
Forgot to remove Domain that sold on Sedo, now its sold through them. Any Advice?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Forgot to remove Domain that sold on Sedo, now its sold through them. Any Advice?
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Umm, follow through with the sale? It's not their problem you forgot to remove it.
I no longer own the domain. I cant go through with it. It was an honest mistake
Is it still registered in your name, did you sell it, let it expire? sedo usually does an audit and asks you to verify if you still own it, if it expires
Joe T
If you had it listed for a higher amount on Sedo than what you sold it for then try buy it back from the person you sold it too for more than what they paid for it and then conclude the Sedo sale as well. Obviously there are risks, like the Sedo buyer not paying/concluding the sale and off course u need to take Sedo fees into consideration as well... Alternatively, if this is not an option then best you get hold of Sedo and notify them that you no longer own the domain... as much as it's your responsibility to remove the domains... Sedo also needs to wake up as welll... this sort of scenario happens all too often and they simply don't seem to give a cr@p enough to even try and do anything about it.
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I feel horrible about this. I rarely log onto Sedo, and as a result of this forgot I even listed the domain there.
I feel horrible about this. I rarely log onto Sedo, and as a result of this forgot I even listed the domain there.

Honest mistake dude.....nothing to feel horrible about :)
I agree it's not something to feel bad about, but there are consequences. You need to tell Sedo what happened. Most likely Sedo will charge you with their sale fee (15% on the listed price, minimum $60) regardless, but will leave your account intact. Otherwise, your account might be closed.
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Take the money and run... JK

I guess the honest thing to do would be to contact the person you sold it to and have them get in touch with sedo to verify he/she now owns the domain....
I'd ask the person you'd sold the domain to if they are interested in selling it on Sedo, quoting the sale price there.
Thank you everyone for your advice. I think I figured out how to make this right.
Sedo also needs to wake up as welll... this sort of scenario happens all too often and they simply don't seem to give a cr@p enough to even try and do anything about it.
They do. If a you have a name listed and let it drop they will normally find out, notify you and remove it from your account. Now if you sell a domain to somebody else they have no easy way of knowing a change of ownership took place.

BIN can be dangerous, if you set to make offer you have an opportunity to review the domain and cancel the bid :)
Sedo does periodic clean up's on my account for names i long longer have or sold
Sedo does periodic clean up's on my account for names i long longer have or sold

pretty sure that doesn't apply to sold names.. just expired dropped ones

but at least they clean those up.. some auciton sites do not.

I had this happen with a name I had sold off for pennies to another reseller here on NP a couple years ago, except the sale occurred through Afternic. Luckily I was able to buy the name back quickly for $50 and complete the high $XXX sale.

Thank you everyone for your advice. I think I figured out how to make this right.

You're not going to share with us the solution?
I think this is the reason they have you verify your domain.

I get occasional notices that a domain has been removed when I have been lax about removing an expired domain.

Their system must do checks to see if you still have the domain and they remove it from their listings if it can't verify the domain.

Sometimes it is hard to keep up with removing domains from all the market places when you have a lot of domains and you let them expire.

Too many domains, from too many registrars, listed at too many market places, is hard to keep up with.
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Forgot to remove Domain that sold on Sedo, now its sold through them. Any Advice?

thats not a problem
you just pay sedo commission and your are fine
where is the solution ????????
Forgot to remove Domain that sold on Sedo, now its sold through them. Any Advice?

I`v had similar situation few months ago. I have sold domain here on NP and forgot to remove from Sedo. Nice offer was made and I have contacted new owner (NP member) and luckily he didnt sold that domain. He pushed domain back to me, I have sold domain at Sedo and we split the money.
You have 3 options, (if new offer is enough big) contact new owner, sell domain and share the profit. Second, buy that domain back and sell on Sedo and keep all profit. And 3 one, if 1 and 2 failed you will probably need to pay Sedo commission and you are ok.
I no longer own the domain. I cant go through with it. It was an honest mistake
Ah ok. Just inform Sedo the listing is invalid because you are no longer in possession of the domain, and forgot to remove the name from your account. They should cancel the sale and refund the buyer.

Keep in mind the buyer could choose to pursue the matter through legal means, because technically once you list a name and it gets bought you enter a binding contract. I haven't seen this happen myself, just not worth the time or lawyers fees.
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