Holo vs VR vs MR vs AR vs any other reality (All realities)

Spaceship Spaceship


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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Be sure to take the article in context as they are referring to stock investors and venture capital.
Not domaining.
And they are/have not seen the returns expected in the industry.
So it has been hyped beyond return on investment.
But as I am pointing out, it's about timeline expectations.
Something we even have a problem with in domaining.

But to your point about the future...
I'm sure it is very bright for both VR & AR as a tech.
I will think about contacts when we have glasses delivered.

Uh...When talking about investors and venture capital, they usually are talking about return on investment years ahead of time. No one expects immediate returns in investing. That is why Magic Leap got billions in investment before even having a consumer ready product. And they know that it will likely take many years before they see returns on their investment.

They're working on contacts lenses now, while they are working on glasses, so it's not like I'm getting ahead of myself by referring to them. They are the next progression in the evolution of AR, so if we're talking about the future of the tech contacts are pretty relevant, no?
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Uh...When talking about investors and venture capital, they usually are talking about return on investment years ahead of time. No one expects immediate returns in investing. That is why Magic Leap got billions in investment before even having a consumer ready product. And they know that it will likely take many years before they see returns on their investment.

They're working on contacts lenses now, while they are working on glasses, so it's not like I'm getting ahead of myself by referring to them. They are the next progression in the evolution of AR, so if we're talking about the future of the tech contacts are pretty relevant, no?
you should perhaps talk to those investors who are apparently disappointed according to the report
... LOL... they sound like domainers.
But yea... AR contacts have been in R&D for over 6 years.
But the Holodeck has been there for over 20.
What counts is what actually happens. Ask those investors. That's how they think.
Breakthrough tech by itself is not enough.
They have to figure out how to make it usable and cost effective for use in a production setting that can be profitable. Right now the latter is magic leaps problem. Because their tech has been there for 8 years or more. But to produce it to the masses at a profit is a bit different.
Otherwise we (the average populous) never see it.
When did you first lay eyes on a fax machine ?
The fax machine is over 100 years old and was invented in mid 1800's
and photographic quality was achieved in early 1900's...
I used to receive fax images direct off of 'HF radio' transmitted by the news media worldwide in the 80's and 90's, but now I think the use either the internet or satellite.
But if you would have tried to sell facsimile to the public when it took it next transitional evolution step back in 1933 when we had the invention of television that was based off the same tech, you could have sold a lot of stock if not for the stock market having crashed from all the hype of that time.

Just a historical perspective on what hype is in tech. And how long it can take from a working prototype to a profitable consumer venture. Albeit the pace of today is much faster. The theory is the same.
Those that have the understanding of being able to do it vs being able to do it profitably separates investors.
Some investors pay well for good advise on these matters.
you should perhaps talk to those investors who are apparently disappointed according to the report
... LOL... they sound like domainers.
But yea... AR contacts have been in R&D for over 6 years.
But the Holodeck has been there for over 20.
What counts is what actually happens. Ask those investors. That's how they think.
Breakthrough tech by itself is not enough.
They have to figure out how to make it usable and cost effective for use in a production setting that can be profitable. Right now the latter is magic leaps problem. Because their tech has been there for 8 years or more. But to produce it to the masses at a profit is a bit different.
Otherwise we (the average populous) never see it.
When did you first lay eyes on a fax machine ?
The fax machine is over 100 years old and was invented in mid 1800's
and photographic quality was achieved in early 1900's...
I used to receive fax images direct off of 'HF radio' transmitted by the news media worldwide in the 80's and 90's, but now I think the use either the internet or satellite.
But if you would have tried to sell facsimile to the public when it took it next transitional evolution step back in 1933 when we had the invention of television that was based off the same tech, you could have sold a lot of stock if not for the stock market having crashed from all the hype of that time.

Just a historical perspective on what hype is in tech. And how long it can take from a working prototype to a profitable consumer venture. Albeit the pace of today is much faster. The theory is the same.
Those that have the understanding of being able to do it vs being able to do it profitably separates investors.
Some investors pay well for good advise on these matters.

Yeah anyone who expected the AR dream to become a reality today was simply mislead/miseducated. I would like to know what companies they invested in and when.

Here is the best way to explain to anyone who doesn't get the (under-rated) potential of AR.

What if I went back in time to the year 1997 and told you that "in 10 years Apple will revolutionize nearly everything with a touch screen phone/computer that fits in your POCKET that everyone will start using more than their laptops and desktops?"

It would be mind blowing right? we are today. What if I told you that "in 10 years companies will revolutionize nearly everything with a phone/computer that you WEAR like glasses that everyone will start using more than their mobile phones, laptop and desktops".

Well, here we are! AR is over shadowed by VR and there hasn't been one AR movie glorifying the technology like The Matrix, The Lawn Mower Man, Johnny Mnemonic and Ready Player One.

There is a silent, but powerful revolution underway and it's not getting nearly as much attention as it should, given the amount of impact it will have. That is bad for investors who expect quick return, but great for the quiet type of investors who are playing the long game :xf.wink:...
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Perhaps you need his help picking them LOL !
Wonder if it is a investor or end-user?
And if they would be using it as we might expect or for something else like extreme_.
Not bad for a term everyone still has to define before using it online.
I guess some now have a license to buy 50 more of them. LOL
But there are plenty of questions to have answered before drawing any conclusions.
And I know me saying that will sill be ignored and folks will do it anyway.
But good for @NamePov. A sale is a sale !

The buyer doesn't want me sharing too much info which I respect but I can confirm that it is an Extended Reality/ XReality purchase.

You are right a sale is a sale, so thanks mate. I feel it was a decent price paid at the stage we are at with XR. But that being said if XR does continue to grow it is a top keyword which if used correctly could be a very good sector for XR.

One thing I will confirm though is that me and Elad are still joint owners for XR P#rn, so it was not that name:ROFL:
The buyer doesn't want me sharing too much info which I respect but I can confirm that it is an Extended Reality/ XReality purchase.

You are right a sale is a sale, so thanks mate. I feel it was a decent price paid at the stage we are at with XR. But that being said if XR does continue to grow it is a top keyword which if used correctly could be a very good sector for XR.

One thing I will confirm though is that me and Elad are still joint owners for XR P#rn, so it was not that name:ROFL:
Thanks for the info you could share. But it's not enough for me to draw any conclusions from it.
That was my broader point.
I have watched this kind of thing so many times over the years that investor behavior is predictable.
So much so, that I have about 4 xr names that I will sell into the investor hype when the time comes.
A sale is a sale. But I'm not going to be the one to pump the crowd to make them.

But the simple fact remains that folks don't look for a SUV with the term automobile.
And if I had to define automobile every time I used the term on a website, it's not saying much.
Outside of B2B hardware, this has a long way to go to make consumer language.
But the best investor wishes to those that make the endeavor. Just keep your head about it.
Thanks for the info you could share. But it's not enough for me to draw any conclusions from it.
That was my broader point.
I have watched this kind of thing so many times over the years that investor behavior is predictable.
So much so, that I have about 4 xr names that I will sell into the investor hype when

Yes I agree with what you are saying and the last thing I would want anyone doing is blindly investing off the back of my sale.

I Have quite a few XR names myself so I do see potential in the term personally. But I agree research should be done into what XR is likely/likely not to mean for the industry.
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Yes I agree with what you are saying and the last thing I would want anyone doing is blindly investing off the back of my sale.

I Have quite a few XR names myself so I do see some potential in the term. But I agree research should be done into what XR is likely/likely not to mean for the industry.

1) i think its not an investor but an enduser that is working on a specific niche.
2) your ROI on this niche is already amazing!
1) i think its not an investor but an enduser that is working on a specific niche.
2) your ROI on this niche is already amazing!

I have had contact about various names in my XR portfolio that I have not disclosed. If I didn't have any belief in the niche I would have cashed out almost completely already.

Have had individual and bulk interest in my XR portfolio.

Truth is I wanted to make a profit which I now have. I still have what I consider to be some good names left so we will see where it goes.
I think most all of the new stand-alone's are based on Qualcomms snapdragon chipset.
Which is about the same as the mobile chipset with the cell phone/radio burnt-out of it.
But you get the more proper display characteristics included and not stuck with a flat mobile display.
It's a great start for low cost stand alone's but it will likely be the 2nd/3rd gen of products that really chime-in.
But I still see myself owning one for convenience.
Older article but very interesting

Quote below

In fact, so immediate is the need to address new tech, speakers were predicting that brands which hadn’t applied themselves to XR by 2020 would have missed the curve and could find themselves playing digital catch-up.

The article is 6 months old...
But I wonder if he were really talking more about AR than VR or MR for that XR ?
quoted in the very beginning
"Gartner predicted that by 2020, more than 100-million consumers will shop in augmented reality."

LOL... someone better get to making and selling AR Gear fast for those numbers to fruit.
So it sounds like a bunch of hype, but not if we count AR Apps like IKEA on a smartphone.
But I doubt that fits the image everyone gets in their head from that statement.
And once again, it looks like you need to find a newer news source... LOL

But gee, I do wonder why in the previous post the video title reads XR VR ?
It's not offered as a AR,MR experience but a VR experience.
So they could not say XR alone and know what it was. (and might need room to define it for everyone)
In which case, why is the XR needed in this case ? It's not a 'all the above' description.
What does it describe that is not included in the term VR ?
It's really a VR-4D/Haptic experience.
But I know you are just getting excited because they used the XR term.
Just not in a domain, where it might count as a potential name sale need.
Loads of people make predictions and most get it wrong, truth is no one knows, all we know is what is happening now and what’s happening now is XR is looking promising, some companies are branding around it, been a good 4 figure XR domain sale over Christmas and it’s come a long way in the past few months.

But same time for every new XR start-up there are 100 more VR companies starting up, but yeah got to learn how to walk before you can run and XR is learning fast, let’s see how the term keeps growing 2018.

All i will say don’t put all your hopes on it, get a sense 1 or 2 people are, but things can change very quickly in tech. I’ve done it myself investing in new terms (probably why I’m skeptical investing in new coined terms now), you go to bed one night thinking you’ve cracked it and it’s like more or less overnight things can change.
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Loads of people make predictions and most get it wrong, truth is no one knows, all we know is what is happening now and what’s happening now is XR is looking promising, some companies are branding around it, been a good 4 figure XR domain sale over Christmas and it’s come a long way in the past few months.

But same time for every new XR start-up there are 100 more VR companies starting up, but yeah got to learn how to walk before you can run and XR is learning fast, let’s see how the term keeps growing 2018.

All i will say don’t put all your hopes on it, get a sense 1 or 2 people are, but things can change very quickly in tech. I’ve done it myself investing in new terms (probably why I’m skeptical investing in new coined terms now), you go to bed one night thinking you’ve cracked it and it’s like more or less overnight things can change.
I agree mate i also own a lot of ar holo hologram driverless etc i always say don’t stick to one term but i am glad to see xr moving forward i have had a lot of inquiries on my xr names
LG 'UltraGear'
Probably be announced and shown at CES2018 like a bunch of other new HMD's.

I am of the belief that there are plenty of HMD's out there for one's price range and taste.
The additional competition will likely bring better pricing to boot.
And we will likely see a Rift CV2 and a Vive-2 by next xmas or CES 2019.

But in 2018, my 'names focus' is on low end content start-ups.
I have already begun pricing names for them and moving away from the higher prices that I maintained to keep investors from bugging me while I waited for end-users to appear.
And I am providing short finance options on many of them. Should make the difference.

And while future years 'names' may belong to other techs, it will be VR's year.
I will judge what to do with 2019 when 2018 is nearly over.
But I suspect 2019 will be stronger of the same with other tech's inching in.
2020 will be very dependent on AR HMD's releasing over the next 12-36 months and the cost of them.
At this point we have no solid dates for any of them, but I have a large collection of AR names and I've held most of them since 2012/13. So I'm itching for end users.
But I still don't expect the demand for the AR term/keyword in the names to be sharp.
Much to my own dismay.
PiMax 8K getting more refinements before consumer launch.

that VR at this 8k & 200 degree fov level is likely to beat any consumer AR HMD to the consumer market.
And using Valve's tracking system, could claim to be the top dog, provided HTC does not release a better sequel shortly. I find that close but unlikely.
Looks like we will need a 24k VR/360 cam sooner than later.
I agree mate i also own a lot of ar holo hologram driverless etc i always say don’t stick to one term but i am glad to see xr moving forward i have had a lot of inquiries on my xr names

Yeah best thing mate, i tend to buy a lot of domains where it doesn’t matter what term is what and can represent everything, for example Immersiveness that i bought from you.

Infact my only VR investments (other than registrations) are ‘experiences’ and ‘video’ but both of those are strong keywords though where i felt it was worth the risk, also own VR+4U but that can also represent Vacation Rentals.
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As posted on xr page by @mattG cool article

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Pixar in VR for a Virtual Experiment. Pretty big step for both Pixar and VR.

First 'Sticky' monetization model for 360/VR ?

I can see where, in the future, a blank spot can be allocated 'like a billboard, so to speak', that can input the current advertiser into that spot in a VR game or 360/VR streaming video.
That 'allocated' spot could be a logo on a t-shirt of a avatar or the sign on a building or a passing car/truck.
It is starting to make more sense since more of the games need to be loaded per use online and no local copy is kept. Many steam games are like this. Keeping only some indexing files and history locally.
Just additional ways to monetize games and 360 video.
Inconspicuous advertising. They do it in movies, but it is permanent and can't be changed on the fly.
They will do it because they can ! Next best thing short of tattooing the inside of your eyelids ! LOL
Finally purchase is done..

There will always be a bunch of companies that only do VR and AR and will brand themselves as such, instead of XR since there is no need.

The general consensus is that XR means both AR and VR, or all realities combined. The other ways that it's being used could be viewed as a misuse of the term, like branding a single reality product or service with it. But this is just my perspective. Others may say that because a sing reality falls into the XR spectrum it can also be labeled as XR.

People do what they want when it comes to branding, which is why domain investing is full of surprises, but there is at least an assumed general consensus for the usage of some terms that many people may share within an industry...
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Pretty funny, but I'm not worried about it. Not a lawyer, but this is likely a design type trademark (design mark) , as it describes the graphical details. It was just filed this year and doesn't prevent others from branding with AR, if that's your concern.

Not my concern, i also thought about design one but dont know how to spot it lol
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