
domain Creditcardscheap.com

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Broth Investing

Established Member
Creditcardscheap.com would love to get the communities feedback.
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With cheap as the first word you might have had something.
This way around doesn't really work for me.
Creditcardscheap.com would love to get the communities feedback.
Keywords +
.com +
Order of Keywords -

This Domain while being keyword rich doesn't work for me either..

A quick search of "credit cards cheap" pulls up: "0% interest & Low APR Credit Cards".

Most wouldn't pay for a credit card, right? (Unless it is a prepaid card?) Idk..

When I look at Domain's I try to factor in "actual & practical application".

Kinda like the radio test...

@Broth Investing - What possible application(s) were you thinking when you picked it up? Credit card reseller perhaps?
Or Credit Card affiliate site those were my two possible uses. I agree that I prefer the words in the other order but have been looking for potential affiliate site domains recently.
Or Credit Card affiliate site those were my two possible uses. I agree that I prefer the words in the other order but have been looking for potential affiliate site domains recently.

Sounds aligned with your goals.

I'd go with CC Affiliate sites for sure. Could be branded too (Credit Cards, Cheap. etc)

Keywords + .com is always valuable to a churn & burn type of internet marketer especially over the .net, or hyphenated emd.

Good luck!
Who buys credit cards? "Cheap" = what? with a credit card? "Low" as in low interest credit card makes sense, but even using "Low" combined with the other two words wouldn't define the offering.

I don't see any value at all with this name.
Agree with @.X. don't see much value
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