
Bodis landers trigger AV alert

Spaceship Spaceship
For the past 24hrs or so, my AV blocks all pages from Bodis with a 'download blocked' alert. I have tried the same domains on other platforms (eg. PC) with no problems. It seems this happens only with Bodis.

I'm using Kaspersky and the description of the blocked download contains this: "HEUR:AdWare.Script.Pusher.gen"

Does anyone else get these alerts or is it just my AV?
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Thanks for the technical details. Right now, I'm feeling a bit like a PEBKAC with an ID-10T/1D-10T error trying to sort out the blocking and TLS issues!

Wow, so using the CNAME with the forwarding solves most of the browser issues? Would using this vs using NS1/2 make a difference with the TLS and blocking issues?
Haha, we all don’t know what we don’t know. Always happy to help others and to learn!

My preference would be to use and which I still do for some domains. It’s only the ones that I have problems with, or need txt records for that I then use the CNAME records.

If you want to send me a pm, I’m happy to help you further (though I’m in Australia, so will be after work tomorrow).
Haha, we all don’t know what we don’t know. Always happy to help others and to learn!

My preference would be to use and which I still do for some domains. It’s only the ones that I have problems with, or need txt records for that I then use the CNAME records.
Thanks for your guidance. As a result, I decided to give Bodis another try, and uploaded most of my portfolio there using the ns1/2. Other than some initial tls issues, everything seems to be working fine.

Does it appear that the AV alert issue has been completely resolved? And the adblocker issues improved overall?
The only issue I had with Bodis and blockers (besides the obvious that ads are not showing) was that the sales banner wasn't always there.

Since then I have switched most of my domains for sale to's make-offer landers so not sure if that was fixed or not.

However, the few domains I currently have with sales-banners at Bodis immediately redirect to the link that the sales-banner contains when they detect ad-blockers. Not a bad solution if you ask me.

u mean if bodis ads page with banner is blocked it goes direct to what's behind banner...say bodis inquiry form for me... or do u really need to have a url redirect behind banner for this to work? like here:
@alcy ,
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are asking (lack of sleep most probably

What is the difference between what is 'behind' the banner compared to a redirect?

Whatever is setup for that particular banner is going to be used instead of eg. a blank page (due to lack of an ad feed or due to a blocker) which, afaik, is always a url redirect.

It doesn't matter if the banner redirects to a 'for sale' page or to Bodis' own inquiry form; they are all redirecting the visitor somewhere.
@alcy ,
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are asking (lack of sleep most probably

What is the difference between what is 'behind' the banner compared to a redirect?

Whatever is setup for that particular banner is going to be used instead of eg. a blank page (due to lack of an ad feed or due to a blocker) which, afaik, is always a url redirect.

It doesn't matter if the banner redirects to a 'for sale' page or to Bodis' own inquiry form; they are all redirecting the visitor somewhere.

Haha tnx bud.. seems to me like u understood me perfectly. this is real good to known cause so many get blocked..
so at least having bodis inquiry or whatever banner points to is just amazing news
.. I.think to all.

tnx for sharing

@LoveCatchyDomains ,
it has been fixed now . I'm not sure how long the issue lasted so, hopefully, no domain got flagged.

How serious that can be?
Well, if a domain gets flagged it can be blocked by G (which means no revenue from them) and it might also -in extreme cases- lead to the registry blocking the domain (if enough people complain).. so,yeah, if you piss people off too much they might make a domain completely worthless.
There's a law against making something worthless on purpose. In fact,it could bring down the whole industry.
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anyone else having blend in banner with highlight settings... hope its temp bug and they not getting rid highlight like they did for penetrating.. at 30usd earn per month that'd be the nail for me
They won't pay even if you prove traffic is geninue. 2024, & you believe they will pay?
They won't pay even if you prove traffic is geninue. 2024, & you believe they will pay?
Yes, they paid today.

It was close to the minimum payout allowed, and an amount primarily left over from last year's earnings. Their prompt payment was very much appreciated.

EPC still are generally low fortheportfolio, but there have been some intermittent improvements. So, we'll see how this goes.

Nonetheless, for the presumably large number of domains you had parked, your frustrations are very understandable.
Brother stay away from Bodis, they will close your account if you want to ask about your payout.
I'm mostly my domains parked on different platform and i purchased only traffic domains after many hours research and i'm earning revenue from domain parking as well few develop websites.

i heard about Bodis on namepros and then i make a account on and after 7 days my revenue was $17 on my 5 domains, but yesterday i ask about minimum payout then they should reply my question, they said we have checked you're promoting your domains on social media platform like: linkedinn and twitter and this's against our Tos and for now we have closed your account and your revenue will held.

what a fool, they are earning money from our domains and they close your account in any time with so called reasons.

i'm getting revenues from sedo as well on afternic last from5 months but they never ask me about this.

anyway, i will suggest you stayaway from Bodis.
They won't pay even if you prove traffic is geninue. 2024, & you believe they will pay?
they want you can't promote your domains as well....
Brother stay away from Bodis, they will close your account if you want to ask about your payout.
Perhaps this is more of an issue with the larger payouts? My experience has always been positive with them. The payouts have been reliable, including this month.

Has anyone had issues with them when the payouts requested are generally less than $100?

BTW, congrats on having found solutions that do work for you.
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Perhaps this is more of an issue with the larger payouts? My experience has always been positive with them. The payouts have been reliable, including this month.

Has anyone had issues with them when the payouts requested are generally less than $100?

BTW, congrats on having found solutions that do work for you.
seriously you are right, it was my mistake because my few clicks come from twitter and linkedinn where i promoted my parking domains......but on this i was not aware for this....but finally after clarification they restore my account.....
Bodis really care about users.
Perhaps this is more of an issue with the larger payouts? My experience has always been positive with them. The payouts have been reliable, including this month.

Has anyone had issues with them when the payouts requested are generally less than $100?

BTW, congrats on having found solutions that do work for you.

More like people not reading rules they agree for parking and then spam every single topic on various forums that they get their account banned/closed from service.
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More like people not reading rules they agree for parking and then spam every single topic on various forums that they get their account banned/closed from service.
Interesting hypothesis, but have you actually seen a correlation with individuals who complained about being banned and the number of "spam postings" they appear to have done prior to that happening?

seriously you are right, it was my mistake because my few clicks come from twitter and linkedinn where i promoted my parking domains......but on this i was not aware for this....but finally after clarification they restore my account.....
Bodis really care about users.
And regarding the a/v alert issue, I was concerned when I recently did a relisting trial with Bodis. The concern about potentially getting flagged and blocked by G didn't materialize. Nonetheless, that's something pehaps worth monitoring?
Interesting hypothesis, but have you actually seen a correlation with individuals who complained about being banned and the number of "spam postings" they appear to have done prior to that happening?

And regarding the a/v alert issue, I was concerned when I recently did a relisting trial with Bodis. The concern about potentially getting flagged and blocked by G didn't materialize. Nonetheless, that's something pehaps worth monitoring?

I mean just read Npros own parking forum - few new users doing so don't have to look too far , same inside various 3rd party ones without naming a specific one in parking discussions.
I mean just read Npros own parking forum - few new users doing so don't have to look too far , same inside various 3rd party ones without naming a specific one in parking discussions.
Perhaps, but my impression was that there were some dedicated, successful parking pros who are simply sharing their perspective.

Admittedly, I never felt they were trying to increase their parking revenue by doing the postings. If anything, NP members and esp. parking pros know that the computer systems for ad-parking are sophisticated enough to pick up on such behavior. That was noted by the above example with Twitter and Linked-in. Like the a/v issue, they don't want to be banned.

And note that the parking pros are generally very careful about not even sharing their keywords for their successful high revenue generators, since that's apparently a big part of their success.
Now that Bodis is clearly declining in functionality and paying way less that they used to, which other parking companies do we have left? Sedo, parkingcrew, afternic, they all are the same kind of thing. There is a huge opportunity for someone to offer an honest and transparten parking platform these days.
which other parking companies do we have left? Sedo, parkingcrew, afternic, they all are the same kind of thing.

Thanks for the reminder; it's time for me to give Sedo another try. My expectations are low, but unfortunately Bodis is yielding nothing but pennies at this point.
Thanks for the reminder; it's time for me to give Sedo another try. My expectations are low, but unfortunately Bodis is yielding nothing but pennies at this point.

sedo is shite for park rev. bottom of list. just use bodis go to lander if u dont want ads.
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sedo is shite for park rev. bottom of list. just use bodis go to lander if u dont want ads.
I think everyone is shit noways for park rev. With Bodis you risk losing 10% extra commission on Afternic which can be the equivalent of 1 or even 2 years year parking revenue...
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sedo is shite for park rev. bottom of list. just use bodis go to lander if u dont want ads.
Since the number of parking services that support G-feeds is numbered in one hand, imo, it's not a wise move to disregard any of them (unless they have seriously harmed you in some way ofc).

Moreover, we have to consider this:

a few years back, ParkingCrew was untouchable in the 1st place with the best earnings by far compared to the rest.
What happened? did Bodis suddenly decided to increase the revshare? I don't think so.

What I think happened is that, PC dropped so low that Bodis just appeared on top.
A '10' is better than a '4' until the time that the '10' becomes a '2'

Sedo might have been a '4' in the past but, if everyone else at some point become 2s then Sedo might be a solid choice.

It is always wise to keep up with the current status of parking. During the past 2 years, Sedo has come on top a few times along with PC.
That is exactly the reason why I use Parking Managers (eg. Above and Parklogic) instead of just one parking service so I can keep up with those fluctuations.
I think everyone is shit noways for park rev. With Bodis you risk losing 10% extra commission on Afternic which can be the equivalent of 1 or even 2 years year parking revenue...

yes all is crap so at this point it's just about what is more or less crapppy. well since dan and afternic made this stupid commission system based on dns i guess it changed the bodis setup habit too...but I meant to go direct to bodis landers.. like I do...and then use addlead 5percent on dan. if u care about saving on commission which we all do and u too then 5percent is even better than 15 using if using dan servers
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