
information Chart Topping Sale of You.ai Shows There's Nothing Artificial About the Real Money Chasing .AI Domains

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The new bi-weekly domain sales report is out at DNJournal.com. A stunning $700,000 sale of an .ai domain at Sedo stole the show in our latest bi-weekly domain sales report. It is the 3rd highest publicly reported sale of the year to date and the highest ccTLD sale (by far). .ai domains now account for the year's three biggest ccTLD sales and four of the top five. Meanwhile, the .coms were flexing their usual muscle, taking four of the top five spots and 13 of 20 overall on our new all extension Top 20 Sales Chart. The non .com gTLDs got into the act too, putting two rare one-letter domains on the honor roll. You can get all of the details here: https://www.dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2023/20231025.htm
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