
new gtlds How many full-time domainers focus exclusively on new TLDs?

Spaceship Spaceship
Globally there are probably millions of individuals who make a living offering website development, marketing and SEO services. Most full-time domainers entered the space fifteen to twenty years ago. Those portfolios tend to have a high percentage of .Com domains. We now have perhaps as many as 25 million speculative new tld registrations. There are some domain investors making money with the new extensions. However I am curious how many full-time domain resellers are new tld exclusive.
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I think we need to differentiate between investors, speculators, and traders.
I have 1 out of 526 but it's used as a redirect hack to a site so not for sale. And yeah I started in 2002 or 2003 so portfolio 99%+ aged .Coms registered from 1998-2016
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