
opinion poll

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  1. Bob Hawkes

    opinion Domain Name Investors Make Predictions For 2023

    The more accurately we can predict the future, the better position we are in as domain investors. With that in mind, I sought views on: How Do You Think 2023 Will Be In Domain Investing? That discussion thread included a poll on overall optimism or pessimism about domain name investment in...
  2. Bob Hawkes

    opinion Domain Name Investors Make Predictions For 2023

    The more accurately we can predict the future, the better position we are in as domain investors. With that in mind, I sought views on: How Do You Think 2023 Will Be In Domain Investing? That discussion thread included a poll on overall optimism or pessimism about domain name investment in...
  3. robinnx

    Many people are in danger and Rob Monster (Epik's CEO) is partly responsible

    my position: anything is prone to be hacked anytime, but I think that @Rob Monster 's personnel views played a big role in getting Epik hacked. I sensed that the CEO was playing some dangerous games, mixing business and personnel views publicly is a very dangerous formula. and simply...
  4. robinnx

    Many people are in danger and Rob Monster (Epik's CEO) is partly responsible

    my position: anything is prone to be hacked anytime, but I think that @Rob Monster 's personnel views played a big role in getting Epik hacked. I sensed that the CEO was playing some dangerous games, mixing business and personnel views publicly is a very dangerous formula. and simply...
  5. NickB

    poll Do you become more cynical the longer you are involved with domaining?

    Genuine question....... Industry Specific, not a general life question!!!! (Though that would be interesting) Any thoughts? Please let us know........ Public Vote
  6. NickB

    poll Do you become more cynical the longer you are involved with domaining?

    Genuine question....... Industry Specific, not a general life question!!!! (Though that would be interesting) Any thoughts? Please let us know........ Public Vote
  7. shaikh555

    reviews VoiceEngine.CO

    Kindly give your review about VoiceEngine.CO For Voice Recognition Technology
  8. shaikh555

    reviews VoiceEngine.CO

    Kindly give your review about VoiceEngine.CO For Voice Recognition Technology
  9. INFJ

    domain POLL: $150,000 LAST NAME APPRAISAL AT NAMEWORTH.COM? - - WTF? Your thoughts via poll and discussion please.
  10. INFJ

    domain POLL: $150,000 LAST NAME APPRAISAL AT NAMEWORTH.COM? - - WTF? Your thoughts via poll and discussion please.
  11. Vinay Pandit

    Is it good to invest in nGTLDs as a beginner?

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this industry and sold my first three .net domains and I'm constantly looking for new ways to sell domains. However as everyone knows getting a good domain is pretty difficult also expensive for newbies like me. I've tried to acquire .coms but almost every good domain...
  12. Vinay Pandit

    Is it good to invest in nGTLDs as a beginner?

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this industry and sold my first three .net domains and I'm constantly looking for new ways to sell domains. However as everyone knows getting a good domain is pretty difficult also expensive for newbies like me. I've tried to acquire .coms but almost every good domain...

    opinion We must share our portfolio with one close family member? Agree?

    Since domainers invest alot of you guys think we should have one close relative who should know our all domain names with second access f something happened to us so they can use it later. RIGHT OR WRONG?I shared my all domains with my wife & my brother .

    opinion We must share our portfolio with one close family member? Agree?

    Since domainers invest alot of you guys think we should have one close relative who should know our all domain names with second access f something happened to us so they can use it later. RIGHT OR WRONG?I shared my all domains with my wife & my brother .
  15. ddfenton

    status-resolved NamePros domain sales stats?

    This site has been extremely difficult for me to navigate -- I spent close to 10 minutes looking for the correct place to post this thread. That being said, I may have missed this -- but is there anyway to get an idea of names that have actually sold on NamePros? Occasionally I will run...
  16. ddfenton

    status-resolved NamePros domain sales stats?

    This site has been extremely difficult for me to navigate -- I spent close to 10 minutes looking for the correct place to post this thread. That being said, I may have missed this -- but is there anyway to get an idea of names that have actually sold on NamePros? Occasionally I will run...
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