
domains IDN World Report 2023

Spaceship Spaceship


____Top Member


  • 84% ccTLDs support IDN registration with a further 1 registry in preparation to launch.
  • There are an estimated 2.9 million IDN registrations under ccTLDs.
  • Over the 12 months to January 2023, the median growth of IDN registrations under national ccTLDs was recorded at -0.1% (sample: 40 ccTLDs) which is a decline from the previous year’s growth of 2.5%.
  • With an estimated 1.4 million IDN registrations under gTLDs, over the 12 months to January 2023, the median growth was recorded at 1.91%. (sample: 282 gTLDs)
  • Latin is the most common script offered by ccTLDs in the sample set.
  • 74 registries support IDN registration at the second level with a further 5 registries in preparation to support.
  • 17 registries offer both IDN and xn-- form in Port 43 WHOIS, 14 registries offer both forms in RDAP and 29 registries offer both forms in web-based WHOIS.
  • 65 registries do not support the Homoglyph building.
  • ccTLD registries rate registrar support 4 out of 5. This is an increase from the previous year’s score of 3.1.
  • Registries rate end-user awareness of IDNs at 2.5 out of 5. This is an increase from the previous year’s score of 2.2.

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