
news NamePros Landers with Buy Now, integration, and much more

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Hey, domain sellers! 👋

We have a special surprise for you.

Continuing from last year (and last week), we have some exciting updates to share with you about NamePros Parking!

First, consider this:

You price your domain name at $2,500. For years, hundreds of interested buyers want to buy it, but the price is too high for them. They don't even try to contact you because they don't realize that the price is negotiable or may change. Years later, you decide to lower the price to $995. How many previously-interested buyers would buy it at this lowered price? You’d never know — until now!

With our new Buy Now options, you can finally contact those previous buyers to increase your sales opportunities. 💸

Here’s how:

Our landers require buyers to confirm their email address before they can see the price. Once confirmed, the price is available to them and their email address is available to you. Simple and effective.


Now, let’s talk new features!​

  • Buy Now: Add a Buy button with a sales price and payment options for buyers to purchase your domains.
    • (Recommended): Starts an transaction for you and allows the buyer to pay immediately.
    • PayPal: Creates a PayPal transaction for the buyer to pay directly to your PayPal account.
    • Email: You and the buyer use email to choose a payment method (e.g., crypto), discuss lease-to-own (LTO) options, etc.
  • Location: Country, region (e.g., state or province), and locality (e.g., city, town, or village) of your inquirers to help you understand where they are located, the best time to contact them, etc.
  • Bulk Management: Set options on multiple domains at the same time: prices, payment methods, appearance, etc.
  • Exports: Download your inquiries, including buyers’ email addresses, offers, etc. (CSV format.)
  • Domain Verification: Verify your domains by using any of these methods: name servers (NS), CNAME, or TXT records.
  • Supersonic Speed Boost: Our landers already loaded blazingly fast, but now they’re even faster — a powerful increase in performance!
    • For techies: Go, Redis, and Elastic (previously only: PHP and MySQL)

Wait, there’s more!

Tell us the features that you want for NamePros Parking because we’re adding new features all month!

Features coming soon:​

(Updates: ⏳ = In progress; ✅ = Complete – Available now!)
  • ⏳ Payment Plans: Payment buttons for lease-to-own (LTO) and renting, e.g., “$995/mo for 8 months”
  • ✅ Minimum Offers: Save time by specifying a minimum offer amount to set buyers’ expectations.
  • ⏳ Portfolio Website: A sharable storefront of the domains in your account with search and filters.
  • ✅ Traffic monitoring with Google Analytics: See real-time visitors and historical statistics about them, including demographics, referral sources, search engine queries, browsers, OS, etc.
  • ⏳ Traffic reporting natively: The number of visitors to parked domains, optionally displayed on your landing pages.
  • ✅ Remove NamePros Branding: An option to remove unnecessary mentions of NamePros from parked pages.
  • ✅ More Landers: Choose from multiple landing pages for various purposes, such as a new Buy Now Optimized lander.
  • ⏳ File Imports: Add domains to your account and set their prices by uploading spreadsheet files (e.g., .CSV).
  • ✅ Concierge: An option to use Domain Concierge Service for your transactions.
  • ✅ Auto-Detected Buyer Details: View detailed information about your potential buyers alongside their inquiries, based on their IP address: their current time and timezone, location, ISP, hostname domain, connection type (e.g., Cable/DSL, Cellular, Corporate, or Satellite), etc.
  • ⏳ Account notifications: Inquiry summaries and account notices about your parked domains, sent by email.

PRO TIP: There is a common misconception about how many domain sales happen because of marketplaces. In reality, many sales would still happen (and do happen) without the help of a marketplace, so NamePros is providing a free solution to sell domains and you keep 100% of your profit.

Our for-sale parking service is 100% free:​

  • No upfront fees
  • No monthly fees
  • No commission (0%)
  • No upgraded account necessary
  • 100% of your sales belong to you!

How does all that sound?

Visit to get started! 🎉

Tip: Quickly access your parking dashboard using the "Sell" dropdown menu at the top.

Questions? Ask below, or check out our Help Guide for NamePros Parking.

P.S. Our announcement last week was not a prank. Spatial Scrolling™ is real, courtesy of NamePros innovation! 🤯
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Do you think that’ll cover most use cases, or might you like to see additional sorting options?
Alphabetical would be helpful as well as by partial letters (entering 'tech' to find names containing 'technology' for example).

I did a test of the landers and things worked well. An offer of less than my min was entered and it returned this:

"Your offer has been declined because it is less than the minimum amount required by the seller. An increased offer is needed in order to start the conversation of selling this domain name."

Maybe wording similar to this: Your offer has been declined because it is less than the minimum amount required by the seller to begin negotiations. An increased offer is needed in order to start the conversation of purchasing this domain name.

For some reason I've had a flurry of offers thru afternic recently that think that by meeting the minimum offer I should sell the domain for that figure.

Also, as I mentioned before, the IP will be helpful if possible. The person can spoof their name and even phone number but it would require a little effort to obfuscate their true IP.
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Alphabetical would be helpful as well as by partial letters (entering 'tech' to find names containing 'technology' for example).
We have a "starts with" search, which would return "technology" if the domain begins with it, but you'd like it to perform a "contains" search, right? (Then you'd be able to find domains that, for example, end with "technology.")

"Your offer has been declined because it is less than the minimum amount required by the seller. An increased offer is needed in order to start the conversation of selling this domain name."

Maybe wording similar to this: Your offer has been declined because it is less than the minimum amount required by the seller to begin negotiations. An increased offer is needed in order to start the conversation of purchasing this domain name.
We've bolded your changes in the quote above.
  1. The first modification is a great one; that's been added and will show in future emails after the next update is released to the public.
  2. The second one could really go either way, but we believe "selling" is better. The system is acting on your behalf like a seller broker would. It reflects the action that the seller may take once their minimum offer is met.

Also, as I mentioned before, the IP will be helpful if possible. The person can spoof their name and even phone number but it would require a little effort to obfuscate their true IP.
We've added almost every useful piece of information that you can obtain from an IP address, except:

Hostname domain is coming soon.

That should cover every useful detail that you can get from an IP. At that point, the IP itself should not provide additional value, and it also helps buyers feel more comfortable submitting inquiries since we aren't providing unnecessary PII.

Are we missing anything?
Are we missing anything?
Repeat landing page visitors would be a great indicator. Only for real humans that have visited the lander multiple times. These may also include humans that have not yet confirmed their email address with NamePros for the domain. As soon as the email address has been confirmed, it can be indicated in the overview which visitor it concerns, even retroactively. Example:

Repeat Visitors.png
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Repeat landing page visitors would be a great indicator. Only for real humans that have visited the lander multiple times. These may also include humans that have not yet confirmed their email address with NamePros for the domain. As soon as the email address has been confirmed, it can be indicated in the overview which visitor it concerns, even retroactively. Example:

Show attachment 256298

It must be noted that this type of tracking should not be based on IP address, as that would be very inaccurate. It would need to use cookies or similar tracking methods for accuracy. Without accuracy, the data becomes less valuable.

Thanks for sharing this suggestion.
It must be noted that this type of tracking should not be based on IP address, as that would be very inaccurate. It would need to use cookies or similar tracking methods for accuracy. Without accuracy, the data becomes less valuable.
Indeed. And I would add that this also applies to the general visitor statistics. Good measuring is a field in itself. In any case, it must be clear how and what exactly is measured, what is left out of the measurement, how page reloads are handled within a short period, and many other things.

Perhaps insight can (also) be given based on repeat visits from the same BGP-AS, IP netblock, and hostname/domain. This will then not concern visitors with the same cookie, but it may involve visitors from the same company. It is not foolproof, because people can work from home with their residential IP, but in some cases it may certainly provide useful additional information to complete the puzzle.

In any case, plenty to think about and a nice challenge for the engineering team. They will love it.
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Feature: a potential buyer who has confirmed their email address can forward a unique link to others*, so that the price is immediately visible to them as well. Not only useful to them, but also to the Seller, since propagation and sharing can be tracked and shown in statistics.

*In this way, the identity of a company may also come to light.
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Through IP details, or something else?
My first thought is: a residential IP visitor uses their private email, and home IP address. It's difficult to know more about their intent.

Then forwards the unique link to another person or a group via email/Whatsapp/Whatever.

The next 3 visits on that unique link, which follow almost immediately, are from a marketing agency (based on their hostname/domain), a pharmaceutical company (based on their ASN or domain), and from some startup incubator in Silicon Valley (based on their hostname).
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The person with the cookie on their laptop at home can also use that same laptop from the company network the next day. Not only measure the first time, but also later.
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Any idea of adding domain parking Ads for revenue?
We considered doing a partnership to offer this like Dan did, but we spoke to those involved in that deal and learned that it didn’t work well at all for either side.

Really, it’s an either-or choice for each domain:

Either you’re going to monetize it or you’re going to sell it to an end user. Trying to do both performs very poorly. It’s not worth it.

The best strategy:

Use our landers if your domains have end-user sales potential because selling domains will almost always earn you more money over time.

Use ad-based landers if your domains don’t have end-user sales potential, such as some misspellings/typos of common words.

We hope that helps.
That's certainly true. The problem is that parking revenue is what's not worth it. Bodis was working the best for me. I had $150 per month and climbing as I was adding a lot of great names. Then ever since last month, my revenue suddenly dropped to only $1 to $2 per day.

If You could just add an optional search bar template for us to use until we can get proof of what visitors are searching for and where they are located, then we could reach out directly to businesses in those specific areas and provide solid data as to why they should either buy the domain or approve the use of that domain for their affiliate program or just pay us a nominal fee to forward the domain to their site.
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If You could just add an optional search bar template for us to use until we can get proof of what visitors are searching for and where they are located, then we could reach out directly to businesses in those specific areas and provide solid data as to why they should either buy the domain or approve the use of that domain for their affiliate program or just pay us a nominal fee to forward the domain to their site.
Big fan of this idea.
you'd like it to perform a "contains" search, right?


Forgive me if you addressed this earlier, but I wanted to mention a 'notes' area that the seller could toggle on or off would be great. An area that would show (if activated) under the domain where the seller could enter up to several lines of info/pitch.

Over the years I've noticed this can really help with lower/mid priced names.
I wanted to mention a 'notes' area that the seller could toggle on or off would be great. An area that would show (if activated) under the domain where the seller could enter up to several lines of info/pitch.
I really feel the same about this. While the majority of time best to leave name on its own, in certain cases a section for notes would be helpful. If they are implemented, I would suggest that
  • It be toggle on/off as @Mister Funsky suggests
  • The length be capped to number of characters that reasonably all fit on one lander page in an attractive place.
  • That you do NOT give any thought to enabling AI generated descriptions. I think they are getting old fast.
  • Hopefully ultimately there will be a few lander choices (I think you already said that) so that the seller can choose a point form or free text format for the notes.
Thanks to the team for all of the incredible work being done, and such a refreshing approach to interact with suggestions/requests from the community here.

That you do NOT give any thought to enabling AI generated descriptions. I think they are getting old fast.

I fully agree!

AI will soon be ingrained in all our lives (whether we want it or not) so keeping the domain space clear of its 'creations' would be wonderful.

My standard pitch/intro is 3 paragraphs made up of 5 sentences with one of those being a massive run on. It is about 65 words with about 425 characters and it primarily focuses on payment methods accepted and financing options.
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@Bravo Mod Team, not sure if this has been covered/suggested, but for some names I list it is beneficial to have a BIN in addition to 'make offer' option. Is that going to be possible with the landers?
I wanted to mention a 'notes' area that the seller could toggle on or off would be great. An area that would show (if activated) under the domain where the seller could enter up to several lines of info/pitch.
The length be capped to number of characters that reasonably all fit on one lander page in an attractive place.
Agreed, this can definitely help.

This is a bit of a bigger project because we'd need a whole moderation system for it, but we'll get it added to our suggestions list and see if the devs can make it happen anytime soon.

Thanks for sharing this suggestion.
for some names I list it is beneficial to have a BIN in addition to 'make offer' option.
All BIN landers have an offer field below the BIN.

For sellers who don't want to consider anything except their BIN price, we have the "Use buy-now price" option under the "Minimum offer" setting. That will immediately decline their offer, and it'll let them know that the minimum offer is the BIN price.

We'll have more demos soon so that everyone can explore the different experiences from a buyer's perspective.
All BIN landers have an offer field below the BIN.

For sellers who don't want to consider anything except their BIN price, we have the "Use buy-now price" option under the "Minimum offer" setting. That will immediately decline their offer, and it'll let them know that the minimum offer is the BIN price.
Can the MO field be hidden as well?
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.