
question Exposing BS in the Domain Industry and Repercussions?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I haven't been here long. I'm systemically finding issues within this industry. Some of you share your face and actual name here. Have others in the past that have exposed issues with registrars and registries experienced negative consequences for doing so?

Even with not showing your face or using your real name, it's very possible for some of these companies to figure out who you are by the technical details shared.

Anyone have stories or firsthand experience with this?

I'd love to share numerous issues I've encountered, but is there real danger of losing your domains (or future domains) from doing so?
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Not something I've ever heard of but that's not to say I hasn't happened.
I haven't been here long. I'm systemically finding issues within this industry. Some of you share your face and actual name here. Have others in the past that have exposed issues with registrars and registries experienced negative consequences for doing so?
Great question.
After raising an issue with ICANN about GoDaddy, I was concerned about retaliation. I had questioned the lack of visibility of a registrant's email even with privacy off. They did fix this after ICANN intervened.

To GoDaddy's credit, I did not feel there was retaliation afterwards. In fact, I had my best domain sale through Afternic right after the case!

Note though, that I wouldn't say that this was a BS matter. It was a question of interpreting the ICANN rules.
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Big domain registrars are not like sketchy online casinos or gambling websites. They are legitimate online businesses that have a lot to lose if they do anything illegal.

Now this is not to say they don't do anything shady but illegal no. The few small domain registrars that did do something illegal are no longer around because ICANN revoked their agreement and they shut down.

If there is anything that you are aware of whether illegal or shady please do share here with the rest of us here so we can shine some light on it.
I am not afraid to express my thoughts, opinions, point out issues, etc.

This is true from companies I don't support to companies I use daily like GoDaddy.

I have filed multiple complaints with ICANN on things from technical violations to major security concerns regarding several registrars.

There is a role for people to call out the BS. It helps serve the domain community in general.

In fact, it often helps improve systems and processes.

No legitimate company is going to punish you.

Rob Monster once made a baseless defamation claim against me for reporting what happened with PianoMoving.com being removed from my account without permission or notice. Of course that went nowhere.

We know how that story ended. Epik.com scammed many customers and went down in flames.

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Thank you all! Appreciate the responses and examples.
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