

Spaceship Spaceship
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Always On The Bleeding Edge.Top Member
I think this is a perfect name for the .org extension. Its has the british spelling so it can be used in Canada, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand and other countries I can't remember of the top of my head.

Possible uses--->A website to find the best neighbourhoods to raise your children, it could also couple as a real estate listing service for those neighbourhoods.

--->Used for a magazine, best neighbourhoods to live type thing.

---> Used to list all the amenities and attraction of different neighbourhoods in high density cities.

Lots of possibilities here, and it fits well with .org.

Its hard to very hard find .org's that fit the extension well.

This has the potential to be a great brand in the extension.
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I was raised with the Queen's English, and after 20 years of exposure to American English, this spelling brings a smile to my face.

That being said, the .com forwards to the US spelling .com, and there seems to be a trademark related to such use. The matching .org seems to be some local government free speech site.

I don't see much value due to the dual spelling, to be honest, which splits a large market into a much smaller segment of people - as you pointed out. That, and the fact that it's a new registration, would lead me to price it at low-mid $xxx.
A lot of times ,when i am scratching my head a little rooting for the ''appraisee'' if you will. I ask myself if this domain was open would I register it ,if I tell myself no , I ask myself again if this domain was open for registration and there was a $4 sale on .org domains would I regstr it , I Would Not,sorry
I was raised with the Queen's English, and after 20 years of exposure to American English, this spelling brings a smile to my face.

That being said, the .com forwards to the US spelling .com, and there seems to be a trademark related to such use. The matching .org seems to be some local government free speech site.

I don't see much value due to the dual spelling, to be honest, which splits a large market into a much smaller segment of people - as you pointed out. That, and the fact that it's a new registration, would lead me to price it at low-mid $xxx.
Not sure if the spelling splits the market into a smaller segmentation of people, the populations of the countries I stated combined far exceed that of the USA and the total avg GDP does as well. Just india alone is over 1 billion people .So on the contrary it is the American spelling that splits a larger market into smaller one due to the isolated nature of the use of that spelling. Its a new registration, however it was held for 17 years prior to that, and domain more something domainers care about, if I had known it was dropping I would have spent the $15 required to dropcatch it.

Regardless a return on investment in the xxx range would be very pleasing, considering I paid $4 for it. Thanks for your appraisal, I really appreciate it and highly respect your experience.
A lot of times ,when i am scratching my head a little rooting for the ''appraisee'' if you will. I ask myself if this domain was open would I register it ,if I tell myself no , I ask myself again if this domain was open for registration and there was a $4 sale on .org domains would I regstr it , I Would Not,sorry
Thanks for your appraisal.....that yellow though...:sick:, way worse than this name, sorry.
i would see some value if it was the singular even with the .org
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i would see some value if it was the singular even with the .org

Thanks bro for your opinion appreciate it! I don't think its great but it was the best one on the public drop list today imho. I've got much better names so this one will likely be a flip in a few months time, perfect for a bit of cash during renewal season.
Thanks bro for your opinion appreciate it! I don't think its great but it was the best one on the public drop list today imho. I've got much better names so this one will likely be a flip in a few months time, perfect for a bit of cash during renewal season.
where did you get $4 .orgs today
where did you get $4 .orgs today
$3.95 at, I'm canadian and use the .in instead of the .com to take advantage of the price difference.
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