typo" of Love, it would be worth at most 5 percent of it.

You need to consider all possibilities, and take max of them, but I don't see many
uses, because v is a poor letter, and it is at the end.
I fully understand your reasoning for that estimate.

But I think you leave out the added
"potential value of a unique trade-marketable and protect-able name".

This would depend on the exact end use of course.

Name hakz can have a higher value than the name they are hacking for the above reason.
100% brand in one word 3 letter domain that is TM, not generic.

My guess is that it could be $M's as he suggested. But could be a wait for it.
The "NEED" has to arrive.
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Why would someone pay a million plus when the .xyz is $75k?

Ha! If you know, you know!!!
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