
domains A bunch more of Jane Both’s blockchain domain names expire

Spaceship Spaceship


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Sadly it's Deja Vu for the estate of Jane Angela Maginsky Pantalone Both. I wrote about her passing and her blockchain related domains expiring in January of 2018. Back then over 100 domains and $100,000 in expired domain auction sales transacted. After this took place Paul Nicks and I talked and GoDaddy did donate some of the proceeds to charity. I wanted to publish that, but Paul said they … [Read more...]
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So plessed you wrote this article because as soon as i saw this mornings namebio and saw the blockchain domains sold i instantly thought that these domains must have come out of jane boths portfolio but forgot her name until you mentioned it in this article

I do hope the proceeds are going to where jane wanted them to go to now but a reputable big cheese domain name investor should be managing this account even free of charge kist to make sure more domains from the account dont expire as the prices of these domains will only increase in value blockchain becomes more popular
Maybe it's time to review our "emergency plans"...
Maybe it's time to review our "emergency plans"...
I had already given my wife all my login details and instructions on how to push domains for each registrar...not taking any chances on trusting the "right" thing getting done when I'm gone
I had already given my wife all my login details and instructions on how to push domains for each registrar...not taking any chances on trusting the "right" thing getting done when I'm gone

This is what the woman should have done, which is the best. How come her daughter didn't have this? I mean, you can imagine. This is by far the easiest method in a situation like this.
This is what the woman should have done, which is the best. How come her daughter didn't have this? I mean, you can imagine. This is by far the easiest method in a situation like this.
hindsight is a wonderful thing, I think for most people of a certain age talking about their own passing is uncomfortable and things that could/should be done get put off
I had already given my wife all my login details and instructions on how to push domains for each registrar...not taking any chances on trusting the "right" thing getting done when I'm gone

That is one option, but the spouse has to have some idea of what to do next or have some kind of help e.g. from a trusted fellow domainer. It can also be risky, and I've seen some divorce struggles over domains that inevitably get nasty when two parties have the access to one account.

With gTLD domains it can get pretty messy to handle everything, with loads of different registrars and all. As long as you're an active domainer, you will inevitably have the domains scattered all around depending on where you bought/snapped them. If you throw in some exotic ccTLDs into equation, it becomes a Gordian Knot.

My main market is .pl and there I'm keeping everything tidy. Transfers are free and transfer lock is only 5 days from registration or last transfer, so I keep all the domains at one registrar, but sorted into four accounts: one for top domains (instructions for the heirs: keep renewing them until you get a very good offer), one for LLL (this one kinds runs itself, just keep selling/leasing, renewing and withdrawing the surplus money), one for private domains (important for me for various reasons: mailbox, website, or just collectibles) and one for everything else (just auction everything off with no reserve). These instructions + access details are in a sealed envelope in my drawer (though I probably should take it to a notary for safekeeping and quicker access), plus I have two trusted domain-people who promised to help handle everything if need be.
That is one option, but the spouse has to have some idea of what to do next or have some kind of help e.g. from a trusted fellow domainer. It can also be risky, and I've seen some divorce struggles over domains that inevitably get nasty when two parties have the access to one account.

With gTLD domains it can get pretty messy to handle everything, with loads of different registrars and all. As long as you're an active domainer, you will inevitably have the domains scattered all around depending on where you bought/snapped them. If you throw in some exotic ccTLDs into equation, it becomes a Gordian Knot.

My main market is .pl and there I'm keeping everything tidy. Transfers are free and transfer lock is only 5 days from registration or last transfer, so I keep all the domains at one registrar, but sorted into four accounts: one for top domains (instructions for the heirs: keep renewing them until you get a very good offer), one for LLL (this one kinds runs itself, just keep selling/leasing, renewing and withdrawing the surplus money), one for private domains (important for me for various reasons: mailbox, website, or just collectibles) and one for everything else (just auction everything off with no reserve). These instructions + access details are in a sealed envelope in my drawer (though I probably should take it to a notary for safekeeping and quicker access), plus I have two trusted domain-people who promised to help handle everything if need be.
Pls what do you mean by .pl

Block chain .bet

Was bought yesterday

And all the domain name investors and all the domain name brokers didnt think this domain was worth much more than $300

Its one of the reasons why most valuations from investors and brokers in the states are virtually worthless because they value domains based on a states based valuation which in this case didnt realise how big uk bookies are
Eg most uk bookies are worth multibillion dollars

Eg domain name investors and brokers from the states should type

London uk

In to google maps and click on images or streetview so that they actually understand that in countries like england etc .com isnt necessary because the uk has a strong cctld and has zillions of bookies to which this blockchain gtld is perfect for but not valued by them as being worth much

But was this gtld part of this portfolio?
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