
Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hi do you have to use selling page? And if so does this mean I can’t sell on other sites as I’ve transferred over to dans service.
And if I’m using that page they’ll charge 25% sell fee.

Just need some information really thanks
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You don't have to use the Dan landing pages, and you can also sell the domain elsewhere.

If you use the Dan (or Afternic, since they are the same company now) name servers for your landing pages you will pay 15% commission if they sell you domain. If you don't use their name servers and they sell your domain they will charge you 25%.

Hope the info helps, welcome to domaining and NamePros!
May I ask what you are using and your success rate in selling if your just selling domains?
Just trying to gauge the sites and success rate. Obviously it depends on the domains.
I think I talked with someone and they said of a site that people use which gets good sales of the lower end sales like between $100 and $500 so you know of the site
Cheers for the reply the more info the better for me.
I use my own landers but also list at Afternic, Dan, and Sedo at a higher price. I sell 60% through my own landers, 40% through Dan/Afternic.

If you aren't using their landing pages, Afternic is by far the most successful marketplace for end-user sales (in my experience), and I think that is mainly because they are shown in GoDaddy domain search results and sell that way.
How hard is it to set up a landers page? Is it something that someone with limited experience can do is there a website that does a template you can recommend preferably free as until I started making some money don’t wish to get bogged down in lots of costs
How hard is it to set up a landers page? Is it something that someone with limited experience can do is there a website that does a template you can recommend preferably free as until I started making some money don’t wish to get bogged down in lots of costs
Standard landers are set up automatically after you've added your domains to the system.

There are just a few settings you can change, if you like.

Make sure to change nameservers to and for the landers. You can do this at your registrar.
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I personally developed a whole marketplace website, but I wouldn't recommend that if you are just starting out. It isn't that hard to do a simple for sale page, you could use Wordpress or Carrd.

Honestly, if I was starting out I would probably use Sav landing pages. They only charge 4% commission, and it would be an easy way to get going.
Standard landers are set up automatically after you've added your domains to the system.

There are just a few settings you can change, if you like.

Make sure to change nameservers to and for the landers. You can do this at your registrar.
If I change the nameservers to and the same for ns2 does this then turn my domain into from a .com into ? As that sounds every long winded or am I being stupid.
And also does this mean that I can only sell on after I do this? Or can I continue to sell on godaddy sedo and afternic

Sorry rereading the message it sounds like I’m an idiot but this part I don’t get.
You may add your domains to several marketplaces indeed, like Dan, Sedo, and Afternic. These listings can exist simultaneously.

But you have to select which one (1) marketplace a visitor will see when typing the domain into the browser. This is called the "lander". You can select this by setting the nameservers and point them to those of the specific marketplace.
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No, it won't change your domain. The nameservers just tell point the domain name to hosting. Your domain name would be the same, but it would show the Sav landing page (you would need to have your domain in their system so it was set up do to so).

You can continue to list your names on Afternic, Sedo, Dan, GoDaddy, but you will pay a higher commission at Afternic, Dan, or GoDaddy since you aren't using their nameservers.
May I ask what you are using and your success rate in selling if your just selling domains?
Just trying to gauge the sites and success rate. Obviously it depends on the domains.
I think I talked with someone and they said of a site that people use which gets good sales of the lower end sales like between $100 and $500 so you know of the site
Cheers for the reply the more info the better for me.

u need to know when starting that domains Are opposite of quick easy money... most here spent 1000s hours reading and learning. u will need same effort and time.
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