
question Can you still make money selling domain names?

Spaceship Spaceship


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Can you still make money selling domain names?
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When the domain corporates started to release new extensions domain name valuation dilution was massive. You can get lucky or make cigarette money parking but developing-to-sell seems to be the way to go if the DN can fit into a niche.

Twenty years ago people built websites for the hell of it with great domains, today few are building or needing.
Growing potatos is the new hot thing.
Yes but most likely you won’t, you’ll probably lose money before you make money, and most people give up after a year or two of no success. Will you make more money than putting in the equivalent time working a minimum wage job? Not likely. But it’s possible.
On a serious note, I had a poll few years back and the results were quite revealing. Even at the good times where renewals were around $8/name, 1/2 was losing money, 2/3 were either losing or barely breaking even.

Consistent profitability is doable (I haven't had a single unprofitable month since end of 2015, when I started). But it will require ability and desire to learn, discipline, patience, appetite for risk, analytical skills etc.
Don't you need growingpotatoes.com for that? ))
Nope, this new thing is going to disrupt domain names. You just grow the potatos physically without using the DNS system, it's amazing.
On a serious note, I had a poll few years back and the results were quite revealing. Even at the good times where renewals were around $8/name, 1/2 was losing money, 2/3 were either losing or barely breaking even.

Consistent profitability is doable (I haven't had a single unprofitable month since end of 2015, when I started). But it will require ability and desire to learn, discipline, patience, appetite for risk, analytical skills etc.

This is the key. If you just jump in and start buying names or go with your gut about what "sounds" good you'll haemorrhage money. Everything you need to know to make money with domains is out there for free if you take the time to learn.
Consistent profitability is doable (I haven't had a single unprofitable month since end of 2015, when I started). But it will require ability and desire to learn, discipline, patience, appetite for risk, analytical skills etc.
Incredibly impressive consistency of success month by month @Recons.Com – congratulations!

As you also noted from your poll, most who try are not profitable.

And you nailed it in the second sentence about some of the skills to get and stay profitable.

Best wishes for continued success!

Can you still make money selling domain names?

i still can, but could you?

depends on what you bring to the table, mindset, determination, budget, etc
because the average person won't make it

Growing potatos is the new hot thing.

growing... puff-puff, cannabis is even hotter! :)

Incredibly impressive consistency of success month by month @Recons.Com – congratulations!

As you also noted from your poll, most who try are not profitable.

And you nailed it in the second sentence about some of the skills to get and stay profitable.

Best wishes for continued success!


Thank you, dear Bob.

The problem for many is that even if they were able to and motivated enough to get all the skills, the risk aversion part might be the hardest. Simply because some people are naturally more risk averse. E.g. I am liable for over $340k/year in renewal fees. For most people, just the thought of it would be painful.

And, while you can start small, starting really small doesn't work either simply because of the nature of this business. First, the 1% STR rule (and that 1% is there only if you know what you are doing), means you need hundreds of GOOD/DECENT names to make a handful of sales a year. Second, for really learning, you need way more than that. Third, learning from the sales by others might be very misleading, as you don't know what is going on behind the scenes (how many similar names he held to make one sale, was it just luck, did he do any outbound effort etc.).

When I started 8+ years ago, it was a bit easier, because the .coms were considerably cheaper, plus STR and average sales price were higher. Plus, there were less of the "distractor trends" like ".co is up, oh, now .io is up, oh, now .xyz is the next big thing, oh, now .ai is the talk of the town". Interestingly, lots of registrars, could offer $1-4 unlimited .com promos then, while now the cheapest unlimited would be in 7-9 range.

So you had some leeway for beginner errors and experimenting. Now, you might be squeezed out before you learn. And it will get a little worse with another 7%+ .com hike expected this summer.
This is the key. If you just jump in and start buying names or go with your gut about what "sounds" good you'll haemorrhage money. Everything you need to know to make money with domains is out there for free if you take the time to learn.

Yeah, the free part being out there doesn't make it that much easy. First, for every useful bit of info, there is 100x of pure garbage. Second, how do you put all those bits into a coherent actionable system?

But, yes, I agree that the knowledge is there for someone who can navigate. NP is an amazing resource in itself (both as the info and the community) and probably is the single biggest contributor for me personally.
Yeah, the free part being out there doesn't make it that much easy. First, for every useful bit of info, there is 100x of pure garbage. Second, how do you put all those bits into a coherent actionable system?

But, yes, I agree that the knowledge is there for someone who can navigate. NP is an amazing resource in itself (both as the info and the community) and probably is the single biggest contributor for me personally.

Definitely not easy as seen by your poll. Navigating and systemising may be the most important parts of the process.

Podcasts have probably been my biggest influence. Listened to every domainsherpa, every brandable insider, every one of Josh’s podcast multiple times.

The signal to noise ratio in forums can make them harder to navigate, but if you figure out who the successful people are and read everything they post they can be GOLD.
Definitely not easy as seen by your poll. Navigating and systemising may be the most important parts of the process.

Podcasts have probably been my biggest influence. Listened to every domainsherpa, every brandable insider, every one of Josh’s podcast multiple times.

The signal to noise ratio in forums can make them harder to navigate, but if you figure out who the successful people are and read everything they post they can be GOLD.

I should have made a better use of podcasts... Just my style of learning has been always quietly reading at the pace that is the best for my perception, digesting, checking etc.

So, definitely, yes, if anyone can learn and enjoys podcast, that might be the best.
Yes you can, but only if you are an professional squeezer.
Yes you can, but only if you are an professional squeezer.

I am not sure what you mean by "squeezer". I have looked at your portfolio at domainnature.com after reading your complaints that you cannot sell and are losing money. I believe you are just buying wrong names. Interestingly, while claiming at the same time to have figured out some "special sauce" and even trying to sell that info.
learning from the sales by others might be very misleading, as you don't know what is going on behind the scenes (how many similar names he held to make one sale, was it just luck, did he do any outbound effort etc.


you touched on pertinent oversight, that many don't dive for.

seems like majority just check sales data/keywords/price and try to come up with something similar.


you touched on pertinent oversight, that many don't dive for.

seems like majority just check sales data/keywords/price and try to come up with something similar.


Right? Sometimes I get a sale for something that I won't reinvest and think how misleading it would be if I shared it. I have long discovered that true learning comes from your own portfolio and sales. Of course, unless you are godaddy and afternic, but they will never share that kind of data
how misleading it would be if I shared it.

that depends on who you shared it with and how detailed the background info was.
some can, keep it to themselves, thank you for sharing and move on.

most who get mislead, tend to mislead themselves.

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