
discuss Domain Name Trades - Is there a market?

Spaceship Spaceship

Would you trade a domain name instead of a sale?

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RobbiesBlog.comTop Member
:heavy_check_mark: RobbiesBlog.com
I have been thinking for a while is there a market for domain name trades, not sales but allow domain name investors to trade their names in full or partial i.e. Name + $$$ transaction?

It used to happen in the industry back in the day, I traded a few names myself.

What does everyone think? Should we have a section on NamePros dedicated for Domain Name Trades?

Would an Escrow service need to be used? if yes
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domains are not stocks)

I know but you can still trade them i.e I own BookCase.us and you own Robbie.com - We agree to trade (swap/transfer) to one another instead of a cash transaction.
I have been asked countless times in the time I have been in this field if I would consider a trade. I think that might have lead to a few trades ever.

The problem is really the same with the domain buy requests. There is a major gap between both sides.

You have people who overvalue their domains and undervalue others. There is usually a major disparity in quality between the domain one party wants and the one they offering.

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Yes, bring the domain trades.
Trades have been suggested numerous times (by strangers), but without an escrow party to do it, and lacking an agreed-upon equivalent cash value, I've never done one. I think it's a maneuver that just adds problems since we don't live in a barter economy.
The registrar Which Must Not Be Named can do domain trades. Although they charge $75 minimum that is about 75 average NP-sold domains worth, probably too expensive :smuggrin:
As far as I know, Epik.com offers escrow service for domain trades.
The registrar Which Must Not Be Named can do domain trades. Although they charge $75 minimum that is about 75 average NP-sold domains worth, probably too expensive :smuggrin:

Tax kills the idea as someone would have to trade down and still pay tax on a perceived value.
Rental pool might be a more achievable idea.
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