
trusted notifier

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  1. News

    news RIAA’s Pirate Domain Name Policing Efforts Are Unspectacular

    The RIAA is designated as a "trusted notifier" by domain name registry operator Identity Digital, which oversees hundreds of TLDs. The partnership allows the music group to flag piracy domains, but transparency reports show absolutely no recent activity on this front...Read More
  2. News

    news RIAA’s Pirate Domain Name Policing Efforts Are Unspectacular

    The RIAA is designated as a "trusted notifier" by domain name registry operator Identity Digital, which oversees hundreds of TLDs. The partnership allows the music group to flag piracy domains, but transparency reports show absolutely no recent activity on this front...Read More
  3. News

    news Lawmakers Press Verisign To Join ‘Trusted Notifier’ Program And Take More Action To Combat Piracy

    “Verisign serves as the registry for almost half of all domain name registrations,” the lawmakers wrote in a letter to the company last spring. “The company is therefore uniquely positioned to help curb this illegal activity. Its failure to do so has served as a significant contributor to the...
  4. News

    news Lawmakers Press Verisign To Join ‘Trusted Notifier’ Program And Take More Action To Combat Piracy

    “Verisign serves as the registry for almost half of all domain name registrations,” the lawmakers wrote in a letter to the company last spring. “The company is therefore uniquely positioned to help curb this illegal activity. Its failure to do so has served as a significant contributor to the...
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