
GoDaddy 7 Days Public Auction Issue

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Luca Giovanni

Established Member
Hello, everyone.
I know most of domainers worried what have done by GoDaddy!
As a beginner, i want to know what you guys decided to the best alternative of GoDaddy 7 Days Public Auction?
That are low cost & good traffic for sale. I'm not use to others site but unfortunately it's time to move.
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Seems that Sav and Dynadot have been mentioned recently as alternatives. I've tried both briefly, without success.

For Sedo, I once pushed a domain to auction after receiving an offer (an interesting feature of their marketplace). There seemed to be minimal traffic to that particular Sedo auction section. The domain ended up simply selling to that buyer for that offer price.

Daaz is curious as a potential auction site. There is high visibility on their main page for the listings, but very few show up. One recent NP poster indicated an issue buying a domain on it, as it was apparently a listing not actually owned by the seller. As a seller, it looks like they now do require seller verification before being able to list on their auctions. They cite a small listing fee ($1 USD), and a 9% success fee. They seem to have very few listings at this point, but perhaps that will change with the GD 7D auction changes.
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Daaz is curious as a potential auction site. There is high visibility on their main page for the listings, but very few show up.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope that others companie should focus on it & make a alternative as soon as. But unfortunately It seems not easy to fulfill the vacuum of GoDaddy public auction.
They seem to have very few listings at this point, but perhaps that will change with the GD 7D auction changes.
Have you actually tried any of the other auction sites? Also, note that EBAY did have quite a few domains listed there in the past. I'm not sure if anyone here on NP still uses them. Ebay does at least have the Escrow.com connection.
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