
Identity Digital released 230 000 domains yesterday - My High-Level Analysis

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hi folks,

The Registry Identity Digital (merge between Donuts and Afilias) released for general availability more than 230 000 domain names reserved on more than 200 different extensions (mostly 1,2 or 3 characters), yesterday.

I analyzed the released domains and here are my high-level findings:
  • I counted 271 extensions ranging from .ac to .zone, with .ac, .io, and .sh being the only ccTLDs
  • For .pro a total of 130k domains were released and thus the majority of the whole release. On the next places: .info (45k domains), .run (7k) .mobi (5k) and .global (2k).
  • About 50% of the released domains are premium domains (with premium reg & renewel fees, e.g. .bet 2880 / year). The remainder are said to be standard pricing.
  • For 90% of the extensions, the same roundabout 100 domains were released for each. These seem to be a mix of
    • trademarks (e.g. 'Arpa', 'KellyLogistics', as in,
    • typical second-level combinations ('io', 'mil', 'int', 'cn', 'co', 'gov', 'edu', 'tel' 'org', as in,
    • these 7 random longer keywords (e.g. 'oneself', 'pseudonym', 'proclaim', 'aero', 'kingdom', 'eponym', 'blink' as in
    • some phrase-like keywords (e.g. 'getyour', 'Iam', 'register', as in
  • For some extensions (e.g. .academy), a list of first name + last name combinations were released.
  • For some extensions (e.g. .engineering), a list of company names were released.
  • For some extensions (e.g. .camera), a longer keyword list was released (including 'auction', 'new', 'now', 'loan', 'fly')
  • For some extensions (e.g. .wine), industry-specific keywords were released (e.g.
  • For some extensions (e.g. .dog), all LL combination were released. (e.g.
  • For some extensions (e.g. .bet), all NL and LN combinations were released (e.g.
  • For some extensions (e.g. .football), geo-domains were released (e.g.
  • For some extensions (e.g. .fund), NN combinations were released (e.g.
  • For some extensions (e.g. .global) LLL combinations were released (e.g.
  • For .info, they released some German-keywords (e.g. which is German for 'chess')
  • For .mobi, they released all 1-3 letter / number combination (e.g.
  • For .pro, they released all 1-3 letter / number / dash combinations (e.g.
  • For .pro they released a large number of dashed domains (e.g.
  • For .pro & .info they released a huge number of nonsense domains (e.g. - Does anyone know why they were held back?
In case anyone wants to do their own analyis; Netim created a csv which can be downloaded here:

From my perspective, you did not miss anything, if you just hear about this now. Unless you are really into investing in premium domains with high registration fees...
I pre-ordered 14 domains (13x .info and 1x .io) and got 9 of them. I hope these 9 domains will be worth the time I invested in scanning 230 000 domains :glasses:

Let me know if you have any detail questions.



Disclaimer: Sensitive material follows:
  • For .io swear words / phrases including the keyword 'fuck' and 'shit' were released. I like to give you the list for shits and giggles, and in case someone needs a keyword list of swear-domains
    • BrainFuck
    • ClusterFuck
    • DJFuck
    • Fuck-You
    • DontFuckAround
    • FreeShit
    • FuckShitPit
    • FuckMountain
    • FuckOff
    • FucksGiven
    • FuckShitStack
    • FuckThisShit
    • FuckToken
    • FuckU
    • FuckYourCouch
    • FuckYourStartup
    • GiveAFuck
    • GoFuckYourself
    • HolyFuck
    • JustFuckingDoIt
    • MindFuck
    • NoShit
    • ShitFuckStack
    • ShitHappens
    • ShitHub
    • ShitList
    • ShitShow
    • ShitStarter
    • ShitStorm
    • UnFuck
    • UnFuckery
    • WeAreFucked
    • WhereTheFuckIsIt
    • ZeroFucks
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I got an email about this release (I think DynaDot sent it out) and browsed through some of the names. Didn't find much that I was interested in because like you said, most of the premiums had pretty high renewals. Can't believe you went through all 200k+ of them. Hope those nine do well for you and congrats on getting them!! (y)
I thought io blocks and cancels swear words and adult names
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I got an email about this release (I think DynaDot sent it out) and browsed through some of the names. Didn't find much that I was interested in because like you said, most of the premiums had pretty high renewals. Can't believe you went through all 200k+ of them. Hope those nine do well for you and congrats on getting them!! (y)
Probably spent more time on writing this post than on analyzing the data. Excel filters & formulas FTW! I had hoped that there were some hidden gems to be discovered but quickly realized that most very not very valuable or just plain expensive. Thanks for your words!
I thought io blocks and cancels swear words and adult names
I registered one of the listed .io names which went through without a problem. Maybe changed their policies and as a result Identitiy Digital released the .io swear words?!
At 3200$ first year reg & 3200 anual renew price for many names , no thanks
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