
domains MJ.com IPO goes live today

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If you are interested in the concept of fractionalized domain ownership today might be the day for you. Let me make perfectly clear this is not investment advice and I am not telling anyone to buy or not buy. This is being presented for informational purposes only. Andrew Allemann first wrote about Rally and fractionalized […]
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Tbh, I my first thought was 'marijuana'.
Already sold out, that was fast.
That was a good domainname
Michael Jordan. 🏀
The best one, honestly.
Michael Jordan is the first billionaire athlete done in 2014. Today, MJ is worth billions. I’m surprised with his Nike cash flow, MJ did not buy MJ com.

Today, has more money, sold team for billions.
Aug 2023; his sale of NBA team stake official; his team sold for $3 billion made Mike more billions.
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I already got my share of MJ real estate. The Southeast end of it.

Bought MJSE.com in 2021 ;)
mj.co redirects to mj.com...

spot the odd one out:

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sounds like a lot of hoping to me. people will buy whatever
The best one, honestly.
Michael Jordan is the first billionaire athlete done in 2014. Today, MJ is worth billions. I’m surprised with his Nike cash flow, MJ did not buy MJ com.

Today, has more money, sold team for billions.
Aug 2023; his sale of NBA team stake official; his team sold for $3 billion made Mike more billions.

Apparently, he is doing fine without the acronym .com of his. What a shocker ))
The best one, honestly.
Michael Jordan is the first billionaire athlete done in 2014. Today, MJ is worth billions. I’m surprised with his Nike cash flow, MJ did not buy MJ com.

Today, has more money, sold team for billions.
Aug 2023; his sale of NBA team stake official; his team sold for $3 billion made Mike more billions.
The domain will no doubt have been offered to Michael Jordan many times along with Michael Jackson's estate.

I think fractionalized domain ownership is interesting, but truth is most domains that will go through this will have been offered out to potenital buyers many times and will have gone through a number of brokers (which MJ has), i know 2 high profile brokers who has represented MJ dot com in the last year and the reason why current owner is doing this is because none of these brokers can find a buyer.

I remember when Directions dot com got offered for fractionalized domain ownership about 3 years ago, shares in that sold out straight away too, but its still sat parked.

MJ dot com is a fantastic domain and will always have significant value even if it was sold to an investor, but i stick to what i say, most ultra-premiums that do get offered out for fractionalized domain ownership will have had most angles covered and can't sell (like in my opinion Directions dot com).
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This sounds terrible. If I understand it correctly it will be auctioned off in the future and whatever it's sold for is going to be divided among the part owners?

The shares themselves sold for $950,000, which means that it has to sell for more than that to turn a profit. Which I don't think it will, especially not in auction.

This sounds terrible. If I understand it correctly it will be auctioned off in the future and whatever it's sold for is going to be divided among the part owners?

The shares themselves sold for $950,000, which means that it has to sell for more than that to turn a profit. Which I don't think it will, especially not in auction.

Show attachment 255805
Yeah in an auction at Namescon, this in my opinion would sell for high 6 figures (the price this sold for in fractionalized ownership).

As you say, to make this worthwhile for new shareholders, it’s going to have to sell for $1.5m+, it could happen, but it hasn’t so far.

I’m not pulling down the concept, I think fractionalized ownership is interesting if you are looking to sell a domain, but as an investor, I’m not sure if it’s something I would ever put my own money into.
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Yeah in an auction at Namescon, this in my opinion would sell for high 6 figures (the price this sold for in fractionalized ownership).
I'm guessing mid, maybe even low. Keep in mind that this is an auction. It's likely going to be bought by another investor, maybe even the original seller.

If the owner thought he could get more for it by selling it himself, there's no real reason he wouldn't just auction it off himself. Maybe it's a publicity stunt to get more people interested in the auction, but very few people could afford it when it's finally auctioned off.
I just messaged Andrew Rosener got a quote from him on the auction scenario.

The only way we would auction it is if multiple end users wanted it and were making competing bids! So no… That is complete fake news!
I just messaged Andrew Rosener got a quote from him on the auction scenario.

The only way we would auction it is if multiple end users wanted it and were making competing bids! So no… That is complete fake news!
Then it's even worse. Who'd pay for the renewals? What happens if a fractional owner dies? Is it possible for a fractional owner to cash out, and under what conditions? And there has to be some legal documentation to clarify what this ownership actually entails and what rights the owners have. As far as Verisign is concerned there's only one owner.

Normally when you talk about fractional ownership of rare collectibles and whatnot it's scheduled for auction, because there's no point of owning 1% (or even 99%) of a painting.
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Then it's even worse. Who'd pay for the renewals? What happens if a fractional owner dies? Is it possible for a fractional owner to cash out, and under what conditions? And there has to be some legal documentation to clarify what this ownership actually entails and what rights the owners have.

Normally when you talk about fractional ownership of rare collectibles and whatnot it's scheduled for auction, because there's no point of owning 1% (or even 99%) of a painting.
I have to do some reading I know there was a lengthy offering circular. I am not sure if that's all in there but I will check.
Want to Buy it Outright?
A "Buyout" happens when someone buys the full asset and takes possession. To make this happen, the people who own a share of it and a Rally's 3rd party Advisory Board have to agree to the sale.

The IPO for this asset has sold out and a ~90 day cooling off period begins, during which no transactions occur in anticipation of trading
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Initial Offering Share Price
Number of Shares
Initial Offering Market Cap.
Storage Location
GoDaddy Professional (DomainX) So Andrew handles the renewal

  • How can I sell my investment?​

    You can attempt to sell some or all of your shares through the Rally App, which is the interface for investors to place BID and ASK quotes that are routed via Dalmore to the PPEX ATS for matching. While your shares are not listed on a public stock exchange, like NASDAQ or NYSE, the trading process provided by the PPEX ATS should feel familiar. Note that the PPEX ATS is the sole trading venue for all orders placed through the Rally App (as the user interface). However, investors are not restricted to the App for trading shares. You may attempt to trade on an alternative secondary market, if one is available, but the Rally App will not connect you to such markets. The information provided in these FAQs relates solely to transactions conducted on the PPEX ATS using the Rally App as the user interface, and it does not apply to any secondary trades conducted by other means.
    After an asset’s Initial Offering, we impose a 90-day “lock-up” period during which shares cannot be bought or sold. Once the “lock-up” period is over, the “INVEST” button is replaced with “BUY” and “SELL” buttons so you know the asset is trading. You can submit offers to sell your shares at any time after the lock-up period by submitting sell orders (“ASKs”) through the App. However, the PPEX ATS will not match buyers and sellers outside of Market Hours as established by the PPEX ATS.

  • How do I place a BID or ASK (how to buy or sell shares)?​

    Ensure that you have the latest version of the Rally App from the iOS App Store or visit our web application at app.rallyrd.com.
    Navigate to an asset that is eligible for secondary trading and select the BID (Buy) button to purchase shares or the ASK (Sell) button to sell shares. In order to place a BID, an investor must have a cash balance in their Dwolla account, which is created and accessible through the user interface provided by the Rally App, equal to or greater than the total amount of the order, and in order to place an ASK, the Rally App requires that investors must currently own shares in that particular asset and have held those shares for a minimum of five business days.
    Enter the number of shares and a limit price per share. In accordance with the matching procedure of the PPEX ATS, ASKs will be eligible to be matched at or above that price per share, and BIDS will be eligible to be matched at or below that price per share.
    Review your order and submit it. If your order is matched by the PPEX ATS during Market Hours, Dalmore, as executing broker, will immediately execute your order. If the order is not eligible to be matched, or it’s outside Market Hours, the order will show up in the asset’s specific order book, which is maintained by the PPEX ATS, until matched or canceled.
    View your pending or executed order details anytime by navigating to the “Portfolio” section of the App.
    As a reminder, your Dwolla account, which is created and accessible through the user interface provided by the Rally App, must contain an available cash balance equal to or greater than the total amount of the order to place a BID, and you will need to own shares in an asset that have completed the settlement process (held for five business days after execution) in order to place an ASK.

Go to Mike(.)com or Michael(.)com
Both these are offered by another Michael; Michael J. Saylor; the Bitcoin Evangelist.

I actually love Michael Saylor; he is current record largest domain sale: (voice com: $30MM)

Mike(.)com leads to best portfolio of my life.
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