

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. URL Stream

    question Best Strategy to Lure a Specific Buyer for My Domain Name?

    I own a reasonably valuable two-word domain name (i.e., OceanView.com) that has the potential to attract a wide range of end users. However, there’s a specific high-value net company currently using a four-word domain that includes the same two words as part of their name (e.g...
  2. URL Stream

    question Best Strategy to Lure a Specific Buyer for My Domain Name?

    I own a reasonably valuable two-word domain name (i.e., OceanView.com) that has the potential to attract a wide range of end users. However, there’s a specific high-value net company currently using a four-word domain that includes the same two words as part of their name (e.g...
  3. Robbie

    sales How Much? What could be your reply in the a reply from a prospect

    So you have the prospect on the hook, what are the next steps to close that domain name sale. These are our simple yet effective steps in how to reply when someone responds or emails you with "How Much?" or words to that affect. https://robbiesblog.com/how-much-what-could-be-your-reply/12925
  4. Robbie

    sales How Much? What could be your reply in the a reply from a prospect

    So you have the prospect on the hook, what are the next steps to close that domain name sale. These are our simple yet effective steps in how to reply when someone responds or emails you with "How Much?" or words to that affect. https://robbiesblog.com/how-much-what-could-be-your-reply/12925
  5. TopBrandsForSale

    discuss Whois Data and Privacy Settings for Inbound Inquiry

    Do you guys keep your privacy ON or OFF? I've recently got an email through the DynaDot whois system from a domain broker asking for one of my domains. The offer was good! So I'm wondering if I should give up my privacy and make it easier for everyone to email me directly. What do you think?
  6. TopBrandsForSale

    discuss Whois Data and Privacy Settings for Inbound Inquiry

    Do you guys keep your privacy ON or OFF? I've recently got an email through the DynaDot whois system from a domain broker asking for one of my domains. The offer was good! So I'm wondering if I should give up my privacy and make it easier for everyone to email me directly. What do you think?
  7. Bob Hawkes

    information Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 3: Outbound, Promotion, UDRP, Parking, Website, Resources

    In this final segment of the basics of domain investing series, I look at inbound and outbound selling, domain promotion, UDRP, parking and other ways to earn income from domains, and how to set up your own domain investing portfolio website. The article ends with links to additional resources...
  8. Bob Hawkes

    information Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 3: Outbound, Promotion, UDRP, Parking, Website, Resources

    In this final segment of the basics of domain investing series, I look at inbound and outbound selling, domain promotion, UDRP, parking and other ways to earn income from domains, and how to set up your own domain investing portfolio website. The article ends with links to additional resources...
  9. abstractdomainer

    discuss Sales Hack Week #1 - Inbound Inquiry

    Dear Members, We are all selling one thing or the other in our everyday lives. When we are not selling a product or a service, we may be selling our time for something else. Most of the time, what we sell for, is either money or learning or experience or all of it. For example, in the outbound...
  10. abstractdomainer

    discuss Sales Hack Week #1 - Inbound Inquiry

    Dear Members, We are all selling one thing or the other in our everyday lives. When we are not selling a product or a service, we may be selling our time for something else. Most of the time, what we sell for, is either money or learning or experience or all of it. For example, in the outbound...
  11. T

    discuss Best days of week - for domain sales

    For curiosity. (note, I only do inbound) I've noticed that during weekend I make almost no sales. Guess people are having fun. I always say to myself, gonna relax this weekend and count in some nice sales. Except I do the relaxing only. But it's good to, and during work days sales always get...
  12. T

    discuss Best days of week - for domain sales

    For curiosity. (note, I only do inbound) I've noticed that during weekend I make almost no sales. Guess people are having fun. I always say to myself, gonna relax this weekend and count in some nice sales. Except I do the relaxing only. But it's good to, and during work days sales always get...
  13. justsand

    discuss What are the important factors for successful domain sales?

    Hello all, According to you which factors play the most important role in domain sales (Inbound)? Price Marketplace Marketplace exposure Domain landers Payment options (installment or lease-to-own or make an offer) Portfolio size Domain age Domain quality Domain length Domain extension...
  14. justsand

    discuss What are the important factors for successful domain sales?

    Hello all, According to you which factors play the most important role in domain sales (Inbound)? Price Marketplace Marketplace exposure Domain landers Payment options (installment or lease-to-own or make an offer) Portfolio size Domain age Domain quality Domain length Domain extension...
  15. justsand

    discuss How to make domain inbound sales?

    Hello, NamePros, Can anyone please give your valuable suggestions to increase the chances of domain inbound sales? Are there any methods to get inbound sales or it completely depends on our luck and prayers? Thank you :)
  16. justsand

    discuss How to make domain inbound sales?

    Hello, NamePros, Can anyone please give your valuable suggestions to increase the chances of domain inbound sales? Are there any methods to get inbound sales or it completely depends on our luck and prayers? Thank you :)
  17. chenzen

    tips Your spam folder may be eating up your next sale

    Recently I was going through my spam folder because an email I was expecting wasn't arriving in the inbox. Then only I realized that an email enquiry regarding one of my domains was nicely put into the spam folder. It was from a hotmail address and gmail flagged it as spam! But by the time I...
  18. chenzen

    tips Your spam folder may be eating up your next sale

    Recently I was going through my spam folder because an email I was expecting wasn't arriving in the inbox. Then only I realized that an email enquiry regarding one of my domains was nicely put into the spam folder. It was from a hotmail address and gmail flagged it as spam! But by the time I...
  19. abstractdomainer

    discuss Inbound domainers started with outbound?

    For full-time inbound domainers, did you start with outbound and then later acquired names that sold by themselves, or did you actually start with inbound in mind? Because creating a portfolio that sells by itself takes both, a lot of time and a lot of money investment (of course, the skills...
  20. abstractdomainer

    discuss Inbound domainers started with outbound?

    For full-time inbound domainers, did you start with outbound and then later acquired names that sold by themselves, or did you actually start with inbound in mind? Because creating a portfolio that sells by itself takes both, a lot of time and a lot of money investment (of course, the skills...
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