
interviews 20% of NamePross users are from Libya and Kyrgyzstan ?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Are here a tons of users from Libya and Kyrgyzstan
or Bots :unsure:

I wanna to meet someone from Libya. Are you here?

"Libya, with population of near 7M and Internet users near3M*, is deep in domaining nowadays like never before"
Domaing seems to be more popular than crypto, cloud, AI all together. :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

*3.14 million internet users in Libya in January 2023. Libya's internet penetration rate stood at 45.9 percent of the total population (data from here
p.s. I'm using similarweb for free. It works fine for me.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I wanna to meet someone from Libya. Are you here?
Now they hunt for NP, and NP expecting more :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:
Hungry Food GIF by moodman

This is purely speculation on my part, but I expect to see an influx of domainers from Africa over the coming years as more people there gain consistent access to the internet. I also expect to see more intermingling between the Chinese and Western domaining communities: there's historically been a bit of a divide between them, but, anecdotally, I've noticed more and more Chinese domainers participating on NamePros.
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Two threads going of same thing?
Both started same day 🤪
Quoting paul from a different thread
Quoting berryhill too
Why the boner over statistics that are as reliable as afternic transaction assurance?
And no I dont have $4 to send you
Thats my contributing factor for the day,
Quoting berryhill too
Why the boner over statistics that are as reliable as afternic transaction assurance?
And no I dont have $4 to send you
Thats my contributing factor for the day,
Yes, I start second as first was moved down by admins of NP
but this is not a same, here I wanna to meet people from Libya, not like in video :ROFL:
Yep, you don't have, you are out from domaining 3+ years from now. Now you are contributing.

God bless you

p.s. I can't send you DM, it's you wrote my from a new account for a discount and now angree on me, so posting this? Don't be so life is too short to do so, be good person. Thanks

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Are here a tons of users from Libya and Kyrgyzstan
or Bots :unsure:
Neither. That data is nonsense. I assume they’re doing some sort of extrapolation that doesn’t actually work well on our site.
I've been using SW for years now (the paid version) and, just for the fun of it, I occasionally check NP's metrics.

In all these years, I have never seen traffic coming from the countries the OP mentioned. The traffic that SW shows is almost always US, China, India, UK and Australia which makes sense I think.

SW is very inaccurate, if one wants to do some serious work, but it does a very good job as an all-in-one tool for any type of research.
In all these years, I have never seen traffic coming from the countries the OP mentioned. The traffic that SW shows is almost always US, China, India, UK and Australia which makes sense I think.
That's a lot closer to reality. I'm not sure Australia makes the top five, but the others sound about right.
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