
How many stages of rejection does a domain name go through before being dropped?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I had this thought while looking through lists of recently dropped domains.

- The person who originally bought it either forgot to renew, something happened to them, or they decided to drop it...

- Then the Snapnames types of sites couldn't find anyone to pay $80 for it...

- The big players who seem to get first dibs like HugeDomains said no thanks...

- Nobody wanted it in the closeout auction...

- People who watch upcoming drops closely to try to snag it first. I imagine there are bots for this too? Once it's past the auction stage, and the domain is released "Back into the wild"... if it stands out, there's got to be handfuls of people competing to grab it immediately?

- Then, finally, people like me who are combing through lists of domains that have dropped in the past day, week, etc.

Am I missing any steps here?

In any case, my thought is that it's really like looking for a needle in a haystack, right? Since so many other ultra competitive and experienced people are already saying "no" to the name before I even get a crack at it.

Even if you develop a good eye for it, you're looking through bags at the garbage dump instead of looking on the shelves at a 2nd hand store or at a high-end auction house.

It probabally makes a lot more sense to find something getting bid up in a snapnames type of auction site because then you know there's demand for it, and to have 1-2 of those in a portfolio instead of 50-100 names that have already been rejected at 5 or 6 different layers of the process.

Mostly thinking out loud, I've still got a lot to learn, but it seems so unlikely that nice names are going to slip through so many cracks before dropping and being available for me to register.
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