
available Available .tv names

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Good idea to start this thread,
Here in Kenya we have satelitte tv based from South-Africa which is covering almost all Africa. Last months I can clearly see that more and more tv channels start using the .tv extension for their marketing. MTV is advertising here with only (and they own also, but they never mention this). Maybe they do this just to test here in Africa, but it is a good sign anyway.

Also in Holland a new tv channel, Talpa (a big one in Holland, owned by the inventor of Big Brother, John de Mol) are advertising with, even (the Dutch extension) is pointing to the .tv extension. If any of their programms have a seperate website, they al have the .tv extension. For me, these are clear signs that the .tv extension is starting to take off.

It is now only waiting till more half (or non-)media type companies start using this extension, but that might take a while, probably years. Before that is happening there must be some kind of fusion between internet and tv. Personally, I am convinced that this will take place.
Thank you John I value your opinion on .tv

Forgot to mention that the impact a tv channel like MTV has cannot be underestimated. Young people (say under 20) are using tv and internet actively. I have a little brother who is requesting videoclips on and that generation do not see .tv as something strange, they even think it is cool.

I have a feeling that when (international) companies are looking for a nice .com name and it is taken (and it is always taken ;) or too expensive, the .net looks like you are too late and the .org is more for non-profit (even if it is not, still many people think that way) they might be going more and more for a .tv extension. Especially as they see on tv more and more channels proudly marketeer their .tv name.

Don't get me wrong, I still prefer .com, but with any luck .tv will be the surprise in this business the coming years. When the time will come that TV's with the possiblity to check your mail and surf the web will be sold, that could be the last help this extension needs to be succesful.
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its the reason ELequa bought John for the checking mail via TV. Good input ty

equity78 said:
its the reason ELequa bought John for the checking mail via TV. Good input ty
You're right, I didn't realize that, I was just thinking that ($65,000) was a 'bargain' and ($35,000) relatively expensive, it might be the other way around ;)
checking mails on tv, good point!
I like .tv very much:)
I own a few 3 letter .tv I like the extension and I think it will start to blossom as more sales are reported

TT said:
I own a few 3 letter .tv I like the extension and I think it will start to blossom as more sales are reported
Hi TT, can you tell us which .tv name you are owning?
Just curious.
I think .tv is the best option for the new channels. And every day, a new tv channel born. But often his name is already taken in most extension, and not in tv. I'm sure some channels in France use the .tv to promote but I can't remember the name :) Not a good point for them I know...
.tv is the only future of the web as the television and the internet become one... you heard it here first... Eq knows this and thats why he owns I just sold for mid $$$$ fgs.... (excuse the bot mispelling)..

I dont know why i bleat on and on about .tv's but they are the future of the internet and i challenge anyone to tell me why they are not.

I live in the Uk and like many other posters here, see ad after ad of people on tv ALL with a .tv as their webaddress....

there is big money to be made here people.. But hey, who am i, wait till everyones made their money and then start buying up or other such s*ite.

Great post Eq, you the man......

ps. is avai;able for $1m
i have regged it caz it was only 30$
GJ online.

equity78 said:

I am going to make this a sricky so It costs NP to sticky so My site 3 sponsoring. THought it was a good line to put in the title just for FUN.
Just woke up and discovered I already made some NP and the day is only starting ;) Now I know what GJ online means with sponsoring this thread, I realize I didn't deserve any NP, still learning. Badger, I think I saw your at Afternic, very good sale for a three word .tv. That is even hopeful for the future owner of you are mentioning :laugh:
Verisign needs to quit all this "premium name" markup non-sense and let the namespace run hog-wild and fancy free. IMO, their current model is choking the .TV domain name market. Remove the premium markups and registrations will increase exponentially, generating nice profits for Verisign. The way it's going now, growth will be timid at best, and that means less developed .TV websites, which, again, hurts the namespace.

As always, IMO.

Hi Equity 78, nice thead initiative and informative retrospective. Yes the .tv extension is now growing fast, it is a fresh, dynamic exciting web address being indeed the most popular acronym in the world.
As Badger says .tv is the only future of the web as television and the internet have met, I would also add that we are all going to be watching TV programs and videos on our mobile, smarphone, pda ... .tv is therefore more than appropriate and represents in this new area/arena a fashionable alternative to the 'old' saturated .com market. And I do not think that .tv today remains exclusively dedicated to the tv/entertaining markets, don't know whether and are the best examples, but be sure more and more companies from various business sectors, from small to high-rollers, are looking to secure their visibility or reinforce their existing traffic thanks to the .tv extension. Yes premium generic .tv words are expensive, and yes it seems that Verisign wishes to keep them far from the crowd, non-premiums are more affordable and there are many good names still available although I do see a difference in my searches since last year, the boost in .tv registrations is recent but effective. Perhaps I am wrong but in my view a few good .tv keywords are, for the $ame total amount, a better investment than hundreds of .com, .net, ... crappy combos, that's why I manage, maybe not wisely but with patience, my .tv portfolio.
Last thought : a few months ago I had the feeling that we were only a few self-confessed .tv owners here and we were keeping a very low profile, it seems today that something is changing. Thank you Equity for this thread.
Eager to read more reactions !
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Nice to see many .TV fans here. i have couple of nice .tv names too. i am sure they will take off a day.

I agree with Argos, it might be better to reg one or a couple of nice 1 word .tv names instead of tens of 2 or 3 word .coms. Verisign is aiming more at the end users instead of 'traders' with this pricing (the end user does not mind to pay more for a name that is fitting their project). Although it might be a good idea to lower the prices a bit so more starters can afford it easier and will be more triggered to choose for .tv instead of buying a .com, even if they are not in the media/tv industry. For sure, it will make this extension more popular. Elequa even likes the high reg fees I read somewhere, less competition in finding good .tv domains.
Thank you Equity for that interesting aritcle I totally agree with you. I might register one soon.
No prob Element Thank you for contributing.

I agree with Argos and Johntv I wrote this in the tv sales thread I would rather buy a great .tv then reg 50 so so .coms

John I was the one who had the convo with Elequa saying he likes Less competition, but I agree with AMCY Verisign is hurting the ext overall, but you make a good point JOHN because Of Verisigns handling most Domainers don't like the ext and will not participate in Trading .tv names makes it better picking for .TV domainers and end users. IMO

equity78 said:
No prob Element Thank you for contributing.

I agree with Argos and Johntv I wrote this in the tv sales thread I would rather buy a great .tv then reg 50 so so .coms

John I was the one who had the convo with Elequa saying he likes Less competition, but I agree with AMCY Verisign is hurting the ext overall, but you make a good point JOHN because Of Verisigns handling most Domainers don't like the ext and will not participate in Trading .tv names makes it better picking for .TV domainers and end users. IMO
I realized after posting that I read about Elequa liking the high reg fees and buying one nice .tv instead of a lot less nice .coms in your post, respect B-)
I love the .tv ext and own quite a few. Here are some of mine...
and many more...

Can't believe how many good one words are taken.
A quick run on digital point suggestion tool showed 6,616.2 /day searches for the term "download tv episode" and I checked and and much to my suprise both were avaialble. It had took me more than 2 hours to register these domians. Never knew registering a .tv domain from Pakistan is that much of a big deal. I hope they are woth the money and the time spent on them.

••• Boundlessly in German sells for 530 Euros on SEDO
I'm a .tv enthusiast... I take it as a good investment for the future.

I own the following:
--> <-- (yeah, I'm a weirdo :D)

In my dreams I'll make something big with the first one, as statistics is a very popular word, an extremely powerful keyword and a good name for many kinds of portals.
Let's see what future has got for our tvs...
I like .tv but only have one so far:
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