
discuss Have you ever sold a domain name at a loss?

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Idris B.

idris.ccEstablished Member
How much money have you lost at domain names that were a bad investment? What was your biggest loss when you had to sell a domain name for a far lesser price than you actually bought it for?

I have been into domaining for hardly 7-8 months. I haven't incurred a huge loss on a single domain name but, I have lost around $100 overall till now! (._.')

Have you ever sold a domain name at a loss too?
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I lost high XX,XXX cash in my sales from 1998 - 2016
but at same time made XXX,XXX revenue & profits

IM in daily buy/sell mode ,,,, not like to hold every thing tel find enduser
Done so more times than I care to admit, unfortunately.

And, honestly, there are a lot of domains I wish I had sold for a loss or just let drop but instead continued to renew for many years which was sinking more money into a bad investment.
Sometimes, I am willing to take a loss on a domain to renew other domains that will give me a better ROI.
Sometimes, I am willing to take a loss on a domain to renew other domains that will give me a better ROI.
Same here, mostly to acquire.
Single domain not much but collectively I lost some money.
I sold two domains at a loss, within my first couple of weeks domaining.

The first was a no-reserve Flippa auction - I just listed it and hoped for the best, and the buyer ended up getting a decent bargain.

The second was a trademark name that I'd bought with the best intentions - completely forgot the brand existed...I thought the name had a ring to it! I learnt that lesson the hard way. Always check for TMs. Got in contact with the company in question & transferred it to them for free. Not worth the potential hassle.

By the way, dropping a name is worse than selling at a loss. You are not making any money in the process.
no, i have never sold a domain for less than it cost me to acquire it.

Dropped some names previously bought for X.XXX (they were "traffic" domains).
And of course sold many other domains at a loss since 2004
i don't think "dropping" names should be considered definitively, as a loss

if/when domains/renewal fee's, etc. are expensed as costs/purchases, against yearly earnings, then they can offset taxable income.

therefore one can still show a profit.

Dropped some names previously bought for X.XXX (they were "traffic" domains).
And of course sold many other domains at a loss since 2004

Woah! Dropping 4-figure names is a brave act! (._.')

So, do all traffic domain names lose traffic eventually?
Biggest loss was several thousand in the beginning on one name I purchased off ebay due to shill bidding. I proved it, they were banned for some time and are now powersellers. I don't do ebay any more.

I do sell at a loss from time to time depending what I'm going for at the moment. Sometimes that loss will be an immediate cash loss and others will involve a large trade where I sacrifice many names to acquire a single name. Those trades are painful in the beginning, but I do save on renewals.
Are we taking fresh reg's , and that you lost cause no traffic, or someone not buying, depends on the model, I have purchased hundreds of domain names mostly for traffic monetizations an sold a lot of generics, depends what a loss is ( I sold name's i regret now). But yes this is a trial and error game, you can make a loss now, its a hit and miss, but another name can make up for it..
Every domain that is not renewed and expires is a 100% loss of the total of the amount spent to initially acquire the domain plus all renewals since that time. Renewal costs are something an investor cannot overlook because premium renewals (anything more than $10/year) get expensive rather quickly if the domains in question are not selling. Take a look at the daily expiring domain lists and see how many 100% losses are being taken in this industry. Domain investing is not easy.
I lost over grand a few months back with a chip and then the bottom falling out two weeks later. Was a heck of a pill to swallow for sure. Still bitter about it
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