
sales Miri.com Sold For $199,995 USD At SquadHelp

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DomainRetail.comTop Member
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I don't understand how people price things

I googled it and saw the city name and various acronyms

But even with all that, maybe I'd price it at 30k... how does someone go six figs? And not just that, 200k
I don't understand how people price things

I googled it and saw the city name and various acronyms

But even with all that, maybe I'd price it at 30k... how does someone go six figs? And not just that, 200k
If it's simply pronounceable with no city then maybe 30K+ but i suspect the value of owning the name of the second largest city is that region, potential tourism/travel profits, etc.. I'm sure the owner thought the buyer would be at the state level so they would have the cash. Without the city connection i assume it would be priced much lower but they had the top enduser in mind.
Buyer could be Miri Health
I don't understand how people price things

I googled it and saw the city name and various acronyms

But even with all that, maybe I'd price it at 30k... how does someone go six figs? And not just that, 200k
Domains (or brands in general) are all about effortlessness and effectiveness.
  • .com: Should be obvious, if you don't own the .com then you don't own your brand.
  • Pronounceable: Most four-letter domains aren't pronounceable. Imagine trying to market znjf.com in radio, you'd literally have to say "visit zed-en-jay-eff dot com," and that doesn't stick to people's memory as effectively as "visit miri dot com."
  • Presentation: Short domains look more professional and are easier to create an effective logo for. The shorter the name, the larger you can scale it up on billboards and whatnot.
It's also important to understand that value is exponentially tied to the quality of the domain. There are of course other factors, leaf.com would be worth seven- or eight figures because not only is it a four-letter domain, it's also a memorable and easy-to-spell word that can effortlessly turned into a pictorial logo characterized by a generic leaf. But miri.com (while lacking these properties) is still an incredibly valuable domain for the properties it does have.
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I don't understand how people price things

I googled it and saw the city name and various acronyms

But even with all that, maybe I'd price it at 30k... how does someone go six figs? And not just that, 200k
The pricing is mostly random, always. Numbers are made up out of thin air, no matter whether external metrics (past sales, volume, history etc etc.) are used or not. Even if a veteran claims to have a foolproof appraisal system, it's just BS.
In my opinion.
I don't understand how people price things

I googled it and saw the city name and various acronyms

But even with all that, maybe I'd price it at 30k... how does someone go six figs? And not just that, 200k

That's exactly one of the reasons estimation tools can not predict.
There are brands, luxury: Amiri
It could be a name
Same as Miri = Miriam
Look out for Karen.com
The next BDSM brand
you dont get 200k if you ask for 30k
Domains (or brands in general) are all about effortlessness and effectiveness.
  • .com: Should be obvious, if you don't own the .com then you don't own your brand.
  • Pronounceable: Most four-letter domains aren't pronounceable. Imagine trying to market znjf.com in radio, you'd literally have to say "visit zed-en-jay-eff dot com," and that doesn't stick to people's memory as effectively as "visit miri dot com."
  • Presentation: Short domains look more professional and are easier to create an effective logo for. The shorter the name, the larger you can scale it up on billboards and whatnot.
It's also important to understand that value is exponentially tied to the quality of the domain. There are of course other factors, leaf.com would be worth seven- or eight figures because not only is it a four-letter domain, it's also a memorable and easy-to-spell word that can effortlessly turned into a pictorial logo characterized by a generic leaf. But miri.com (while lacking these properties) is still an incredibly valuable domain for the properties it does have.
I agree with your point.
Congratulations Sir. These are some of the moment that change the life forever.
I don't understand how people price things

I googled it and saw the city name and various acronyms

But even with all that, maybe I'd price it at 30k... how does someone go six figs? And not just that, 200k

If you look at the detail of about 100 names, you'll start to realize why some domains sell for a lot. I wrote NameWorth and it's right more than most investors, but I'd still price over the estimates in most cases after further research.

To put it in perspective, at $200k the domain is only the cost of 1-2 employees and it adds to the efficiency of the companies Trust, Authority, SEO, Conversion Rate, Click-Thru rate and just about every process that involves customers and investors.


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Still can't understand how domainers out of anyone find this price to be "high". A very pronounceable short 4-letter domain with in my opinion great letters.

My agency works with budgets like that in some cases in less than a month on ads, the return on investment might not be as fast but up your game, domains are insanely unique and rare.

Why on earth would you sell a domain such as Miri for a mere 20/30k, plus tax, plus fees? Either you find a better (replacement) investment for that 20/30k or you are facing difficulties.
Still can't understand how domainers out of anyone find this price to be "high". A very pronounceable short 4-letter domain with in my opinion great letters.

My agency works with budgets like that in some cases in less than a month on ads, the return on investment might not be as fast but up your game, domains are insanely unique and rare.

Why on earth would you sell a domain such as Miri for a mere 20/30k, plus tax, plus fees? Either you find a better (replacement) investment for that 20/30k or you are facing difficulties.

I mean, exactly how often have u seen 4Ls go for six figs?
i am amazed they managed to raise $1.2M with egregious atrocious “.health” pseudo extension.
Aren't you a finance guy? How many people do you see raising 1.2M+?
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