
Value of a 2 Letter .com

Spaceship Spaceship
I have a chance to buy a two letter .com and I would appreciate if anyone has a list of past sales so I can guide a price?

The name uses a vowel and then one of the following letters s,f,w,g,h
(can't disclose actualy name).

I therefore think that it's a great combo of letters and I want it!

I know the asking price but I'd like an idea of what people would pay (like immediately if they had the chance) for a name like this (eg, $50,000, $100,000 etc) What would be the minimum it's worth?

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He says he can buy it.

Look at sedo:

p8.com - 7000$

it contains a number so it worth less than pp.com would for example.
cjcjcj said:
I know the asking price but I'd like an idea of what people would pay (like immediately if they had the chance) for a name like this (eg, $50,000, $100,000 etc) What would be the minimum it's worth?


My "Guestimate" is about $20,000 for people to buy it immediateley (of course to sell immediately these people would more than likely be buyin to resell) -- Alot more for a good end buyer.

FT.net went for about $10,000 at snap recently with loads of people trying to get it.
30 gajibillion dollars! <evil grin>

Realistically... the range (using the possible combinations of the letters above) in my best estimate would be $50,000 to $1,250,000 . But of course, you know that go.com is not available and is.com , we.com, and other words are the ones pushing the 1.25 mil mark.

If you really have the opportunity to buy... (AKA: Be careful you aren't getting scammed).

These are some of the recent sales I could find in 2004/05 but I rekon these would of taken a while to sell - Not an immediate sale. Good Luck - hope you get it for a good price :)

Yo.com - $60,000
Eq.com - $100,000
Me.com - $460,000
Mr.com - $125,000
Lh.com - $27,000
Ow.com - $22,250
Gz.com - $16,000

Ad.net $24,990
Sy.net - $15,000

H3.com - $18,000
58.com - $26,000
74.com – sold for $17,500
38.com - $20,000
1p.com - $10,000
gazzip said:
My "Guestimate" is about $20,000 for people to buy it immediateley (of course to sell immediately these people would more than likely be buyin to resell) -- Alot more for a good end buyer.

FT.net went for about $10,000 at snap recently with loads of people trying to get it.

I'd pay $20,000 immediately for any two letter dotcom. If you can get it for less than this, buy it and flip it to me. :)

I would say anything below $40,000 is a steal!

Regarding the sale of FT.net: There was some strange things going on under the auction. If they had put it up for sale once again it would have landed at least $18,000. But that's a .net and FT is really premium letters.

My 2 cents..! =)
If as you say it has a vowel and one of those letters I would think there would be little change out of $50,000 plus if you are very lucky, there is a two letter double consonant for sale on another forum and the asking is $xxx,xxx.

Realistically, if you can get it for mid $xx,xxx or less it would be a steal JMO

Firstly, appart from brandable 2 letter dot coms, ie. ad, yo, hi etc will this domain hold its value? I know everone would love to have a 2 letter dot com for prestige in the domaining community if nothing else, but its a lot of cash to put down, I gather you haven't earned it domaining. You have to ask who your market is if you ever come to sell it? It's safer resale with a much larger market for a word. This is real cash your putting down and all the admiration in the world from domainers won't make up for that feeling when you need the cash and it just won't return your money.

If you do decide to buy though, $20k tops. It just may return your cash at a later time. :tu:
$20k in 2005 might turn into $2k in 2012 or $2,000k (2mil) depending on the course of events. I'd say for 20k, get it :)
Thanks for all your help so far. I think the seller will sell for $65k and this is very strong LL combination. Just trying to get the cash together now.

Anyone with a track record of making big purchases let me know and I could put you in touch (maybe for a small finders fee?!) if I can't press ahead with it.
$65k - Wow, that sounds like alot to pay to me if you are expecting to sell it immediately and make a good profit with it - JMO :)

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
well the minimum worth is $0 i suppose, or -$ if the domain comes with debt. but a ll.com for under 15k is a very nice buy, 15-45k still nice deal, better letters, 45k+ has meaning to you or well known meaning

yo.com 60k recently, and one went for 100k at at afternic eq.com i think.

Its hard to put a value on a ll.com with so little to compare to.
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TheLegendaryJP said:
65K, has it been for sale previously? If so and you are the first to offer this amount you may just be an end user...lol

That's what I was thinking that why I put "immediately" in bold !v :td:
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