advice Why domain disappear from google search engine

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Why domains disappear from google search engine after parking on sedo?
will domains be banned or we have to send the reconsideration of our domain names to google after removing our domain from sedo parking??
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Google doesn't display parked domains in the search results. Unless there was a prior issue, it isn't penalized and will be fine if you later put a site on it.
Probably isn't completely missing either - do a site search for it (site:your domainnamehere.tld)
Google doesn't display parked domains in the search results. Unless there was a prior issue, it isn't penalized and will be fine if you later put a site on it.
Probably isn't completely missing either - do a site search for it (site:your domainnamehere.tld)
Yes I checked it ..its returning no well as showing banned ..all my domain which are parked showing banned..including .io and .xyz.newly registered domain mostly...I removed all my domains..can u please elaborate more on this topic.thanks
Parked pages add zero value for users. They may be indexed, but will rarely be returned in the results (back to the zero added value bit).

I checked out the you mentioned...doesn't seem too authoritative to me. Maybe it's useful, maybe not, I'm just saying that when you see copy like this, it should throw up an initial warning flag:
(via homepage)

"Check to see if your website and/or domain is banned by the Google Search Engine.
We will also check if your website and/or domain is banned by Google AdSense.If a site has been banned by Google then it is better to copy your site and select another domain name.
Otherwise you might email Google with request for the ban to be removed from your site."

Now this might be the best AdSense banning checker in the history of checkers, but I'm not sure if it's even useful for your needs as stated above (whether your parked page has been removed from Google, right?). Either way, here are some resources that will probably be more worth your time:
This might be a better question though: What's the specific issue? Lost referral traffic?
How is being removed from Google's search index NOT a 'penalty'?
How is being removed not a "prior issue"?
How will a site just "be fine if you later put a site on it?

According to Google....
Being removed from the index IS a penalty, and that penalty IS a prior issue that should be addressed by going through a "Reconsideration Requests"... and Goog gives NO GUARANTEE the site will be reinstated, or how long the process will take.

Google doesn't display parked domains in the search results. Unless there was a prior issue, it isn't penalized and will be fine if you later put a site on it.
Probably isn't completely missing either - do a site search for it (site:your domainnamehere.tld)

To the OP - Keep in mind most domainers on NamePros park, and NP is owned by a Parking company.!forum/webmasters is the place for objective advice on the issue.

Also see:
Webmaster Guidelines

Reconsideration Requests
Parked pages shouldn't be in the index in the first place.

How is being removed from Google's search index NOT a 'penalty'?
How is being removed not a "prior issue"?
How will a site just "be fine if you later put a site on it?

Because you go from a site with just ads, which is useless to anybody searching for something, to a site with something. Like you said, most domainers park. You sell the domain to an enduser, they put up something, it'll get indexed unless it has some prior issue as enlytend mentioned.
I have worked with numerous clients who (unknowinly) bought a Parked domain, spent thousands putting a site on it... only to discover the site was de-indexed (for parking)... and by the time the site was re-indexed they mostly moved-on to cut their loses.

Some gave-up (curse, and preach to anyone about "unethical domainers", and moved to FaceBook ... vowing never buy another domain fro a F$cking Domainer). One guy hired a private eye to find the "privacy" domainer. I don't know how that turned out... but I saw in the news, later, his uncle was arrested and indicted for murder... as a mafia hit man.

Also, if you follow the threads on Google forums... many folks NEVER get their site re-indexed, and the ONLY "prior" issue was Parking.
I have worked with numerous clients who (unknowinly) bought a Parked domain, spent thousands putting a site on it... only to discover the site was de-indexed (for parking)... and by the time the site was re-indexed they mostly moved-on to cut their loses.

Some gave-up (curse, and preach to anyone about "unethical domainers", and moved to FaceBook ... vowing never buy another domain fro a F$cking Domainer). One guy hired a private eye to find the "privacy" domainer. I don't know how that turned out... but I saw in the news, later, his uncle was arrested and indicted for murder... as a mafia hit man.

Also, if you follow the threads on Google forums... many folks NEVER get their site re-indexed, and the ONLY "prior" issue was Parking.

Any domain I've sold, I like to check on them sometimes to see what became of them and the one with sites are in the index. Then you just said "and by the time the site was re-indexed they mostly moved-on to cut their loses." You said they were reindexed.

It doesn't matter if the domain was parked. Parking a domain doesn't kill the chance of it getting indexed in the future. Again, most domainers park their domain. If parking killed the chance of the site getting indexed, no endusers would be getting their site indexed and we know that's not the case. It's something else if it's an indexing problem.
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Again, according to Google just putting up a site on a formerly parked domain does not mean the site will be re-indexed automatically.

"Reconsideration requests are handled by real people, so good documentation helps the reviewer better understand the steps you’ve taken to address the manual action.

A good reconsideration request does three things:
  1. Explains the exact quality issue on your site.
  2. Describes the steps you’ve taken to fix the issue.
  3. Documents the outcome of your efforts.
You can also link to documents that describe your clean-up efforts. The following tips describe how to document actions for specific penalties.
  • Manipulation of backlinks: Provide a list of links you have taken action on. You should make good-faith effort to remove backlinks before using the disavow tool. It can also be helpful to document the effort involved in removing those links. Simply disavowing all backlinks without attempting to remove them might lead to rejection of your request.
  • Selling links on your site: Provide examples of pages where you added nofollow attributes to the violating links or removed the links altogether. When you receive examples of violating links, make sure you extrapolate that information to fix similar links on your site.
  • Thin or scraped content: Provide examples of bad content you removed and good content that you added.
  • Purchased domain: If you recently purchased a domain that you think has violated our guidelines before you owned it, use the reconsideration request form to let us know that you recently acquired the site and that it now adheres to the guidelines."
Again, according to Google just putting up a site on a formerly parked domain does not mean the site will be re-indexed automatically.

The normal things people do with sites will. Put some content up, some links in etc. You don't need to do some reinclusion request. What you linked to only mentions parked domains once. They said don't submit parked domains or empty sites for reinclusion, obvious stuff. Not sure why somebody would do that with sites with basically nothing there.
If the site is NOT being indexed because it was Parked... then Goog needs to be told when the site is no longer parked. Your saying Goog 'indexes' parked pages and waits for a new site to post before adding it, without any quality control. I call BS. Can you document that?
If the site is NOT being indexed because it was Parked... then Goog needs to be told when the site is no longer parked. Your saying Goog 'indexes' parked pages and waits for a new site to post before adding it, without any quality control. I call BS. Can you document that?

Links. Just put a link to the site. And I never said the bold, where did you see that? Quote me so I know what you're talking about.

What I'm saying is simply this. You can get a domain that was parked, put up content, make a site, get links in etc. And it should be indexed just fine, ranking is another story. Unless, it has some other issues, like being banned for something else.
Parking in and of itself is NOT a penalty - manual or algorithmic - and you do NOT normally need to file a recon to get a new site on it indexed. I've built sites on dozens of domains which were previously parked with no indexation issues. None.

Lots of dropped domains have problems from past usage. You know who buys more expiring domains than domainers? Spammers, to pump up a money site. And they are re dropped when they're no longer useful.

BTW, a reconsideration request only applies if you have a MANUAL penalty - if you verify your site in Google Search Console and don't get a manual penalty alert, you don't have a manual penalty. They are very tough on lifting certain types of penalties (especially "pure spam") others are pretty easy - last one I filed for a client was lifted in 3 weeks.

If you have an algorithmic penalty, you're SOL until the algo re-evaluates your site. Which can be a year for things like Penguin or Panda.

Google normally does not return parked pages in search results because they are not what people want to see. However if the domain is "healthy" it will return a result in a "site:" search, showing it is indexed although suppressed / deprecated for ordinary queries. I guess if the parking site generated spammy pages it might be treated differently, but just having an ad feed won't kill the domain.
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This bit here...
It doesn't matter if the domain was parked. Parking a domain doesn't kill the chance of it getting indexed in the future. Again, most domainers park their domain. If parking killed the chance of the site getting indexed, no endusers would be getting their site indexed and we know that's not the case. It's something else if it's an indexing problem.
...and this one...
The normal things people do with sites will. Put some content up, some links in etc. You don't need to do some reinclusion request. What you linked to only mentions parked domains once. They said don't submit parked domains or empty sites for reinclusion, obvious stuff. Not sure why somebody would do that with sites with basically nothing there.
...are sound advice. In my very humble opinion, that is; do your own research and dust off those critical thinkin' skillz.

via Google's Reconsideration Requests Help Page...

"What is a reconsideration request?
A reconsideration request is a request to have Google review your site after you fix problems identified in a manual action notification. To learn more about manual actions and reasons why your site might receive one, read our article on manual actions."

Reconsideration requests are only required IF there was a MANUAL penalty applied to your domain. Highly doubt Google's web spam team are spending their time cherry-picking some parked domains here and there to slap with a manual penalty.

Here's more of the same from this old discussion at (hoping it's a reputable enough third party)...

Via this discussion at StackExchange...
  1. Not permanently, no. Google apparently tries to detect parked domains and remove them from the index, which is a sensible enough policy. This process hit the news earlier this year when it accidentally produced a few false-positives.
  2. Basically, yes. Follow Google Guidelines, promote your site, and monitor in GWT.
  3. It certainly won't hurt.
I doubt a reconsideration request will be necessary. Sounds like it's just the fact that it's a parked domain. As soon as Googlebot sees an actual site, and assuming it's not breaking any guidelines, I'm sure it'll be indexed

SO, back to the's your solution...
  1. Add your site(s) in question to Google Search Console (formerly "Webmaster Tools")
  2. Verify the domains
  3. In the left navigation, click "Manual Actions" under the "Search Traffic" subheading for each domain in question (URL =
  4. If there is NO manual webspam action, you don't need to file a reconsideration request.
Final Edits: This tool seems legit...

And this might be useful: Matt Cutts Explains How To Avoid Buying A Domain That Has Been Penalized By Google (via SEJ)
nice bunch of information(good for novice like me)..but what about the domains which are newly registered( .xyz )extension,which does not have previous history of registartion??
I think there is no perfect tool to find out..
for example I checked out for banned check first it showed not banned after 2 more checks with the same domain it showed banned....
so u guys know any specific tool which shows 100% accurate result??
this is the most accurate domain faillisted checker:

It's still not 100% correct but it's way more accurate than any other tool out there
Reconsideration requests are only required IF there was a MANUAL penalty applied to your domain. Highly doubt Google's web spam team are spending their time cherry-picking some parked domains here and there to slap with a manual penalty.

You added the "only required IF" part.
Goog clearly states in the 1st paragraph on the 'manual actions' link in your post:

"While Google relies on algorithms to evaluate and constantly improve search quality, we're also willing to take manual action on sites that use spammy techniques, such as demoting them or even removing them from our search results altogether. The Manual Actions page lists these actions (and potentially others) and links to steps you can take to address the problem."

Google also clearly defines a "Parked Domain" as...
"A parked domain is a placeholder page for a domain that is not yet developed into a website. For example, a webmaster may put up an "Under construction" while the site itself is being built."

And goes on to state:
"If you have parked domains, activate the domains and fill them with useful content to make them eligible for being indexed and returned in search results."

Goog also states:
"However, some webmasters register domains and park them in order to monetize those pages. Typically this is done by filling the pages with ads in the hope of gaining pay-per-click (PPC) revenue. These parked pages don't provide value to searchers, so we don't typically return them in our search results. If your site has been removed from our search results, review our Webmaster Guidelines for more information. Once you've made your changes and are confident that your site no longer violates our guidelines, submit your site for reconsideration."


Truth is, Google is mostly secretive about the inner-workings of their SERP Algos, and ALL the 'Manual Action' triggers. So, as a rule, I advise clients who complain that their (formerly parked) site is not in search results to go through the Reconsideration process.

Equating, and applying, the parked 'placeholder' page standard to a parked PPC page is just wrong... as one is 'Under Construction' and the other is a built ecommerce spam-site -Domainers labeled "parked".

Bottom Line:
If your domain is not in the index submit your site for reconsideration. Its as simple as that.
Truth is, Google is mostly secretive about the inner-workings of their SERP Algos, and ALL the 'Manual Action' triggers.

Actually, they've gotten much more transparent about manual actions. The alert in Google search console tells you which kind of penalty you have and if applicable, whether it's full or partial. If the domain is verified, any manual actions will be reported there.

Bottom Line:
If your domain is not in the index submit your site for reconsideration. Its as simple as that.
However if you have no manual penalty, all you'll get is an auto reply that no penalty exists.

FWIW, I have domains which have been parked for years with ads, and have not been deindexed for it. They just don't rank.

Now we're talking about 2 different things. That tool gives you a preview of your Adsense ads. If nothing is displayed, the domain may be banned from Adsense. Its accurate as far as it can be. There can be other reasons ads won't show.

You can be indexed for search but banned from Adsense. Two different products, two different issues.
Now we're talking about 2 different things. That tool gives you a preview of your Adsense ads. If nothing is displayed, the domain may be banned from Adsense. Its accurate as far as it can be. There can be other reasons ads won't show.

You can be indexed for search but banned from Adsense. Two different products, two different issues.
ok..thanks, now I got two tools for two different purposes ..
thanks for valuable is helpful for domainers(novice) like me.
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