
beginner tips

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  1. arjun29

    OpenAI: Dot COM is not King. I asked OpenAI these domaining related questions, and I was amazed.

    I asked OpenAI chat these domaining related questions, and I was amazed by the answers. I have copy-pasted everything as it is. Questions I asked: Tell me something about domain name investing Domain name investment tips for beginners Is domain name trading wrong? Suggest some useful online...
  2. arjun29

    OpenAI: Dot COM is not King. I asked OpenAI these domaining related questions, and I was amazed.

    I asked OpenAI chat these domaining related questions, and I was amazed by the answers. I have copy-pasted everything as it is. Questions I asked: Tell me something about domain name investing Domain name investment tips for beginners Is domain name trading wrong? Suggest some useful online...
  3. T

    question-answered I have $500 to invest in domains. Can I turn this into a $200-$300 per month income?

    I just got this question from a fellow beginner domainer here. Good one, legitimate question. I believe not everyone here on NP might know the answer to this question, so here it is: Absolutely not. ( Edit: or at least not at first, unless you're really lucky OR very good at it = native...
  4. T

    question-answered I have $500 to invest in domains. Can I turn this into a $200-$300 per month income?

    I just got this question from a fellow beginner domainer here. Good one, legitimate question. I believe not everyone here on NP might know the answer to this question, so here it is: Absolutely not. ( Edit: or at least not at first, unless you're really lucky OR very good at it = native...
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