
advice Filtering serious buyers offers from tire kickers

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In between all of the people trying to buy your domain name for a “student project” or a “personal website” are real buyers, people with a budget that could even exceed your price expectations for your domain. The challenge is, if you get a lot of inbound offers on one or more domains, real buyers can easily slip through the cracks.
There are all kinds of ways to filter and yes, if the buyer puts in a low-ball offer and won’t budge, well that’s an easy filter. Or like I said above, you probably don’t want to sell your six-figure one-word .COM to a student with no budget...
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You need to wait for the right buyer and sell at the right market price. Don't ask unusual amount from your buyer. Reach an expert who will evaluate your website.
you sell on the phone, you correspond via email - big difference
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