
tips Don't buy 3-word domains. Especially don't hand register 3-word domains or more. I mean, really. (for beginners)

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It still amazes me how many newbies are dabbling in 3-word domains or more.

Why on earth are so many doing this? Is there a belief that any domain that sounds usable will actually sell (no, it won't)?

There is a wealth of 2-word .COM domains expiring on a daily basis that you can hand register for reg fee.

Pre-owned domains, worth high 3-fig and 4-fig, ready to be sold rather fast if priced right.

Tens of them is something I pass on every day (as I can only manage so much, so I try to keep my selection small). With many of them it often hurts, because I like them but I have to pass - for the same reason.

Some are still available for a few hours after drop, ready to be scooped.

How do I know this? Well it's right down my alley... see my countless posts in the sales thread. 95% of my sales are drops. And yes I hand reg them, I don't pay DropCatch a fee or to anyone else. And yes there's much more left than what is taken. And no, not all good names are taken by DC - in fact lately I'm seeing a lot of junk being auctioned at DC and other places and it seems to increase. It's not worth it. You can get great 2-word .COM names for reg fee.

The sales ratio of 3-words is extremely small. Much smaller than the average ~1% sales ratio for 2-word .COMs for example.

Do the math. If you pay $10 per year per name, and ratio is 1%, then you need to sell that one domain for more than $1000 because at $1000 you just break even, and there is also platform cost, other costs such as currency exchange, tax etc. So you actually need to sell domains for more than $1500 on average, to make ANY money from it.

How about with 3-words where sales ratio is likely lower than 0.1%? You actually think you will sell them for $10k?

Yes, outbound helps increasing the % but it's hard work, no guarantees, and normally it should be done with a specific idea where you have a specific customer and offer them an upgrade of an existing name, rather than hitting the lake with a bat in hope some fish will jump in your boat.

I've sold thousands of names over the years. And on the same time barely a couple 3-words (although having some great, sellable 3-words, SH approved). Still hold... about 2 of them. Reason? Not enough demand for 3-words. Comes at a very huge distance from 2-words.

How about getting good 2-word .COMS instead, list them on Afternic and Sedo (and Dan) and then wait for $ to come in.

Regarding pricing: Most beginners overprice, so make sure you post in the Appraisals section if unsure. Folks here might jump in to help (I sometimes do that too).

You can also try some automated tools, first see the one in my sig below (aimed at .COMs). Yhen you can also try GD Appraisals as well (my second option for an automated tool, but it tends to pile them into the $1200 area, unfortunately.) Regardless, you'd be better off rather than getting 3-words.

People want short domains. Fewest words and syllables possible.

Geo domains - while these have a better chance at 3-word sales (if appropriate), it's still hard to sell and you have to hit tens if not hundreds of owners with emails etc. You're spamming, basically. Overall you're not going to be much better.

Get in that drop value awaiting for you for cheap. And good luck - don't forget to be on NP daily as here you will find what you need.

Oh, and about non-COM domains: My advice is to buy 1-word domains only. That's it.

Good luck, and be wise with those hard earned money.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
give us examples of the two letter names from recent drops that you passed on
if you're a beginner you shouldn't hand register domains at all. Actually, probably shouldn't even spend a dollar on domains until you know exactly how to properly evaluate them.
give us examples of the two letter names from recent drops that you passed on
Sure, but now deleted, I don't keep the lists after they dropped. Can do this later of course once there will be more. But what would this accomplish?

Edit: I used to post lists of these at some point, but very few really looked at lists. So I've stopped and saving my time wasted for nothing. Trying to raise awareness a bit though.

You can simply just head on to ExpiredDomains.net, select .com dropping today, English words (2 words) and you have a much better view in a second.
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Sure, but now deleted, I don't keep the lists after they dropped. Can do this later of course once there will be more. But what would this accomplish?
It would give people a visit inside your brain, how you pick your domains, etc.

examples help people understand what are the things to look out for seeing as you are a successful domainer ;)
Great insights @twiki

Infact, the most sales I have ever had was of 2 word domains in low to mid $xxxx
I have sold very few 3 word domains but all of them were outbound and usually I had to forfeit the negotiations as I wasn't at a power position considering the long tail keywords those domains were of. So have sold them from $xx to $xxx not higher.

Anyways, its fun to experiment and you learn something new everyday :)
You've sold thousands of domain names...really?
It would give people a visit inside your brain, how you pick your domains, etc.

examples help people understand what are the things to look out for seeing as you are a successful domainer ;)
Hmm, I think I wrote 500 articles explaining that :xf.grin:

But I can also see people don't see the same value that I see in the domains. Often they say, this is rubbish - and it really isn't.

So how can you pass that further, when the beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
You've sold thousands of domain names...really?
Many many hundreds for sure at least. Haven't counted them. Perhaps I exaggerated with thousands? Then I admit on that.

In early stage where I was selling like 2-3 names per day (xxx range), there were a LOT of sales. I've had days with 7-8 sales. I've sold a few hundreds here on NP on clearance as well... over 100 to one domainer I remember for example. But I don't do clearance sales anymore.

The point is not how many I personally sold though. Whoever wants to find out if I'm right or not, check the sales thread, then decide for themselves if the information is worth something or not.

i have 4 word/ 19 letter .com, owned since 2006
it still makes about $400 a year in ppc

there are always exceptions to, and reasons for, acquiring lengthy domain names.
however, they must make sense to make cent$.

some past sales which i may have posted before:


i have 4 word/ 19 letter .com, owned since 2006
it still makes about $400 a year in ppc

there are always exceptions to, and reasons for, acquiring lengthy domain names.
however, they must make sense to make cent$.

some past sales which i may have posted before:


There are definitely other ways as well, and you're describing one. But it's an outlier.

99.9% of these guys are not going to replicate your $400/year in PPC. They'd be $400 loss in the bank. Or much more.

We all here are seeing this too often around NP and everywhere. ( If you are not faint hearted, check FB domain groups and what they are regging and posting there... you will be amazed, I guarantee that)

I will formulate this differently: If you buy domains to be sold, not parked, get 2-words as there's plenty of that.
I've sold four 3 word domains in the past few weeks alone that grossed just under 14K.
Then again, I'm not a beginner. :xf.smile:
If you buy domains to be sold, not parked, get 2-words as there's plenty of that.

all domains are acquired, with intention to resell... and they all get parked.
it's just that, after reviewing performance, a few select may get taken off the table.

16 consistent years earning $$$$$ from ppc, why sell a name that you don't "have to"?

I've sold four 3 word domains in the past few weeks alone that grossed just under 14K.
Then again, I'm not a beginner. :xf.smile:
Yep... and that's the reason why...

I haven't said there is no value whatsoever in 3-words. (Edit: I do have just a few as well, including SH accepted ones)

But there's definitely no value in most I'm seeing being sold or appraised around here.
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Generally agree that it's best for beginners to not register 3-worders, because what happens is that they simply add a random word to any nice combination which is taken. Result is pure shit, of course.
Later, getting into the game you'll realize there is a room there in the market. MyCryptoWorld or GoCyberSpace won't be the worst 3-worders to hold on to... . But true, you understand it later when learning the popularity of different words and niches.
Generally agree that it's best for beginners to not register 3-worders, because what happens is that they simply add a random word to any nice combination which is taken. Result is pure shit, of course.
Later, getting into the game you'll realize there is a room there in the market. MyCryptoWorld or GoCyberSpace won't be the worst 3-worders to hold on to... . But true, you understand it later when learning the popularity of different words and niches.
There are investors here making good money with 3-wordies but they are definitely a minority. Obviously seasoned ones.

Not newbies having no clue what they are doing. That kind of beginner investing at random carries a certain feeling with it, the feeling of hurt = financially.
if you're a beginner you shouldn't hand register domains at all. Actually, probably shouldn't even spend a dollar on domains until you know exactly how to properly evaluate them.

I made my first 6-figure sale with a domain name I registered manually 3 months after starting the domain business.

Creativity and cleverness work outside the learning curve.
I made my first 6-figure sale with a domain name I registered manually 3 months after starting the domain business.

Creativity and cleverness work outside the learning curve.

Sure, unfortunately most lack both.
" 95% of my sales are drops. And yes I hand reg them, I don't pay DropCatch a fee or to anyone else."

Expires, not drops. Drops are caught. Uncaught drops are expires.
Your points are well taken, however, the only way to really learn in life is from experience (one's own experience). For any one thing, any of us could say "don't do" some beginner will do it, and will profit from it.

Money is made by moving against the tide, not with it. Just make sure you know how to swim (or wear a life vest).
Great insights @twiki

Infact, the most sales I have ever had was of 2 word domains in low to mid $xxxx
I have sold very few 3 word domains but all of them were outbound and usually I had to forfeit the negotiations as I wasn't at a power position considering the long tail keywords those domains were of. So have sold them from $xx to $xxx not higher.

Anyways, its fun to experiment and you learn something new everyday :)
Best three-word domains are probably best for parking or developing.
Money is made by moving against the tide, not with it.
I think money is made by moving with the tide and being able to spot the high waves.
" 95% of my sales are drops. And yes I hand reg them, I don't pay DropCatch a fee or to anyone else."

Expires, not drops. Drops are caught. Uncaught drops are expires.
No, these are drops. Domain which dropped. The term comes from "droppped".

Drop regs, or caught by a backorder/DC, they all still dropped.
Money is made by moving against the tide, not with it. Just make sure you know how to swim (or wear a life vest).

That's true. I made my money going against the tide. In general, not just in domains.

It means, finding a niche. Creating an edge for yourself.

I am kinda alone in the niche on NP (selling drop handregs) as far as I can tell from the sales thread. I rarely see domainers selling this. Most do either fresh regs, closeuts or auction stuff.

But most beginners are losing money with 3-words. The sales ratio is extremely small if you just throw money at them and hope they'll stick somewhere.

They aren't going against the tide, they are going with the tide - the giant losing tide.
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One thing that I must make clear, because I've seen it misinterpreted in this thread:

I'm not saying one can't make money with 3-words of more. On the contrary.

But it's rather the exception not the rule. Especially for beginners.

Again because the sales ratio is so small, you have to hold strong domains of this kind. Or focus on something like direct sales / outbound, parking, developing and other angles.

You can definitely make money with 3-words - BUT you must have a plan, and know exactly what you are doing.

Hopefully it makes more sense now. Thanks!

Edit: Another thing I want to add is: It is OK to disagree. In fact it is actually needed - if one disagrees and has a good different perspective to show, then they should post that.

Fortunately we're all different and this world has all sorts of colors. Otherwise it would be deadly boring, I think.
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