

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. equity78

    domains Task.ai and Draft.ai top the .Ai expired auctions for a second straight month- Will they get paid this time?

    The .ai expired domain auctions closed today with a total of 225 auctions, that totaled $292.1k. Task.ai was the highest close at $84,000, (Remember these are closes, they may not get paid) That’s perfectly illustrated by Task.ai which was the top close last month and not paid at $78,777. The...
  2. equity78

    domains Task.ai and Draft.ai top the .Ai expired auctions for a second straight month- Will they get paid this time?

    The .ai expired domain auctions closed today with a total of 225 auctions, that totaled $292.1k. Task.ai was the highest close at $84,000, (Remember these are closes, they may not get paid) That’s perfectly illustrated by Task.ai which was the top close last month and not paid at $78,777. The...
  3. equity78

    domains [Update: Domain did not sell] - NowHiring.ai sells for $60,000

    A gentleman on Twitter/X posted a couple of days ago that he was thinking about selling his domain name, NowHiring.ai. He also considered developing it, well he sold it for a great price. Continue Reading
  4. equity78

    domains [Update: Domain did not sell] - NowHiring.ai sells for $60,000

    A gentleman on Twitter/X posted a couple of days ago that he was thinking about selling his domain name, NowHiring.ai. He also considered developing it, well he sold it for a great price. Continue Reading
  5. Ariff BD

    advice Two letter .ai investment price suggestion

    Good Morning. We have been discussing about the price of a bulk of 10 two letter .ai domains. Last month I sold a Two letter .ai for 12500$ But now Price must be up. WOuld You suggest what you think I should price them? Is 16-18k is a good investment price? Thanks
  6. Ariff BD

    advice Two letter .ai investment price suggestion

    Good Morning. We have been discussing about the price of a bulk of 10 two letter .ai domains. Last month I sold a Two letter .ai for 12500$ But now Price must be up. WOuld You suggest what you think I should price them? Is 16-18k is a good investment price? Thanks
  7. equity78

    domains James Block sells UnitedStates.ai for $20K

    James Block posted on Twitter/X that he sold UnitedStates.ai for $20,000. Apparently it sold at Squadhelp. Have not seen too many Geo .ai names, it will be interesting if more Geo.ai name domain sales follow. Congrats to James Read More
  8. equity78

    domains James Block sells UnitedStates.ai for $20K

    James Block posted on Twitter/X that he sold UnitedStates.ai for $20,000. Apparently it sold at Squadhelp. Have not seen too many Geo .ai names, it will be interesting if more Geo.ai name domain sales follow. Congrats to James Read More
  9. News

    UDRP BarnesAndNoble.ai: Cheeky Respondent “in shock” over UDRP filing

    The Indian registrant of BarnesAndNoble.ai acted “in shock” after Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Inc., filed a UDRP to protect their world famous brand. Despite the obvious, blatant act of cybersquatting, the Respondent felt obligated to respond, albeit outside of the official channels. Read More.
  10. News

    UDRP BarnesAndNoble.ai: Cheeky Respondent “in shock” over UDRP filing

    The Indian registrant of BarnesAndNoble.ai acted “in shock” after Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Inc., filed a UDRP to protect their world famous brand. Despite the obvious, blatant act of cybersquatting, the Respondent felt obligated to respond, albeit outside of the official channels. Read More.
  11. equity78

    information Sedo .ai domain auction starts 3/21 still time to submit .ai domain names

    Sedo will be running an exclusive .ai auction from 3/21 to 3/28. AD Smart Domain Monetization Starts at Bodis sign up today Continue Reading
  12. equity78

    information Sedo .ai domain auction starts 3/21 still time to submit .ai domain names

    Sedo will be running an exclusive .ai auction from 3/21 to 3/28. AD Smart Domain Monetization Starts at Bodis sign up today Continue Reading
  13. DNSSEC

    Selling One awesome website for .AI domain name

    Today, some domain name holders and investors shave jointly built a website NameMall.AI with a lot of .AI short domain names, which is very awesome. Some of the treasures can be seen in the screenshot below, and to find more, please visit the website. Here is the website. Here is the screenshot:
  14. DNSSEC

    Selling One awesome website for .AI domain name

    Today, some domain name holders and investors shave jointly built a website NameMall.AI with a lot of .AI short domain names, which is very awesome. Some of the treasures can be seen in the screenshot below, and to find more, please visit the website. Here is the website. Here is the screenshot:
  15. News

    UDRP Aston Martin wins UDRP for matching .ai domain

    The Respondent actually used the services of an attorney from India to argue about the Complainant’s mark rights in Anguilla, operators of the .AI ccTLD. The domain has been offered for sale on the Dan.com platform. Read More.
  16. News

    UDRP Aston Martin wins UDRP for matching .ai domain

    The Respondent actually used the services of an attorney from India to argue about the Complainant’s mark rights in Anguilla, operators of the .AI ccTLD. The domain has been offered for sale on the Dan.com platform. Read More.
  17. galaxyspace16

    Selling Unregistered .ai domain taken in 91 extension

    I have unregistered domain name .ai taken in 91 extension I don't register it to my self because I haven't enough money so if any one interesed to register it and give me 150 USD contact me to tell you the name Thank you
  18. galaxyspace16

    Selling Unregistered .ai domain taken in 91 extension

    I have unregistered domain name .ai taken in 91 extension I don't register it to my self because I haven't enough money so if any one interesed to register it and give me 150 USD contact me to tell you the name Thank you
  19. lovely4ever

    The DATE of .AI domains removed from Whois !!

    Anybody knows why the date of .AI domains removed from Whois !!? Now we cant know the creation date and expiry and updated dates !! .
  20. lovely4ever

    The DATE of .AI domains removed from Whois !!

    Anybody knows why the date of .AI domains removed from Whois !!? Now we cant know the creation date and expiry and updated dates !! .
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