
discuss Chinese government behind numeric domain buyouts???

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I'm going to go a little out on a limb here by mention this, but I'm not so sure that the numeric craze and explosion that ignited 90 days ago, or thereabouts, was just a random deal. Sure numerics have been around, but not like what we've seen over the last few months. It really exploded out of nowhere.

A couple things to point. One, communist China's government is very smart and sneaky, and no doubt they want into the domain market for whatever future cause they may have up their sleeve. I believe the Chinese gov't may be behind this massive accumulation. Quite simply, do a WHO IS look up on the Chinese buyers. It appears ALL of them are of Private Registration, and primarily out of Beijing. Now that's a little odd to me. You would think if large Chinese investors were interested in selling, they would like for people to be able to contact them.

The good news is that the buyouts will probably continue across the board to 6n, and probably no higher. And if this is true, they may pay virtually any price before it's over to completely corner the market.

Start doing a WHO IS look up and look at the massive amounts of private registration out of Beijing. Of course being private makes no sense. There is no crime in doing this of course, but something is going on.
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I like your theory, but bring up an alternate...
Maybe they hate spam.
Or do not want to be bombarded with constant inbound's for their domains, especially if their portfolio is quite large.
It's handy to hide the laundry
Ya it's probably a little of a stretch, but you never know when it comes to the Chinese and cover ups, which they are notorious for.

Seems like an abnormal amount are private out of Beijing. In fact, every single one I've checked. Surely there is one rogue buyer that wouldn't go private. I was under the impression a lot of them lacked experience in this area, plus there is an added fee to be private.

This large explosion in numerics from China was out of nowhere, and odd. And all at once? It's as if every man, woman and child in China started buying at once, lol. The U.S. buys 10 x the amount of domains in comparison. Now they suddenly out number us 10 x out of nowhere? Strange .... but who cares. If they want to buy mine, no prob.

There is also a "collective pattern" for the Chinese when buying. How could they all work in tandem and wipe out one extension at a time? It's as of they all read each others minds, or it's an organized act? It's just not seeming to be all that random at this stage.
We need to find their domaining forum and see what they discuss.
I thought about that too to be honest.
Chinese government is pretty strict and also owns ( communist regime ) the majority of Chinese assets and businesses; let's not forget that Chinese have a heavy ban on internet sites ( f.e. they can't access FB, youtube etc ) so I wouldn't be surprised if the government themselves were buying / investing in domain names.
I actually had the very same same thought myself. It could be a work around to wrestle more control of the internet away from US control, just like how the Chinese are working to replace the US dollar as the primary reserve currency used for World trade.
Check this out. Over the last couple of weeks they even bought out 4n .mobi, except for a few stragglers with a 4, but 4n .mobi has now virtually been completely bought out by the Chinese, as well as ultra premiums in 5n .mobi. I thought only Americans were dumb enough to buy that one. There is clearly a run from China working on 6n and less. Now, for China to buyout .mobi is pegging a 10 on the weird scale.
It's fairly apparent that this is an organized attempt out of China to control the numerics for a future agenda. It could be a smart move. Perhaps they want to assign each person a numeric / number when they're born. Who knows what the plan is. Hell, they will be up to a full billion + very soon at this rate. Just like the End of Times. They will soon be known by a number. :-/

The good news is that soon they will be down to buying ours. :D
It's not only 4n & 5n .mobi. take a look at chips they are being picked up as soon as they drop.
The Chinese are very sneakily buying out the .mobi. Nothing gets by my sniffer.
Only people known by numbers that comes to mind are prisoners :-/

That's was my thought as well. A prelude to WWIII. Instead of paper files, track them all by a website. Easy for data entry.
i am not sure about any of this except being sure that you can expect anythign from chinese
Possibly. Who really knows but the Chinese. It's all a guessing game for now. Keep guessing people.
All I know is that this started virtually over night, and they are always collectively one step ahead of us all. This is WAY too organized to be random.
All I know is that this started virtually over night, and they are always collectively one step ahead of us all. This is WAY too organized.

mmm conspiracy theory.. I want to believe.

Nobody on the planet can be a step ahead of me once I get going in an area, lol. And to be beat out by millions of Chinese? Naaa... one organized entity is what it is.
is he chinese?

You bet. The Chinese government. This is 100% right up their alley and what they're known for.
Nobody on the planet can be a step ahead of me once I get going in an area, lol. And to be beat out by millions of Chinese? Naaa... one organized entity is what it is.

well chinese have their shortcomings.. but the one thing they are is smart.

They are in fact smart, and most of all, CONTROLLING.
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