
Need a solid VPS Host

Spaceship Spaceship
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Hello everyone,

I am looking for a long term VPS host (US) that's reliable and has a great customer support. By great customer support I mean getting a response within a few hours not waiting days to hear back. I am currently hosting with ServInt (essential vps package)which they are great for bigger business but for my needs I feel a smaller lower spec server that I can keep adding as my business grows might be best.

Below are minimum specs I will need for my projects although they can be altered but I think these are good starters.
Fully/Semi Managed (I like to research the problem myself for first before contacting support. To educate myself more.)
30 gb+ disk space
1 TB+ bandwidth
2 gb Ram
cPanel/WHM *must for me*
2+ IP addresses
OS: not sure what is best to be honest

A little about my usage.
I host a few websites, mostly wordpress low manage sites with one and possible more ecommerce sites (small shops). I plan to add more wordpress sites soon, this is why I would like to settle-in quick and avoid transferring many websites and that sort.
Any recommendations of any kinds are very welcome.
Thank you all in advance
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Look at your current usage and double it at least, triple is even better because coming half way through the month and running out of bandwidth is probable the worst thing you can do for your website, your users will probable desert you, if they see it isn’t online for a day or two.
Try Vultr or DigitalOcean, they're both good with cheap price, from $5 or $10/mo on essential plans.
Yes Do and vultr are defiantly the best and cheapest choice.
Also DO has the best affiliate program.
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