
question Domain industry is dying slowly?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Since beginning of the internet .com .net .org were always the best option for any business or personal use
names were too limited in a sense that generated a solid valuable market for the domaining business
and domain investors

Most of us as the people who are buying this so called land , imo are unaware of the fact that everyday new lands ,are being generated by the Icann ( Internet's Allah :) )

every year 10 to 20 new domain extension were being released to the public witch in my opinion wouldn't create a serious problem
until 2014 and beyond where +400 tld has been released to the public witch followed similarly and here were are in 2017 with 882 domain extension
witch in my opinion make owning a premium name easy,cheap, for any potential buyer
witch at the end will affect the tld market valuation
imagine if you own solarenergy.com in 2000 and the value would be a good $$$,$$$
then time passes and here we are in 2017 where you can have names like
solar.energy energy.solar and more.. combinations for
a reg fee or very cheap price
Then it would seriously affect the valuation of solarenergy.com
I see a world (in near future )where anyone can have a short and premium looking domain
that he just registered for 10$
and a market witch looses it's value everyday

That's just my thought about the future of this industry
What you guys think about this?


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That's not true bro
That is or isn't tru does not matter.
What matter is why is not true
or why is it true

So if you bring up any claim , bring your reasoning and logic too
so that your light might take away us from darkness :)
Adding a bunch of new "land" in a bad area does not really effect the value of prime real estate (quality .COM).

Also, the whole premise of top tier combos like solar.energy being affordable is not realistic. 99% of those are registry reserved and come with massive premium prices and/or premium yearly renewals.

So people can decide if they want to pay a premium for .COM, or a new extension. In most cases the choice is pretty easy.

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At DomainNameBroker.com, we predict that 99% of gTld will go bankrupt and disappear. Remember .mobi? No one uses it. There is a seller on this forum, selling toys.xyz for the price of its renewal. There is a limited demand for dot coms, which is why this asset class is considered illiquid. But the demand for alternative domains is virtually non existent.
Also, we are very surprised that reputable domain name registrars decided to offer registrations of alternative domain names. We deem this to become very damaging to their reputation. We predict lawsuits on this basis.
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And also, this is very understandable question in this situation. On the surface, the domain name market appears inadequate when people are selling toys.xyz and can not sell it. There is no demand for alternative domain names. Period. Walmart analysts are savvy. And they paid $9,000,000 for shoes.com. Hope this addresses your concern.
Adding a bunch of new "land" in a bad area does not really effect the value of prime real estate (quality .COM).

Also, the whole premise of top tier combos like solar.energy being affordable is not realistic. 99% of those are registry reserved and come with massive premium prices and/or premium yearly renewals.

So people can decide if they want to pay a premium for .COM, or a new extension. In most cases the choice is pretty easy.


This is true . I registered a few .Fun's

And from a value perspective .fun owned by Radix has reserved domains with a simple template . They looked at all high end historical sales and just kept those for themselves.

The ones they did reserve can commandments prices from $500-$24k.

And that is not just the bin price but it's also the renewal price!!!!

So if you regged a good .fun you can argue that your specific .fun like my Rate.fun would have ( if reserved by Radix ) cost $1000-$24k a year. But since you are buying from domainer . It's a one time buy now price and then the low yearly renewal for .fun.

Rate.com sold for $725,000

It could be used for loan or mortgage or insurance.

Rate.fun? More geared for something like Yelp. Or tripadvisor.

My point? .com will never lose value to new Tlds .

Because registries are greedy.

As with any investment plan always hedge your bets. A portfolio of .com's and
.net's and .org's and new tld will increase you chances for success. Just make the right choices.

Something I do not so often! Lol
Adding a bunch of new "land" in a bad area does not really effect the value of prime real estate (quality .COM).

Also, the whole premise of top tier combos like solar.energy being affordable is not realistic. 99% of those are registry reserved and come with massive premium prices and/or premium yearly renewals.

So people can decide if they want to pay a premium for .COM, or a new extension. In most cases the choice is pretty easy.

Well that's interesting and i agree with you in a sense
But do you agree that lot of people prefer to move to that so called bad land? as many have said?
''whole premise of top tier combos like solar.energy being affordable is not realistic. 99% of those are registry reserved and come with massive premium prices''
Well that gonna make it worse imo , because imagine you hold the solarenergy.com
witch holds a good XXX,XXX Value in it. witch is in the direct result of bidders interest
now you loose some of those interest with solar.energy energy.solar
in fact these 2 names steal the value of the solarenergy.com away
So witch cause solarenergy.com to loose some of it's digits !

So if they have massive premium prices as you say then they aren't always the bad land !
In fact they are the sometimes the paradise in the bad land
Like the las vegas in the desert , or dubai in the desert !!

They are just perfect land/spots in a considerably bad location .
witch make lot of the paradise state's (.com) residences to move away
and reside there for the good conditions that it offers to some !

Think of it as this way

Imagine .com being amazon.com .net being best buy and so...
And we are as the market
Our numbers are the same
But everyday there is a new store (small but a lot ) are coming the the market
And make us the people to spend our money on them
Now of course it causes the loss of amazon (.com) And others .. revenue
Because what it could be sold in amazon is selling in other store.

The amount of capital is identical but the supply amount is just too crazy
And every day gets creazier

If you think .com being the paradise In my opinion just wait
And see what extensions like .app .web And ... gonna do to this promise land
Imo is a RIP xxxapp.com xxxweb.com investors

Just my 2 cents
stick to dot com within your budget and you will be allright
we predict that 99% of gTld will go bankrupt and disappear.
A common theme among domainers, but 99% going bankrupt and disappearing...nope, that won't happen. The majority will survive either on their own, or under the wings of another gtld operator. As for being 'popular' or 'investment' worthy, probably not on a bigger scale like .com domains are now. Though despised and hated by domainers, there are end-users that 'use' them now and will continue to do so in the future. And they care more about a domain name that is relevant/describes their business (that they can afford) today, not about it's resale value down the line. Just a reality that isn't going to disappear just because of domainer despisement.
''There is a seller on this forum, selling toys.xyz for the price of its renewal''
I dare you to show me that guy !!
.xyz, had more than 300,000 domains after one and a half months of existence !
We can't ignore that ! can we?
''There is a seller on this forum, selling toys.xyz for the price of its renewal''
I dare you to show me that guy !!
.xyz, had more than 300,000 domains after one and a half months of existence !
We can't ignore that ! can we?

Lol, are you for real?
''There is a seller on this forum, selling toys.xyz for the price of its renewal''
I dare you to show me that guy !!
.xyz, had more than 300,000 domains after one and a half months of existence !
We can't ignore that ! can we?

The vast majority of those initial registrations were opt-out forced registrations @ Network Solutions. It is well documented.

They went from a peak of 6.8M regs to 2.2M now.

Basically since day 1 .XYZ has tried to use every trick in the book to manipulate the numbers to show far more demand than actually exists.

This is why we predict lawsuits.
I am willing to buy it for the price of renewal !
But do not ask if the domain name industry died, then.
I hope it doesn't go too down
but i only see decrease of domain prices in namebio.com in every year

We can't just ignore the effects
That was just MO
And my main concern is not for today
It is for tomorrow
To me it's a matter of time until people start to use other domain extensions

And i am not worried about most of the garbage extensions that there is
I am concerning of new ones like .app
and many more
I believe it can make ultrapremium .com names less valuable over the time
That's just my opinion !
even if 99% of the new ones are considered garbage
we still have few solid extentions every year that going to compete with .com
Of course .com is solid and will always be
But i mean domaining wouldn't be as good as it used to be like 10 years ago
and every year it become tougher imo
The vast majority of those initial registrations were opt-out forced registrations @ Network Solutions. It is well documented.

They went from a peak of 6.8M regs to 2.2M now.

Basically since day 1 .XYZ has tried to use every trick in the book to manipulate the numbers to show far more demand than actually exists.

didn't know that
To me it's a matter of time until people start to use other domain extensions
It is happening, but the critical mass just isn't there. It's lots of low-key websites - there are not so many prominent end users.
And people are not really paying attention, in America they are usually familiar with .com/.net/.org/.edu/.gov, while in other countries people are familiar with .com and the local ccTLD and they ignore most other extensions (and won't want to buy them).

And for each site built on a new extension, you have dozens more on .com, so new extensions remain oddities, or novelty if you prefer. They are not getting mainstream.

Of course, people will sometimes see a .whatever advertised in a magazine or on a billboard. Even if they visit the site they will ultimately forget the extension and probably the whole domain, and even if they see a .whatever it still doesn't mean they want to own one.
The only thing that could tip the balance is massive usage, and sustained advertising.
Had there been more strings available in 1995, thing could have turned out differently and there would be more diversity today. It's much too late now, and there are too many strings competing against each other in the face of limited demand.
Stupidity and greed is what is killing the domain industry. A 30% ROI in real estate is considered amazing. Yet, many domains will receive a 1000% ROI on their domain and still turn it down because it's not their asking price. This is why most domains will never sell.
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