
opinion Make Someone's Day – Post Bouquets Here Please!

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The domain name community, and NamePros in particular, is an amazing place. So much expertise, sharing, knowledge, encouragement and sharing.

I bet each of us have stories of little acts of kindness, inspiration, or assistance that made a difference. You probably already thanked them, but why not go the extra step to publicly thank them?

So this discussion thread is the place to leave a virtual 'bouquet' recognizing these acts and people. It can be simple, or long, whatever you feel fits. So don't think you need to write a detailed account. I suspect many bouquets will be a single sentence.

You are definitely not restricted to just one bouquet (although let's not mix multiple bouquets in one post, please). I hope it will become a habit to come to this thread and post when you feel so moved, and to read what recent bouquets others have left.

I know I don't control what is done in any discussion, but I would request that we keep this thread positive. We have all the other threads to debate things, let's keep this one for thanking and acknowledging people or companies.

Please don't leave a bouquet for yourself or for those at a company that you work for. I imagine most bouquets will be for individuals, but if a company, or someone at a company, made a positive difference for you, feel free to share a bouquet.

I would love to see if, over the months, or years, we could reach 9000 bouquets. I know that is a lot, but we are a large and mighty online community. Why 9000? This is my 9000th post on NamePros, and I thought about wanting to make the post about something more than simply a post or thread on some topic.

Calling them bouquets comes from a feature we have at a community nonprofit newspaper I volunteer at. We have people write in with bouquets recognizing someone or some business in our community.

You can leave bouquets for people whether they are active on NamePros or not. For those with a NamePros account, it is a nice gesture to tag them.

For those active on social media, you can give your bouquet extra impact by writing it here and mentioning/linking to your post from your social media account.

I hope you each have a wonderful week, and I sincerely thank you in advance for making this thread active and meaningful.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Over the years a few NamePros members have started somewhat similar threads. I think the most recent was:

Say Something Nice About An Investor

started by @HotKey.

I would like to leave the first bouquet for @HotKey, both for that thread, but more generally for the positive way he contributes and encourages on NamePros.

Thanks @HotKey!

I wanted to recognize Brad, @bmugford. Not only does he offer advice based on a long period of success, he does it in a way that is professional and illuminating. He fiercely advocates for rights of those who he sees mistreated, and I frankly am in awe how truly engaged he is with NamePros. Hats off to you Brad. and thank you for all you contribute both here at NamePros, through your social media, in organizations like ICA, and individually.

A bouquet for @bmugford!

I'd like to send a special 'Bob's Bouquet' to Mr Hawkes.

9,000 NamePros post/articles/blogs etc etc. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to present such detailed and helpful articles.

If any new domainer was to do one thing and one thing only it would be to go back and read as many of your posts as is humanly possible. That, would be a good way to start a new career.

I hope that you enthusiasm never wanes and you continue to contribute to this wonderful community for many years to come.

Congrats Mr Bob.


A year ago when I joined NamePros , I wasn't sure , as to what is wrong with my domains. These domains were great (to me). Better than what I had regg. in the past decade (for my Adsense, affiliates type sites).

but later NPs member helped me with appraisal. And there comes @jhm .

I asked him if he can exactly point out what is wrong with the domains. And he promptly replied me and helped me.

most people would not take any new member seriously. Especially their domains. I gave him like 10-15 domains and he pointed out the issue. And had always replied.

so, I can say he is a nice guy. Shoutout to @jhm . He was the first person to help me. :)

Also, the NPs community is very supportive and many guys are helping me here. And I am still reading articles written by Mr. @Bob Hawkes . Thank you sir for your efforts. Huge respect. :)
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Over the years a few NamePros members have started somewhat similar threads. I think the most recent was:

Say Something Nice About An Investor

started by @HotKey.

I would like to leave the first bouquet for @HotKey, both for that thread, but more generally for the positive way he contributes and encourages on NamePros.

Thanks @HotKey!

Aw that is super nice Bob- thanks! and for keeping the spirit of recognition going. Without each other we only have ourselves and that can get awfully lopsided. A bad (or good) domain day is better shared.

My bouquet goes to @Internet.Domains who is no longer active here on NP but he planted the seed early for me for this thing called Handshake which enabled me to grasp and root into at a stage before it became a thing.


for, in my eyes, being a one-of-a-kind registrar in more ways than one. Your business model of taking customer suggestions and implementing them while continuing to keep affordable pricing has kept my faith in that there are companies still out there that truly have their finger on the pulse! You have never failed to impress and I think you were one of the first to use a completely different name and make it your own.
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I would like to leave a 💐 for Raymond, @equity78.

Especially in my early years in domain investing and writing, his support and encouragement meant so much to me.

It is truly impressive how after so many years he continues to be so active in his writing and here at NamePros. Alway with well-informed, insightful and fair comments.

Did you know he has been a member here at NamePros for almost 19 years, has posted more than 17,000 times and has an impact score of more than 27,000!

You probably know of his writing, in addition of here at NamePros at one or more of:
  • TheDomains
  • TLDInvestors
  • DomainBlog
Truly deserving of many bouquets! 🌻🥀🌹🌷💐🌺🌸💐

Thank you, @equity78, for week in and week out being there for the domaining community. We are all better because of you.


One bouquet for from me.

Not only for sharing various critical pieces of information, but my contact with Abdul has opened my mind to the true potential of domain names.
One bouquet from me to @ThatNameGuy , with lots of love.

We're so far apart , yet I appreciate his persistence and determination.
There's a few people where I probably agree with 95%+ of the time, 2 no longer posting here. Just a few that come to mind:

@bmugford - all around knowledge, can't remember disagreeing with anything he posts, rare occurrence.

@Bob Hawkes - always great blog posts, can't imagine how many hours go into each one. That's dedication

@Kate - No longer posting here, again, very knowledgeable, rarely disagree with her

and somebody that actually knows her SEO stuff among many other subjects. No longer posting here, probably real busy getting top ranking for her clients last time I heard - @enlytend
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@RJ ... What a great human being.. A person and domainer i will never forget ...

@Michelle a relentless domainer , one of the hardest workers on the forum, a great lady and mother.

@SecondVersion V2 was another relentless domainer, Coder , a fantastic young man, an achiever.
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The domain name community, and NamePros in particular, is an amazing place. So much expertise, sharing, knowledge, encouragement and sharing.

I bet each of us have stories of little acts of kindness, inspiration, or assistance that made a difference. You probably already thanked them, but why not go the extra step to publicly thank them?

So this discussion thread is the place to leave a virtual 'bouquet' recognizing these acts and people. It can be simple, or long, whatever you feel fits. So don't think you need to write a detailed account. I suspect many bouquets will be a single sentence.

You are definitely not restricted to just one bouquet (although let's not mix multiple bouquets in one post, please). I hope it will become a habit to come to this thread and post when you feel so moved, and to read what recent bouquets others have left.

I know I don't control what is done in any discussion, but I would request that we keep this thread positive. We have all the other threads to debate things, let's keep this one for thanking and acknowledging people or companies.

Please don't leave a bouquet for yourself or for those at a company that you work for. I imagine most bouquets will be for individuals, but if a company, or someone at a company, made a positive difference for you, feel free to share a bouquet.

I would love to see if, over the months, or years, we could reach 9000 bouquets. I know that is a lot, but we are a large and mighty online community. Why 9000? This is my 9000th post on NamePros, and I thought about wanting to make the post about something more than simply a post or thread on some topic.

Calling them bouquets comes from a feature we have at a community nonprofit newspaper I volunteer at. We have people write in with bouquets recognizing someone or some business in our community.

You can leave bouquets for people whether they are active on NamePros or not. For those with a NamePros account, it is a nice gesture to tag them.

For those active on social media, you can give your bouquet extra impact by writing it here and mentioning/linking to your post from your social media account.

I hope you each have a wonderful week, and I sincerely thank you in advance for making this thread active and meaningful.

Many members contribute to NamePros, to help others, through their knowledge, and experiences.

I would like to leave a 💐 for David @barefoottech

I give bouquets to the new member welcoming crew @Mister Funsky @internext @xynames and everyone else who helps welcome new members.

Also one for @aelko for keeping us up to date on the registrar offers
I think many members deserve a bouquet for their contribution and commitment to the forum, but my first bouquet will go to @jberryhill because he often provides a expertise to the forum that helps raise the level of knowledge in complicated legal matters concerning domains.
One bouquet for from me.

Not only for sharing various critical pieces of information, but my contact with Abdul has opened my mind to the true potential of domain names.

I second Abdul, excellent contributions to the community.

Also @Bob Hawkes for all your wonderful data posts.
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I wanted to leave a 💐 for @twiki. Thank you!!

This is not so much for any single post or action, but month in and month out being so active and contributing so much to our community. He is closing in on an impact of 30,000, should give you an idea of that.

On topics like economic conditions, changing trends, and in particular pricing decisions, he has given so much to our community.

Thanks @twiki, and have a great day!

I wanted to leave a 💐 for @twiki. Thank you!!

This is not so much for any single post or action, but month in and month out being so active and contributing so much to our community. He is closing in on an impact of 30,000, should give you an idea of that.

On topics like economic conditions, changing trends, and in particular pricing decisions, he has given so much to our community.

Thanks @twiki, and have a great day!

Wow @Bob Hawkes , thanks! I really did not expect this, as there are far better domainers here. Unfortunately not so many share stuff as there are pros and cons in doing so.
Here a huge shout out to the whole community and not just single people, we as a whole make this domain community thrive, and not only on NamePros but everywhere on the internet, may we all get lots of sales to come and may we all learn together and be kinder to each other to make this communiity as positive as possible to welcome everybody and this includes people who know zero, newbies, because once we were also a newbie, cheers EVERYONE!
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